Every red shadow changes all kinds of abilities.

Then the metal carp randomly swallowed a red shadow, and then the stomach bulged a small circle.

Then, from the lower part of the carp, a devil's fruit was ejected.

It was this scene that shocked everyone. Although it was metal at that time, it still had some hot eyes

The devil's fruit flies up into the sky and falls into the shadow, and then the expressions of Rosen and others change from weird, laughter to shock!

In the sky, the shadow of the red earth continent crisscross the whole world emerges.

When these demonic fruits touch these shadows, they fall into them as if they were swallowed.

Then Rosen and others saw that in the sea area under the red earth continent, a demon fruit fell down, and then it was taken to somewhere by the current.

"It's the power of space, isn't it?" Everyone was surprised.

Even if it's space capability, it's amazing!

"It could be the shadow space! The whole red earth continent, when there is a shadow at sunrise, may be able to reach the red earth continent from above! " Robin has another guess.

"It's a miracle!" The red earth continent of the whole world can be seen from here, and things can be ejected in the past.

I just don't know. Can people do it?

But even if people can't, it's a great device!

Arrive all over the red earth continent in a flash! Does that mean it's possible to be around the world?

"Everyone, don't move anything. Go down and have a look." Rosen and others have seen this place.

I dare not act rashly even if I don't understand.

And the bottom is hollowed out.

It looks like a manoeuvrable altar, and also has a stone wall.

It must record the truth of the world.

Rosen and others went down the mountain and soon entered the mountain.

After an inspection, it was determined that there was no danger.

He walked towards the stone wall first.

It starts with Robin.

"These inscriptions are still very new. They should be only a few decades old." Robin said to himself.

"Is it really Roger's supplementary information... But he said here, it's better not to let too many people know, even the closest people, will bring danger to them, Captain, I..." Robin just started, and said Roger's advice.

Hearing this, Rosen frowned and understood why some people knew something about lourderu and some didn't.

For example, Raleigh may know a little bit more, while sikal, Jabba and others may not.

"No, let's not talk about it. Wait for everyone!"

"Captain?" Robin didn't understand.

Roger has warned that the less people know, the better. Why should the captain do the opposite?

"In fact, I guess that since secrets are very important, we should witness together. A few people will have a sense of fear, but if all people, then I believe it will only make us more united!"

Roger's situation is different from Rosen's.

They are alone, and Rosen is in the league.

They worry that if they know too much and reveal it, the world government will find that they have interpreted history, which will bring disaster and destruction.

But if they don't know many people and can keep them secret, the world government, whether you really don't know it or you don't know it, just don't pass it on.

The world government can turn a blind eye.

"Let's see if there's anything around."

There are a lot of complicated instruments here, which we don't understand very well. We still have to wait for enilu and others.

"Captain, there's something here!" Bonis walked to the back of the mountain, looked at a deep pit about 100 meters in diameter, and spoke out.

"It's a treasure of gold. It's just a common thing." For Rosen and others, he has dozens of kingdoms.

If you really like money, it's no problem to collect any real gold mountain.

"These are gold and antiques from a long time. I don't know how many of them are." Robin took a look and commented.

It's not worth mentioning to them.

But for many pirates, it's a dream asset.

Bonis becomes elemental. Go deep under the golden pit and see how many there are.

Even if it's only ten meters deep, it's a huge fortune.

In particular, there are many thousands of years old antiques in it.

But Bonis didn't come up a minute after he went down.

That's a bit of a surprise.

Is it deep down there?

Five minutes passed.

Everyone has an incredible face.

"Captain, it's at least ten kilometers deep. It's all treasure!" Bonis didn't come back until six minutes later.

"So much?" This wealth is exaggerated!

I'm afraid I didn't put most of the world's treasures in this vertical sky pit.

"These models are very similar to our Hades and heavenly kings!" Said Hathaway, looking at a model on a cupboard in a liquid container.

They are four Hades and two heavenly kings!

"It's strange, if it's a model, why do you want to use these liquids to soak them separately?" Hathaway can't understand!

Rosen hears the words and appears near Hathaway in a flash.

"Since this is the production base of demon fruit ability, do you think they will lack fruit ability?" Rosen's words brightened everyone's eyes.

Demon fruit has many abilities. It can become bigger and smaller.

"Boss, do you mean that these models may actually be true?! It's just stored up by the demonic fruit power Robin guessed.

"Just try." With a utensil in his hand, Rosen went to an open space outside.

Since it's sealed inside, breaking the sealed lid may be the way to crack its ability.

Rosen flung the utensil into the air.

Then he smashed the glassware with a fierce bullet.

Let's hear it! The Pluto, instantly expanded and enlarged, appeared in front of everyone!

"It's really Pluto!"

Although Rosen, they've built two.

But each one costs a lot, and the materials behind it are scarce. Since there are four ready-made ones here.

And it's probably the original model. There may be some differences.

And two heavenly kings. This treasure is not too big.

"Lourderu, it's really lourderu. We've arrived!"

All of a sudden, the shore came full of crazy cheers, they finally arrived at this legendary island.

Everyone was released.

Because here, even if they really pass the examination!

Dragon and others are also here!

Everyone was excited.

Look around. Is this lourderu?

"Treasure, treasure, is there a treasure?" Some of the pirates can't wait to ask.

Although they all know that this is the dawn alliance, the pirate king has nothing to do with them.

But they just want to see what Roger put here!

There are even some things that the crew don't know.

"It looks like nothing special."

"No, look at the top of the mountain. It seems that something has been sprayed into the sky. I'll wipe it! It's the devil's fruit. This is the birthplace of the devil's fruit. I saw several of them just now! " A marine thief with good eyesight immediately called.

But they want to do something, but they are watched by the dawn alliance.

"All right, everybody control your mood!" Rosen said.