The arrival of the lunar man is just an excuse.

But when people from ancient countries react.

The blue shadow army, the experimental product of the martial arts school, has become unstoppable.

Both the heavenly palace and the ancient country began to go into exile to avoid the attack.

The change of power naturally meant that countless aristocrats of the previous dynasty would be persecuted.

At this time, in order to survive, the ancient country separated some of the followers from some of their lineage and asked them to set up a new organization.

But in order to avoid being suspected by the fighters and to survive the fire, they asked the organization to rule the leaders of other countries.

Attack and kill them in the name of fighting against tyrants.

In order to eliminate the doubts of the martial arts school.

But only after a few attacks.

The organization has almost stopped.

The fighters thought the world was in their hands.

But it didn't last long. They soon found that at the beginning of the experiment, the self-consciousness was born.

Powerful force, completely out of the control of the martial arts.

Moreover, the generals of their martial arts faction found that their leaders had been manipulated by experimental objects from a very early time.

That's not their real leader.

In other words, the rebellion they launched at the beginning was not the will of the leader, they were used by the test object.

When the war broke out, in the face of the army of evil disaster experiment, the fighting faction soon died.

As a last resort, the martial arts school joined hands with the ancient countries again.

And in the thirty years of World War, the ancient D nation and the remaining lunar man have played a super talent of wisdom.

Two kinds of powerful weapons, Hades and kings, which can be produced on a large scale, were made respectively!

It also concentrated the fighting power of various ethnic groups, including the mermaid princess, later known as the sea king.

Relying on large-scale killing weapons, their battle with the evil disaster body became more and more fierce, with casualties for each other.

At this time, the independent organizations had concentrated the power of many kingdoms, including many kings and other human forces.

In a world war that is expected to really decide the outcome.

The leaders of the ancient country sent people to this organization to learn about the situation, and hoped that these separated D clans could work together.

They agreed.

It was a good fight in the early days of the war, but in the most crucial World War I, the organization defected.

This time, it was a real mutiny.

Five slaves had already killed all the clans of the D clan, and they were in charge of their own affairs.

And these five people, who had met with the evil body, were willing to surrender in exchange for immortality and the chance to reign in the world.

The pattern of the whole world has changed.

Both the martial arts school and the ancient D country have fallen.

In order to atone for their sins, the militant faction took the initiative to stay behind the ancient country in a war doomed to extinction.

After this war, all kinds of other ethnic groups, including the ancient kings, understood it.

it is all up with.

The evil body devoured nearly ninety-nine percent of the world's population, many of them in the kingdom of the five slave organization.

On the human side, the coalition has been weakened to the extreme.

To avoid total extinction.

Locke D. Joey Boye, then the leader and chief scientist of the coalition forces, saw through the plan of the evil body.

They won't really wipe out human beings, because human beings are an important source of nutrients for them, and they will keep the world in captivity.

Until every time the population is almost the same as the strong, they will secretly try to create a chaotic era and cover up their harvest.

So Joey Boyle made a lot of arrangements.

He let the lunar man hide in the sky, and used technology to sink the fishman Island, which used to live on the sea, into the bottom of the sea for 10000 meters.

And he promised that when he studied the weakness of the evil body, he would make the whole Fishman Island see the light again.

Later, more than a decade later, Joey Boye developed a weapon to try to completely eliminate the evil body, but failed.

But it also completely scared the evil body.

Leading to the beginning of a new round of cleansing, Joey Boyle, at the end of his life, was unable to fight. With the promise that he could not fulfill on the fishman island and the guilt of the people on the moon, he engraved the truth of history and ordered people to put it away. Before he died, he predicted through extreme seeing and hearing

"In the future, there will be people who will inherit his will and break the fate of human being in captivity."

His will, also known as D, represents the last leader and king of the D tribe.

And the ark, which was once the ship that Joey Boye pulled down the fishman Island, was also an opportunity to pull it up.

It's just that he'll never be able to

After putting the historical text in place, Joey Boye stored the Pluto, the king of heaven, the devil, the fruit of man-made technology, and many other things here.

This is the last treasure he left to mankind and the real treasure of the world - "Hope"

At the same time, the "God tower" that he once caused fear to the evil body was also sealed in the underground! But only with enough strength can we control it.

At the same time, it needs the D blood of three different families to activate and open the door.

And at the end of the pagoda, Joey Boyle improved it, but he died in the place where he was hiding - lourderu.

I didn't try again to see the effect.

After his improvement, the tone relaxed, and his life came to an end.

So far, the above is a hundred years of history, from prosperity to infighting, then to strong enemies, betrayal, to the change of ownership in the world, and finally to survival and waiting for the opportunity

And then there's Roger's conjecture.

In other words, it is obvious.

That organization is now the world government.

The so-called Tianlong people, in fact, just to cover up their true identity.

Not all of them are the descendants of the real king. Some of them are the descendants of the king who was killed together. Of course, some of the descendants of the king who rebelled with five slaves survived.

However, it is mainly used to cover up the existence of IM.

Let the whole world follow their breeding path, not the birth of resistance.

The evil body, born from the demon fruit experiment, became the leader. In Roger's conjecture, it was im.

The five slaves who betrayed the ancient country were five old stars.

The whole world lives in the captivity of the world government.

Waiting to fatten up and be sent to im's table.

Everyone thinks that the ruler of the world is human.

But it's not.

They are no different from cattle and sheep. They are just food raised in captivity.


After listening to Robin's translation.

Everyone fell into silence, because in addition to the text, there are very old illustrations around.

They linked it to the pattern according to Robin's description and found that it was consistent.

"No, no, it can't be true!" A pirate suddenly exclaimed.

Even if they think about many things, they never think that the future they have to face is likely to be so desperate.

The world government, Im, the five old stars, they are no longer human and have lived for hundreds of years.

Every era is controlled by them. We can imagine that their means are beyond their reach!

And know the secrets.

A little leak, all of them, will die!

They have no way back!