Chapter 5

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong sneered coldly at the bottom of her heart. Today, she completely recognized Bo Jingxuan's real face.

"Miss Li, Miss Li, are you still there?" There was no reply for a long time. The woman on the other end of the phone was anxious.

"I'm here." Li Xintong returned to her senses, pursed her lips and asked, "how much does it cost altogether?"

"Well The total cost for the first half of the year is 74000 yuan. "

Li Xintong took a breath of cool air, so expensive! She just got out of prison, but she didn't have so much cash with her. The salary on the bank card was used to pay for grandma's nursing home every month, and there was little left. She hasn't worked in the past year. How can she get income?

She never asked her father for the money. Her parents divorced long ago. How could her father be willing to support his ex-wife's mother?

She knew that this time, she had to open this mouth to her father, otherwise grandma would be rejected by the nursing home.

However, she does not think her father should refuse. Anyway, when she was in prison for Bo Jingxuan, her father once received 20 million yuan compensation from the Bo family.

Now, she just asked her father to give more than 70000, which is not too much.

"I'll go back and get the money right now, and then I'll come and pay."

The car soon arrived at its destination.

Li Xintong got out of the car with her luggage, went to the door of Li's villa and rang the doorbell.

It's Feng Ma, the housekeeper of the Li family. The servant, who had never looked at her with a straight eye, stabbed his eyes on her as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight and stammered: "big Miss, you How did you come back? "

Oh! See how she reacted? She's not sentenced to life in prison. She'll never come back.

Li Xintong coldly looked at her: "is my father at home?"

"The master has not come back from the company, and his wife is not at home. Do you want to go in?" Feng Ma's tone of voice is clear, so she is regarded as an outsider.

Back home, a servant asked her if she could get in. Joke!

However, she came to ask for money from her father. Now he is not at home, and there is no need for her to go in. I went to the company to find my dad. Please take the luggage to my room

Feng's mother glanced at Li Xintong's old colored suitcase and said, "this I'm afraid I can't be the master, can I? "

Li Xintong was annoyed by her attitude. It's just a bag. Is it worth the trouble?

"Since you feel embarrassed, I'll put it away myself." Li Xintong said that he would go inside.

"Ah Wait... " Feng Ma stepped forward and stopped her, "Miss, it's not that I won't help you with your luggage, but Your room has been converted into a utility room. "

Li Xintong can't believe of stare big eyes, "this is when thing?"

Feng Ma looked at her contemptuously, "it has been nearly a year, right after you are in prison." When she said prison, she accentuated her tone and added, "that's what the master and the lady mean."

Taking up all her rooms? Is that the rhythm to get her out of the house? Li Xintong smiles bitterly to herself. Oh! Li family is really heartless!

Just then, a piercing car whistle came from behind her.

Li Xintong turns around and sees a brand new Land Rover coming towards her.

The car came to a stop beside her. After the door was opened, her father Li Jianguo and stepmother Qiu Aihua came down.

Li Jianguo was stunned when he saw her.

Li Xintong stepped forward, "Dad, I'm back."

"Oh, I think it's who's coming!" Qiu Aihua said in a strange voice, "it's Miss Li who has been released from prison! Why? No, you still have half a year to release it? Is it a prison break? "

"Aihua! Keep your voice down Li Jianguo frowned and stopped his wife from yelling at the gate. He turned his head and looked at Li Xintong with doubts on his face. "How did you come out?"

Li Xintong saw the obvious alienation from her father's eyes, bit her lip and said, "Dad, I performed well, so I came out ahead of time."

Li Jianguo light should be a: "well, what words to go in again."

In the living room, Li Jianguo was sitting on the sofa with his legs folded. A cigarette was burning at his fingertips. He looked at her solemnly: "how come he came here alone without notice?"

Li Xintong's heart was cold. He did not ask his daughter whether she had suffered in prison this year, or what he planned to do in the future, as a father usually does. Instead, he asked her why she came back without saying hello.

"Right? Where's your fiance Bo Jingxuan? Didn't he pick you up? " Qiu Aihua sat beside him, looking like a good play.

Li Xintong coldly looked at Qiu Aihua, "how can he come to pick me up when he has time?" He's busy rolling sheets with your daughter! It's just that she can't say the second half.

Li Jianguo naturally heard something in her words: "what do you mean? He's your fiance. He doesn't know the important day when you get out of prison, does he? "Li Xintong looked at Li Jianguo and said faintly: "Dad, he is not my fiance any more. We broke up! The engagement has been broken

"What Li Jianguo suddenly stood up from the sofa, "what do you say? break up? Why? "

"Husband, don't get excited, don't get excited." Qiu Aihua quickly helped her husband, "do you still need to ask? I have told you for a long time, how can a respectable family like the Bo family accept a reform through labor prisoner as their daughter-in-law? "

"But Xintong is the prisoner for Jingxuan Li Jianguo was quite sober at this time.

"So what?" Qiu Ai Hua sneered, "the Bo family gave 20 million yuan at the beginning, didn't they clearly pay the break-up fee together? Otherwise, you don't have to pay so much money to go to jail for one year? Do you really think this girl is inlaid with gold? "

When Li Jianguo heard this, he was even more angry: "this engagement was made by old man Bo at the beginning. Bo Jingxuan, the son of a bitch, said that it would be terminated if it was terminated. What is it like? I'll call him right now! " With that, he reached into his pocket and touched his cell phone.

Li Xintong came forward and pressed Li Jianguo's hand: "Dad! Don't look for him! I proposed to break the engagement! "

"It's you?" Li Jianguo thought he had heard wrong, "are you kidding?"

"It's me!" Li Xintong said, "Bo Jingxuan, he He's cheating on me with other women. I can't accept it, so I broke up with him. " She really can't say that the woman is Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Jianguo was stunned for two seconds. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped Li Xintong a loud slap in the face. It happened to hit the place where Bo Jingxuan had just hit. The pain made her cry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!