Boom boom... In an instant, a column of energy aimed at the center of the island and landed.

At the same time, a tsunami carrying countless tornadoes swept the whole island.

Even if the island is huge,

The whole thing was hit directly.

Other attacks also fell on various parts of the island.

Endless crazy energy, like a prehistoric storm, swept everything.

Tearing countless fog, but also tearing the body of many pirates.

This is inevitable.

Under so much destructive energy.

The whole island was clear for a moment.

All the fog was torn apart in a flash.

This stunned the survivors of the island.

"You can see the way, run, retreat!" In a flash, countless pirates escaped from the island.

However, only the group of Pirates close to the sea took the lead to escape.

"How is that possible!"

The two five stars were shocked.

For hundreds of years, this has never happened.

This secret treasure is a high-tech product used in ancient countries. Even they can't disperse it by brute force.

No one has ever done it.

But this time it was an exception.

Because Rosen's concentration is so powerful!

Even if the last four emperors were attacked like this.

It's going to fly ash in a second.

Full firepower, unlimited ancient weapons, such as Hades, Rosen, dragon, two four emperors, and many generals.

This set of joint bombardment is the strongest in history.

"Quick, you and I will go to ensure the safety of the two secret treasures. We can't let all the fog dissipate!" Long Mou says hastily.

"I understand."

The two five old stars abandoned all the enemies in an instant and swept towards the two known fixed places.

But on the way.

They saw it, and the fog began to gather around again.

The two of them were relieved that they had not been affected.

Seeing this scene, the pirates who have not yet escaped from doranchini Island begin to despair again.

Many of them have lost a lot.

If you are trapped here again, you don't have to think about it. Next, it must be them who will die.

Looking at the fog rising slowly and connecting with the sky, many pirates could not help roaring in despair: "no!"

But right now, the red hair Pirate Group!

"Beckman, do you see that?"

"I see it!"

"Jesus!! Shoot Beckman worked as a lookout for jezebub and gave him the address.

They're a long way from that thing.


A bullet wrapped in domineering, burst out of the chamber, special burst bullet!

As the fog grew thicker, a streamer passed through.

It landed in a machine placed in a tree hole.

Right in the middle.

With a bang, the whole machine was smashed by this gun.

Then, the whole fog, which had just risen, slowly fell down again.

"Damn, damn red hair Pirate Group!" A five-year-old star came and saw the red hair Pirate Group nearby.

Without even thinking about it, they immediately guessed the reason.

"Harvest as soon as possible, kill as many as you can, and then go after the sand crocodile right away!"

"I understand!"

The five old stars of the world government began to have a head-on conflict with the pirates.

Countless pirates also suffered heavy losses because of the strange fog just now, and they are full of hatred for the world government.

But suddenly there was news.

Klocdal is on his way to the former lourderu with a permanent pointer!

All of a sudden, everyone can't sit!

The Revenge of the world government can be avenged at any time, but there is only one chance to go to lourderu.

No one wants to miss it.

As a result, countless pirates fled the island of doranchini at the fastest speed, all of them ran to Rosen and others to chase them.

Without the obstruction of fog, these strong people want to reach the coast, soon.

"Hateful, I don't know if the collected information is enough for the needs of adults, if not enough..." long Mou suddenly shivered, but he didn't dare to think about it.

"Five old stars, old bastards, don't try to escape!" But there's someone who's not interested in the big secret, and that's Barrett.

He continues to attack the five old stars!

This makes the five old stars very angry.

They also intend to harvest a little more, and then keep up with the army and continue to chase the sand crocodiles.

But I didn't expect Barrett to step in.

He insisted on stopping them.

"Since you want to die, go to die!"

The two five stars are furious and can't help it any more. They plan to kill Barrett directly!

"Hurry up, hurry up! You bastards

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Never mind what's going on on the island, keep up with kroddar's boat! Come on, come on

"Follow up, follow up, send air force, intercept, attack, hold them down! Must not let them leave our vision, this is our only chance to get the big secret! At all costs! At all costs


All the boats are crazy.

Everyone is preparing to set sail, and even at all costs to intercept Rosen's ship.

Because the news that the permanent pointer is still in Rosen's hands is not known who has spread it out again, so it's crazy all of a sudden!

In fact, there's no need to pass. Judging from the fact that Rosen didn't continue to attack Blackbeard at that time, they have roughly guessed it!

On the sea, there are a lot of ships chasing out.

Looking down from high altitude, the whole sea area is full of ships!

Some of the smart pirates didn't take part in the battle for doranchini.

Because they know that no matter who gets the permanent pointer, they will go to reverse the boundary.

So they're waiting on Langston island.

When such news came out, countless pirate ships set sail.

At the same time, in the air, people are advancing at a high speed with the help of various capabilities and scientific products.

Trying to chase from the air and intercept the Pluto.

But most people are often killed by thunder!

However, there are also some strong people in the air to resist, or avoid the lightning.

Indeed, it has brought him a lot of obstacles, such as Rosen.

At the moment, at least thousands, or even thousands, of ships are following Rosen, hoping to grab the permanent pointer.

Great momentum!

scramble for!

Never stop!

Rosen looked at the super fleet behind him and gave a cold smile!

I'm kidding. Even if someone intercepts from the air, what about jamming?

Don't they have air power?

Dragon, enilu, these two nature departments, any one is the air overlord!

The pirate king's throne will be theirs.

"Don't let up, everyone, to prevent the strong from rushing to our ship in one go!" Rosen's voice just dropped.

Sure enough, there was a strong man who didn't know how to survive. Relying on his strength, he escaped heavy lightning and finally came to the Hades.

But as soon as he stood firm, he was torn to pieces by the attack of Rosen and others.