(Under Z-City, unknown location)

There were many things under Z-City. The Ghost Town had become home to hundreds of monsters that lived under the actual city, hiding from Heroes. But there was also laboratories, dozens of them. Not a single monster ever entered those laboratories, yet all the monsters of the area of their existences. Every once in a while a strong monster would try to attack them, but sadly (or not) none of the monsters who had tried, ever returned.

In one of those laboratories, a figure was sitting on a chair, looking at a computer that displayed data, while a corpse was laid on a table. It look Human but had purple skin and two antenna on it's forehead. It also had a massive hole where it's heart should be, and multiples scars across his body.

"Hmmm....Look like i won't be able to use all of his abilities. I should probably wait until i can fix his entire body. It should take....Hmmm.....Two or three months." Said the figure, who was obviously a man due to his voice. He grabbed a recorder and pressed a buŧŧon.

"Entry number 130: After the fight with the three Dragon Threat monsters, a quarter of the "Army" was lost. It should take a year to go back to the previous number of "Soldiers" but i will be able to do it. I still don't know why i'am even creating an army, but it's quite funny now that i'am really in it. I got a new corpse, a good specimen but it will take time to fully fix him and then use my powers on him.............Uhhhh.......I should probably go to a supermarket and buy some supplies.....Yup, sounds like a good idea. Plus some sunlight would do me a lot of good......I look like a damn vampire with that pale skin of mine...... Embrio, end of the recording."Said the man now identified as Embrio. A few minutes later, he was already at the surface, walking along the street. He was dressed quite weirdly which is why he stood out from the crowd. He was wearing a black robe with golden lines that formed a rose on his back and a skull on his ċhėst, he also had multiple rings on his fingers and had a black facemask that hid his mouth and nose. He arrived at the market district and heard something that surprised him.

"Hey, did you hear ? Some people says that the Dragon Threat Mysterious being that beat Lightning Max and Stinger is coming to Z-City." Said a passerby to his friend.

"Nah, can't be. I don't see why a monster would come here." Responded the friend.

".........Oh i do see why a monster would come here." Said Embrio darkly. He quickly made his way to a dimly lit alley, and in a show of incredible physical abilities jumped in the air so high he landed directly on the roof of the building to his left.

"Well i do hope it's gonna be a good corpse."


(A few minutes later)

Embrio had pierced Black Goat's throat with a hidden sleeve blade. He was holding Black Goat's by the neck, looking at Saitama who didn't know how to react, but finally did react when he heard Black Goat's gurgling noises.

"H-Hey! Dude ya can't stab people like that! Plus i was going to fight him! And who are you anyway?!" Asked Saitama, sounding both excited and worried. He was getting quite a bad vibe from Embrio who was dressed like some religious fanatical.

"Saitama....Is it ? The man who plays hero for fun and saved a certain kid with a weird chin years ago ?" Asked Embrio, shocking Saitama.

"H-How do you know ?!"

"Well you might not know, but many people are aware of your actions. Some like the Hero Association's staff members don't do anything because they simply don't know how to approach you, since you live in the same city as me and as such might be friend with me. Others like powerful monsters just don't act because they think you are beneath them. By the way, i watched you for quite some time, impressive abilities you have that's sure." Said Embrio smirking behind his facemask.

"Huh....Okaaaaay........I mean i don't really care, but what am i supposed to do know ? I mean since you kinda killed him....Well......" Said Saitama, not knowing whether to look at Black Goat or Embrio.......Both looked quite creepy, even though it wasn't Black Goat fault since he kinda was dying.

"You talked about some Hero ȧssociation...What's that ?"

".......I wonder if you do actually have internet and television, but well. It's an organization that recruit Heroes, "train" them or atleast them become better, and pay them to save people and beat monsters. Actually they usually pay more for killing monsters than saving people, and most "Heroes" are heroes just because they want the glory or the money, which isn't a really bad motivation. You should join. They will certainly take you for a weakling or a dumbass and give you a crappy rank, but atleast you'll be official and get some money." Said Embrio, before disappearing in a cloud of black miasma.

Saitama didn't move for a few seconds before his eyes widened and he brought his hands to his cheeks, making a shocked expression.

"...........He never told me anything about rankings!!!!!"