Chapter 3

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong suddenly opened her eyes. The picture in front of her surprised her.

Bo Jingxuan lying on the bed, Li Xiaoxiao Fu on him, pushing him hard. However, he seemed to be dead, motionless, "ah!! Jingxuan, what's the matter with you? Wake up, wake up... "

"What's your name? He just fainted. He can't die! " A cold man's voice came from the top of his head.

"Ah!" Li Xiaoxiao screamed again, "who are you? Why do you hit anyone? "

Li Xintong saw a strange man standing by the bed with a baseball bat in his hand. It was obvious that he knocked out Bo Jingxuan.

The man quickly pulled the quilt on the bed and wrapped Li Xintong's body. The next second, he picked her up and walked out.

Just escaped from the devil's hands, and immediately fell into the hands of another strange man. Although this is her life-saving benefactor, she is a woman. How can she be carried away by a strange man?

Li Xintong, who was still in shock, tried her best to pedal her two little white legs. "Mr. Wang, please put me down. I can walk by myself."

The man turned a deaf ear and carried her all the way down the elevator and out of the unit door, where a black Rolls Royce was parked with the rear door open.

Li Xintong was pushed into the car with a quilt, and the door slammed behind her. She immediately reached for the door, only to find it locked.

Li Xintong panicked, slapped the window hard and yelled at the man who ran back to the unit door: "Hello! Where are you going? Let me out of here

"Be quiet!" Suddenly a cold voice came from behind.

Li Xintong suddenly turned around and found a man sitting in the car. She was so scared that she stepped back with a thump. The back of her head hit the window directly and showed her teeth in pain.

The man holds the chest in both hands, so as to look at her embarrassed appearance with the whole flaw, and the corner of his mouth is hooked with a curve that seems to have nothing.

He's about 30 years old. He's wearing an expensive hand-made suit. It's elegant. Deep three-dimensional features, a pair of dark brown glazed eyes, for his cold appearance added a bit of gentle Qingrun.

This is a completely strange face, but I feel inexplicably familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it.

He was born with a sense of dignity, and his eyes were secretive, as if he would drown at a glance. Li Xintong was made uncomfortable by such eyes, subconsciously tensed the quilt on her body and looked at each other alertly, "who are you? What do you want? "

The man frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with her questioning tone and defensive attitude: "is this your attitude towards the life-saving benefactor?"

After hearing the four words "help the benefactor", Li Xintong reacts later. The man who saved her just now should be under this man.

So, in fact, the man who really saved her was the man in front of her.

I don't know if it's because men's aura is too strong, or if they have been in prison for a long time and are afraid of strangers.

Although the other party saved her, she still felt the dangerous smell from him.

The space in the car was very spacious, but she felt extremely depressed.

After trying to calm down her nervous mood, she sincerely said: "Sir, thank you for saving me. What's your name?"

The man's frown slowly stretched out, and his slender fingers took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Bo Yanchen, chairman of red group", is prominently printed on the well-made business card.

Red group is a large listed company in foreign countries. It has only started to expand its business in China in the past six months. Therefore, Li Xintong does not know much about this company. But she seems to have heard the name Bo Yanchen somewhere.

Bo is a small surname. Bo Jingxuan's surname is Bo. Why is he also Bo?

Li Xintong naturally linked them together. Take a closer look, Bo Yanchen's eyebrows and eyes are similar to Bo Jingxuan's, but Bo Yanchen looks more valuable, more mature and more noble.

"Do you know Bo Jingxuan?" Li Xintong turned the corner and asked.

Bo Yanchen nodded, light mouth: "well, I am his uncle."

"Uncle?" Li Xintong's eyes widened.

Bo Jingxuan once told her that he had an uncle of the same age.

That's a ridiculous thing Mr. Bo did 30 years ago.

This uncle, who has never met before, is only a few years older than Bo Jingxuan. He has been raised abroad by Bo Jingxuan.

It is said that my uncle has been very smart and capable since he was a child. At the age of 16, he no longer needs family support. Later, he also set up his own company, which made the company prosperous. But also very rebellious, always abroad, refused to return to Bo's family.

For the sake of my uncle's business, the old man got angry. Uncle is the taboo of the Bo family. No one dares to mention it except the old man.

Is this man the mysterious uncle of Bo Jingxuan? No wonder they look a little alike. But didn't he refuse to come back in a foreign country? How did you suddenly show up here? Isn't he Bo Jingxuan's uncle? How could he have stunned his nephew in order to save her?A series of questions lingered in Li Xintong's mind, but she didn't know where to start.

Knock knock knock, the door was slightly buttoned a few times, the window slowly down.

"Bo Shao, I've got it." A red cell phone came through the window.

"It's not..." Li Xintong recognized that it was Li Xiaoxiao's mobile phone.

Bo Yanchen opens his mobile phone and finds a video to watch.

"Ah! Don't Help The call for help came from the mobile phone.

Li Xintong just feel the whole body of anger began to boil again, reaching out instinctively to grab the man's mobile phone, "don't look! Delete it quickly

Bo Yanchen easily avoided her and sneered: "Oh! It's wonderful! How did you like such a scum man at the beginning? "

Li Xintong's expression froze, "Mr. Bo, it seems that it doesn't matter to you. Delete the video quickly

She doesn't know what Bo Yanchen wants to do with this video, but one thing she knows is that such a video must be a hidden danger and must be destroyed immediately!

What's more, let a strange man see her humiliated appearance, it's another blasphemy to her!

"Please! Give me your cell phone, will you? Don't look at it again Li Xintong's voice was filled with tears.

Bo Yanchen took a deep look at the woman who was about to collapse. He deleted the video without thinking about it. Then he opened the window and threw out his mobile phone.

The crisp sound of the broken screen makes Li Xintong's heart tremble. He looks at him strangely.

"Want revenge?" Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!