"Is this the reversal of boundaries?" Rosen can't help exclaiming as he looks at the glittering sea area in front of him.

It's not far from Langston Island, but Rosen hasn't been there before.

And this place, even in the Shenluo sea area, can be regarded as a wonderful flower.

There is no concept of time and space, everything is in disorder, let alone the climate.

From the outside, this sea area is colorful.

The sky, the clouds, the sea, the space... Are all entangled with various bright colors.

There is a strange beauty.

But it was only when Rosen's ships entered the sea that they deeply felt the charm of the sea.

As soon as they enter the sea, they do not advance along the vast sea.

But there is a very wide rainbow, appeared on the sea, it is the same as the actual water flow.

When the ship gets on the rainbow, it follows the permanent pointer in the direction.

It looks beautiful.

But Rosen was suddenly cold.

Because he saw that this area was full of crisscross rainbow currents.

This means that if you travel to different rainbow currents and then arrive at the intersection at the same time, won't you... Collide?!

Pengpeng! As soon as the idea started, Rosen heard a violent collision of ships behind him.

In a flash, a dozen pirate ships collided, set off a raging fire and sank into the sea.

"What an idiot! Control the speed, no one can be fast in this sea area! never mind! Avoid collisions A captain who has entered the reversed boundary said coldly.

"Got it!"

The loss of experience and inexperience is clear at a glance.

The ships attached to Rosen's side, when they were ready to flee, let them abandon them and boarded the Pluto, because their speed could not keep up with that of the Pluto.

Anyway, Pluto is big enough, with hundreds and thousands of people, no problem at all.

Pengpeng! And rainbow currents are not absolutely safe.

Whenever the rainbow current descends steeply and approaches the sea surface, a huge sea king emerges from the sea surface, which is extremely aggressive and madly attacks the ships passing through the rainbow current.

Rosen and others have high strength, and they are alert. In addition to the real crisis, white star will also come forward to deal with these sea king types, but there is no need.

If they can't even break through, I'm afraid no pirate group in the world can break through.

Rosen and others rely on the Pluto, riding the wind and waves, watching the pirates chasing behind the constant loss.

"We're floating in the air!" But Rosen and others are not happy for long, along a rainbow current at high speed.

In front of the rainbow current suddenly appeared fault, Pluto whew, directly rushed out.

This height, Rosen estimated, with the material of Pluto, fall down, will not suffer any damage, this impact force, is nothing!

However, after they were thrown out by the steep rainbow current, they didn't fall and just stopped in mid air.

"There's no gravity here! Bonis, get a spare boat Rosen said immediately.

"I understand!"

Soon Bonis came with a big boat.

Rosen picked it up with both hands and threw it with great force. With the help of super inertia, he directly threw the boat out for a long distance, and then the hull fell on the sea with a crash.

"Cut the fruit with your speed!"

Whoosh, whoosh! Bonis poked out a few lines of magma fire, but the magma was soon extinguished.

And the wire quickly wound around the sinking ship that had been smashed out of the gravity free zone.

As the ship sank, it drove the floating Pluto.

There's no gravity, which means Pluto can be easily pulled.

So relying on the sinking ship, it quickly pulled the Pluto out of the gravity free field!

"Mad, why didn't I think of this way before? Come on, turn on the tail flame flamethrower, and we'll cross the gravity free zone, too!" The captain of a pirate was stunned by the operation of Rosen and others.

I didn't expect there would be such a convenient way.

But it's also very difficult for them to do so. First of all, they have to prepare one more ship, which is more lethal for the Pirate Group with only one ship.

Secondly, we should have enough strength to throw the whole pirate ship out of the gravity free area, otherwise we can't do it at all.


The underworld is in the water. Keep going.

And the captains behind them also show their own skills.

If they are in the gravity area and don't leave as soon as possible, the people who rush into this area behind them may crash their ships.

Of course, some have not passed through this sea area.

But from the side of the sea across, but also very not calm, there are too many sea king class on the sea.

With a little carelessness, it was torn to pieces.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that maybe the sand crocodile will arrive at lourderu this time!" Raleigh smiles and grabs a boat from a pirate group. It's following.

"Vice captain, it's not necessary. No matter which way we start, we all need to go through the sky falls. We just need to wait for them there first!" Jabba said with a smile.

"It depends on whether you are fast enough. The ancient weapon of Hades is very strong!" Raleigh replied.

"Try it."


"Follow them!" A lot of pirates are also very smart.

I have been following the subordinates of this group of former pirate king for a long time, and I get important information all of a sudden.

They're going to follow Jabba.

"Damn, damn, the pirate king is mine!" Blackbeard was scarred and followed.

Five stars and Barrett didn't come in time.

However, not necessarily in time, fast, will be able to harvest.

"Chase Cried Big John crazily.

"We're going to keep up. We've got to get a lot of strength, and then we'll take out Blackbeard!" Ace said in a cold voice.

"Understand!" Marco arranged it in an instant.

"Whoa... Ace, wait for me." Happy straw hat group Luffy, they are also behind ace

"Captain, is it really good that we are so slow?" Lachrough looked at his red hair and said helplessly.

"Don't worry!" Red hair unscrewed the lid of the wine pot and began to drink.


Whether the forces of each side are advancing at the same speed or not.

However, most of them are still pursuing crazily at all costs.

Because they still know the road ahead, but the direction they go to behind them.

They may not be able to keep up, once lost, it is really lost.

"How did the boat begin to sink again?"

To a piece of iron blue sea area, the underworld was suddenly unable to open, and there was an invisible gravity below to attract the metal made underworld.

"There should be a magnet mountain or something! Let's work together. I'll take the tsunami first. Dragon, you can control the direction of the ship with the strong wind ability... "

"No problem!"