Chapter 4

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong thought that he was listening, looking at Bo Yanchen stupidly.

"She was betrayed by her fiance and sister, and her innocence was almost destroyed. Don't you hate it? Don't want revenge? " Bo Yanchen's deep and powerful voice rang out in her ears.

She hates it! Of course she does! He wanted to cut these two animals to pieces! What is particularly hateful is Bo Jingxuan. She takes the blame for him and goes to jail for him, but he takes revenge. The humiliation she suffered today is bound to redouble and make them pay a heavy price.

Li Xintong bit his lips, his eyes showed the flame of revenge, his fists pulled tightly, and his knuckles cackled.

Although she did not answer, but at the moment of expression and action has betrayed her, Bo Yanchen hook hook lips, "I can help you."

Li Xintong smell speech, jaw of surprise almost falls down, "help me? But I don't need your help. "

Bo Yanchen picked to pick eyebrow, "you are sure to take revenge with your strength?"

Li Xintong's face froze.

Bo Jingxuan is backed by the powerful Bo family. She is a weak woman. How can she fight with him? Moreover, now she is not the bright young lady of the Li family, but a prisoner who has just been released.

For the time being, the Li family is not the opponent of the Bo family at all. Even if they can compete with them, their father may not tear their faces for her and the Bo family.

As for Li Xiaoxiao, she has been favored since she was a child. Besides, the fact that she was in prison made the Li family lose face. Her father was angry with her and would not stand on her side.

At this time, a big man suddenly came forward to help him, which is naturally a good thing.

Li Xintong is not naive to believe that the sky will fall pie, even if it is, it will only be a trap.

"Mr. Bo, it seems that it's not suitable for you to say that you want to avenge me?" Li Xintong's tone seems to be rhetorical, but in fact refuses.

"Oh? Why not? " The bottom of Bo Yanchen's eyes is a bit of exploration.

Does this man know it? Li Xintong rolled his eyes at the bottom of his heart, "because you are a member of Bo's family, Bo Jingxuan's uncle and his relatives!"

"Don't tell me about Bojia!" Bo Yanchen's eyes suddenly cool, the surrounding air seems to have dropped to the freezing point, "in addition, Bo Jingxuan is not my family. At best, we are all surnames. "

Li Xintong was stunned by his sudden change of attitude. She clearly felt that Bo Yanchen seemed to have deep resentment towards the Bo family.

After a moment of silence, Bo Yanchen regained his former calmness. "If you want revenge, you can call on your business card. Remember, you only have three days to think about it. "

"Why help me?" Li Xintong looks at him.

He is not related to her or even knows her at all. Today, it's commendable that he can help her. Now it's incredible that he says he wants to avenge her.

"You don't need to know why." Bo Yanchen's tone is still indifferent, "you just need to cooperate with me."

Li Xintong's doubts are even greater.

She remembers that Bo Jingxuan once said that Bo Yanchen's mother was accidentally pregnant. Bo asked her to kill her child for the sake of the family's face, but the stubborn woman hid secretly.

After the birth of the child, she did not want Bo Yanchen's support. She raised the child alone. She lived a hard life and was sick. Unfortunately, when Bo Yanchen was seven years old, she died.

Bo Yanchen has always hated the Bo family because of his mother's death, and is unwilling to recognize his ancestors.

Bo Yanchen will offer to help her revenge, is it to fight against Bo Jingxuan, further to fight against the Bo family?

Li Xintong felt hairy when she thought of this. She didn't want to be foolishly taken as a gunshot, "cooperate with you? What do I need to do? "

The woman's eyes are full of alert, and her face is full of poisonous snakes and beasts.

Bo Yanchen chuckled and looked at her with deep eyes, "don't worry, I won't let you kill and set fire, and I won't let you Sell the hue. "

His eyes were too red and his words were too straightforward and ambiguous. Li Xintong's body trembled slightly, and two red halos floated on her white cheeks.

She is a natural beauty. Even if she has a plain face and short hair, she is beautiful. Red cheeks like two ripe red apples, lovely and attractive, people can't help but want to jump up and bite.

Bo Yanchen's mind slightly moved, and instantly recovered calm, "what do you need to do? After you agree to cooperate with me, you will naturally know."

Li Xintong also want to say what, Bo Yanchen has opened the door to go down.

"Thin little!" The man standing outside the car nodded respectfully to him.

"I have something else to do. You take her back first."


The door of the driver's cab opened. The man who saved her just now got on the bus, started the car and looked at her in the rearview mirror: "where are you going?"

Where are you going? Go home?

Oh! It's a bitter tear to mention her family.Although she is a miss of the Li family, she has no worries about food and clothing, and looks beautiful in front of people, but she is not welcomed at home.

Shortly after her birth, her parents divorced and she lived with her mother. It was not until her mother died at the age of twelve that she was received by her father.

Her father has been indifferent to her, and those so-called fatherly love are given to her sister Li Xiaoxiao. During the year she was in prison, her father did not visit her once, not even a letter.

Not to mention Qiu Aihua, her stepmother, she was regarded as a thorn in the side. Sister Li Xiaoxiao, is what all want to fight with her, and she robbed.

Food, clothing, play, even men

Although she didn't want to go home at the moment, she didn't seem to have anywhere else to go except there.

Li Xintong sighed and said to the man in front: "Sir, please send me to hongshiwan community."

The man gave a hum and then stepped on the gas.

All the way silent, the car quiet terrible, just about to arrive at the destination, Li Xintong's mobile phone rang up.

"Hello, is this Miss Li Xintong?" A strange woman's voice.

"Well, I am. Who is calling, please

"This is Fushan nursing home in Xicheng. Your grandmother, Ms. Xia Shufen, will pay for the first half of the year."

Li Xintong Leng: "cost?"

"Yes! Just now Mr. Bo called and said that he would no longer bear the cost. He said Because you're back. Today is the deadline. Please come to our hospital as soon as possible

After suffering from Alzheimer's disease two years ago, grandma was sent to Fushan nursing home, and Li Xintong paid for her monthly expenses.

After she served her sentence, Bo Jingxuan took the initiative to bear the cost.

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