Chapter 65

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen took two glasses of champagne from the dining car prepared by the hotel for them. "I didn't want you to drink, but tonight is special. I can make an exception to let you have a drink. But only one drink. "

Li Xintong smiles and takes the cup from his hand, but Bo Yanchen stops it. "This cup is shallow for you."

Li Xintong This man is really overbearing. He has to take care of everything. However, Li Xintong felt that such hegemony was very warm.

"Cheers! Happy wedding Bo Yanchen picked up the glass and looked at her affectionately.

Li Xintong also picked up the wine glass, eyebrows bent: "cheers! Happy wedding

Clear and crisp clink a cup sound rings out, Li Xintong just put wine cup in lip side, listen to Bo Yanchen say: "wife, we drink to make a cup of wine."

Li Xintong

It's so romantic. Was it modesty just now?

Two arms intersect, eyes twinkle, both sides can see their own small reflection from each other's eyes, the mouth is full of mellow wine.

As if afraid of her drinking more, Bo Yanchen quickly took away the empty wine cup in Li Xintong's hand.

"This wine is delicious." Li Xintong seems to have some meaning, pink tongue light lick lip, little face slightly flushed, a pair of cut water autumn eyes looking at Bo Yanchen, "can you still drink a cup?"

"No, I'll be drunk if I drink any more."

Li Xintong pouted his lips discontentedly and held his hand in a coquettish way: "I only drink a small cup. I won't get drunk. How about that? "

The woman looks like pleading, but in fact she is enchanting. Bo Yanchen's Adam's apple rolls up and down, "you won't get drunk, but I will get drunk!"

"Well?" Li Xintong did not understand the meaning of Bo Yanchen's words, he was overwhelmed in bed.

"You What are you doing? " Looking at the handsome face close at hand, Li Xintong's heartbeat missed a beat.

"I'm drunk." Bo Yanchen lowered her head and kissed her lips.

A deep kiss, the original slightly drunk woman kiss dizzy. When she finally recovered, she found that the man was lying on her and helped her undress.

"I I want to take a bath first. " Li Xintong certainly knows what will happen in such a romantic atmosphere tonight. But after a busy day, she was really tired.

What's more, Bo Yanchen can't do it for an hour.

She's afraid she'll fall asleep first. The last few times, it's not like there hasn't been such an embarrassing incident.

"Take off your clothes first, of course." Bo Yanchen talks between, have already picked her to leave the underwear of close body only.

Seeing that the man's hand had touched the edge of her small inner, Li Xintong pressed his hand in a hurry: "I'll take the rest myself."

"Good." Bo Yanchen did not insist and got out of bed.

Li Xintong got up from the bed, just wanted to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, was held up by Bo Yanchen, "wash together."

With this, Li Xintong's body immediately tensed. Although it is not the first time between Bo Yanchen and Bo Yanchen, they have never taken a bath together. And the bath needs to be naked, if you wash together, it is inevitable that there will be physical contact, to ensure that there will be no gun fire.

"Don't be nervous. Just take a bath together. I won't do anything to you." Bo Yanchen said, "you are tired today. Let me help you relax. Well

The man's tone is sincere, his eyes are calm, without a trace of desire. Li Xintong's nerves gradually relaxed and her body softened.

Bo Yanchen saw that she didn't resist. She hooked her lips with satisfaction and strode to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Li Xintong knows that the man's words are not credible at all.

At the beginning, Bo Yanchen was still seriously massaging and rubbing her back, but pressing and rubbing, his hands began to be irregular.

He is very clear where the sensitive points of Li Xintong's body are, and he deliberately greets those points every time. Feel the stimulation that the hand gives is insufficient, begin to cooperate with lip and tongue.

Li Xintong can't stand being teased by him. Her whole body is like burning. The emptiness of her body makes her wriggle her soft waist unconsciously, longing for something to fill.

Of course, Bo Yanchen knows what his little wife wants, but he deliberately goes through the house three times and doesn't enter. Finally, Li Xintong bites her lips and cries for him to enter.

A cloud and rain down, Li Xintong tired directly sleep in the past, even the bath is Bo Yanchen help wash.

After the event, Li Xintong learned the lesson of blood.

Man says to woman: I won't do anything to you.

In fact, the subtext is, what am I going to do to you!

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight came into the room.

Li Xintong woke up in the sound of birds. After rubbing her sleepy eyes, she saw the luxurious crystal chandelier on the ceiling. Then she realized that she was in the VIP room of the villa.

The air is very good in the morning at the villa. Li Xintong is lying on the bed. Through the huge floor glass window, she sees a few birds with bright fur on the windowsill. Her naughty probe pecks the branches and leaves that are about to touch the windowsill with her small beak. What a scene of birds singing and flowers smelling.Li Xintong wants to get out of bed to breathe the fresh air of the morning, but she moves and feels as if she had been run over by a truck.

It was this unsatisfied smelly man. Last night, she was very tired, but he still tossed her for most of the night. Until she cried for mercy and pretended to faint, the man finally let her go.

Li Xintong low curse a, struggling to get up, but was a hands clasped waist.

"Awake? I don't have to go to work today. Sleep with me for a while Bo Yanchen's hoarse voice is languid after rising in the morning, especially sexy and provocative.

"No! I'm going to get up and draw the design. I'll hand it in on Monday. " Li Xintong tries to break away from the man's embrace, but is held more tightly by him.

"Why did you start working before you reported to the women's department? I know you like design, but you don't have to work so hard, do you? Or do you want me to give you the best employee at the end of the year? " Bo Yanchen's tone of banter, "so desperately, tired body, I will be distressed. Now, part of your body is mine. "

Li Xintong heard goose bumps are up, "early in the morning so numb, can't stand you. I'm not in the mood to joke with you. Design drawings are the assignments that Director Mao left me. Three design drawings have to be finished before Monday. Time is pressing. I've brought all the drawing tools. "

Bo Yanchen frowned. Mao Yu? Why is it him again? His behavior at the conference was weird enough. Which play is this sung? So the tense time to complete three pictures, this is deliberately difficult rhythm?

But Mao Yu, whom he knew, was strict with his subordinates, but he was not a leader who would wear shoes for them.

Bo Yanchen is not in a hurry to state his position. He wants to wait and see what happens.

"I'll have breakfast delivered. Although the work is important, you have to fill your stomach first. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!