Everyone was quiet at Rosen's words.

Because what Rosen said represents absolute authority at the moment.

However, many people's eyes are still looking around, especially when they see that there is such a brand-new Pluto, everyone looks puzzled.

Why is there a Pluto here?!

Do ancient weapons have anything to do with lourderu?

Everyone didn't understand, but they didn't have a chance to ask at the moment, because from Rosen's expression.

He obviously has something important to announce and everyone is waiting.

"We came to lourderu, but according to the message and warning from Roger the pirate king, he advised us not to tell you the secret hidden here!" Rosen said.

"What If you don't tell them, what are they here for? Maybe the wealth here is enough for them to spend ten lives!

But some people's pursuit is not these, they just want to know, everything in the world.

Why does Roger say that coming here means having everything in the world.

"Be quiet." Rosen said faintly.

Smart people are not in a hurry to speak, because they can see that there will be a follow-up, otherwise the sand crocodile really hidden, there is no need to tell them this.

Sure enough, soon Rosen said: "however, since we all come here together, even if we die, we should let everyone understand. But you also need to know that if you choose to know this secret with us, I can tell you responsibly that there is a great probability that you will die! If you don't want to hear it, you can go to the coast and wait first! "

As soon as Rosen spoke, the scene was completely quiet to the extreme, because even Rosen attached so much importance to the so-called truth and secret.

No one dares to take it lightly, and no one dares to ignore the weight of Rosen's words.

And the reason that Rosen will tell them this is because these people are good.

After all, they are all the pirate groups that have been active in Shenluo waters for a long time, and they are also the forces needed to fight back against the world government.

Rosen's voice fell, and no one flinched.

"The big deal is death, Captain, you say it."

"Yes, we are all here. Even if we really want to die, we want to die clearly."

"That's it

"We are pirates!"


"Robin, translate it for you." Rosen said to Robin.

So Robin began to translate the history on the wall to everyone.

The first paragraph is about how Roger connected the historical text together.

Here, there was a complete historical text, but it was attacked a long time ago.

All life was swallowed up. At that time, the stone used to record history was not the kind that could not be destroyed, but became indestructible after processing.

After this battle, the ancient sages felt that history should not be forgotten, otherwise human beings would never be free again.

So the ancient people of this site concentrated their last strength to record history and assign it to various important kingdoms.

Let the appearance of surrender at that time, in fact, in order to continue to protect the history of this country to continue to survive.

Even if it's true surrender, it doesn't matter, but we must protect the historical text.

At the same time, people spread the news that there is a great treasure in lourderu, which attracts people who may become saviors in the future.

Roger was the first one to come. He collected all the historical articles and left a clue for later generations.

When Roger came to the island, people had to make up the incomplete history.

Because it's so well hidden here that it's not easy to find it.

But Roger also admitted that they were not right when they came, because Roger had no ability and no time to take Roger's Pirate Group further.

He was terminally ill, but, for hundreds of years, he was the first to illuminate the site.

In the future, we need someone who can really lead us, so he intends to lead the whole world.

Rosen predicted that this should be the era of the big pirates.

This part of the preface is a supplement to Roger's inscription to complete the historical text.

But it left a lot of doubts, and the following is related to the real content of the historical article.

Everyone can't help feeling a little excited when they hear Roger's love affair with this historical article.

But the following content, but let them a heart as heavy as a mountain.

A hundred years of blank history.

During this period, there was an ancient D nationality country, which was prosperous. At that time, there was no great air route and the four seas were interlinked.

There are few pirates, and the governance of each country has even reached the height that a civilization can reach.

They use the technology of artificial devil fruit to conquer the sea, so that human beings can survive in the dangerous sea.

Later, in order to strengthen the connection and construction between the islands of various countries, they used some means of communication.

Some kind of cooperation agreement was reached with the sea king class, and the sea king class and human beings formed an alliance.

The wise men in the sea king class launched the sea king class army to explore new viable islands for mankind and assist the construction of large fortifications

The promoter at that time was the princess of Fishman island.

Everything is thriving.

This kind of life in the blank history, at least occupies nearly 50 years of history.

At that time, the prosperous ancient D nation was not only powerful in blood, but also powerful in strength.

At that time, with the help of science and technology, it can be said that every ancient Chinese had a dominant attitude.

The royal family, in particular, is called God by the world.

It will be 50 years later that changes will take place.

At that time, the ancient D nation accepted human beings from the moon. They had stronger technology, but they didn't hold the attitude of invasion.

But with the idea of seeking common survival.

At first, the lunar people also worried that the contact with Qinghai people would not be smooth.

So they just built the heavenly palace in the sky, using cloud technology.

The two sides finally found a breakthrough.

The prince of the ancient country and the princess of the heavenly palace are happily married, and they see everything is developing for the better.

The accident happened.

Earlier, when the lunar man first arrived, there was actually another faction in ancient China.

They advocated the theory of danger and wanted to eliminate the lunar man.

Because after the arrival on the moon, some monsters with human flesh and devil fruit as food suddenly appeared on the sea.

There are not many of them, but they are destroyed everywhere they go.

The militant faction naturally suspected the lunar man, and even blamed the leaders of the ancient countries at that time for not seeing the facts clearly because of the marriage relationship.

There have been many conflicts during this period.

But it started as a skirmish.

Later, there was a big conflict. The moon man's palace was captured by the martial arts school, causing countless casualties.

At that time, the prince, who had become the head of the ancient country, launched a war against the martial arts school.

By this time, however, only people in the ancient countries knew that the fighting faction, which they thought was loyal to, had already been rebellious.

It's not about the lunar man at all. It's about destroying the ancient country and becoming a new master.

Power makes them lose their sense. They want to be the masters of their own country. The so-called disaster is just a brand-new demon fruit experiment that they have developed to control all the abilities of the ancient country's demon fruit, blood and so on.