Chapter 66

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's meal call was just finished. Almost the next second, the doorbell of the room rang.

"Well My husband... " Li Xintong pushed push is pressing on her body, up and down the man, "someone came."

Bo Yanchen frowned and raised his lustful eyes.

Why so fast? The service speed of this villa is too fast, isn't it?

At first, he wanted to be gentle with his little wife during the meal delivery. It seems that this wish has been completely defeated.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong The doorbell is still ringing rhythmically.

Bo Yanchen low curse a, withdraw finger from the body of small wife, "vexed dead!"

Li Xintong looked at her husband's dissatisfied face and couldn't help laughing, "go to open the door." She pulled down the man's neck and gave him a kiss on the lip.

The dragonfly like kiss is obviously not enough to extinguish the evil fire in Bo Yanchen's body. He hugs his little wife's head and kisses her fiercely, and finally resolves her greediness.

"Go and open the door. Or the doorbell will be broken. " Li Xintong urged again.

Bo Yanchen pecked several times on her bright red lips again, then reluctantly let her go and get out of bed.

Open the door and see the person standing outside, Bo Yanchen's face instantly pulled down.

"How idle are you when you disturb people's dreams in the early morning?" Bo Yanchen's tone is very bad.

Coco leaned against the doorframe and winked at him vaguely, "brother, it's late, it's getting better. The others got up early and had breakfast. Yes? Was it too high last night? Tired? "

"None of your business!" Bo Yanchen has no good spirit of white he one eye, "you come here to do?"? If you don't mind, get out of here

"Of course I have something to do with you." Coco was not annoyed by Bo Yanchen's attitude at all. Instead, he said with a smiley face, "we have agreed to go fishing together. Do you want to go or not?"

"Fishing?" Bo Yanchen is a good angler. Naturally, he is willing to go. He just wanted to agree, but then he thought about it and shook his head. "No, Tongtong is going to draw a design for a while. I want to accompany her."

Coco rolled a big white eye at him, "aren't you? Designing this kind of thing requires absolute silence. You are a big living person pestle on the side, in the end is to accompany her? Or influence her? "

Bo Yanchen looks at him without expression: "I am beside her, her inspiration comes quickly!"

Coco almost got on his knees. I've seen narcissism, but I haven't seen narcissism like that.

"How fast is inspiration coming? Hey, hey... " Coco showed a mischievous smile. "Why don't you say that when you are by her side, her pleasure comes quickly!"

Bo Yanchen is almost second understand, immediately black face, drop a "roll" word then touched shut the door. Leaving coco alone outside the door.

"What's coco looking for?" Li Xintong has got up and is getting dressed.

Bo Yanchen naturally stretched out his hand to help her tidy her messy hair: "it's nothing serious. Some of them asked me to go fishing. I said it's too hot and too dry, so I won't go

Li Xintong opened her eyes: "don't you like fishing best? How can you be afraid of the sun? "

"What did you say?" Bo Yanchen's body suddenly froze, "you How do you know I like fishing? You Is it... " Did she remember something?

Li Xintong is asked by him, also stupefied, "right. How do I know you like fishing? " Almost for a moment, she began to laugh. "Maybe I heard from my colleagues. Besides, it seems that most men like fishing. Isn't it? "

Bo Yanchen stared at her for a long time, then hooked his lips, "maybe. But I want to be with you more than fishing. "

Li Xintong's little face is hot. Why is this man so tired all of a sudden?

"I'll take a shower first." Li Xintong avoided his burning eyes and quickly ran into the bathroom.

The smile on Bo Yanchen's face didn't disappear until he heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

He immediately made a phone call, and soon someone came to the other end.

"Dr. Qin. It's me, Bo Yanchen. " Bo Yanchen's expression is very serious, "the patient you mentioned last time. She She seems to occasionally think of some things in the past, but it feels very vague. What's going on? Can she recover her memory? "

On the phone, Dr. Qin didn't know what to say. Bo Yanchen interrupted excitedly, "no, I can't bring her to you now. Give me more time Yeah. OK, I see... "

Hang up the phone, the Mou color of thin Yan Chen again dark heavy a few minutes.

If she had not known him, she would never have suffered those hardships. But since God arranged for them to know each other, it proved that they were destined to be bound together.

Even after suffering, we will finally get together again.

The most painful thing in the world is not: I'm in front of you, but you don't know I love you.

But: We used to love each other so much, but now you don't know who I am.Tong Tong, if you forget me, I won't blame you.

Sorry, I didn't protect you before!

I'll help you find your lost memory. If you really can't find it back, it doesn't matter, as long as you are by my side.

We will make up for the missing five years in the future.

When Li Xintong comes out of the bath, the breakfast car has arrived, and Bo Yanchen is taking it down from the car and putting it on the next table.

Li Xintong saw a full car full of her favorite food. Suddenly, she looked like a dog who had been hungry for a long time and suddenly saw meat and bones.

Last night, she was almost squeezed dry by Bo Yanchen, consumed countless energy, and after a night of digestion, now she is so hungry that her chest is close to her back.

But even if you're hungry, you can't eat so much, can you?

"Wow! How can you order so much food! Where can we both eat? " Li Xintong said while swallowing.

"You like snacks best. The snacks here are very special, so I ordered more. " Bo Yanchen smiles and beckons to her, "come here to eat and have a look, is it right or not?"

Li Xintong's nose sour, but the heart is warm, "you will spoil me like this."

Bo Yanchen fondled her hair: "silly girl, you are my wife, don't you, don't you still fondle other women?"

Li Xintong pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "husband, thank you!"

"Don't thank me. Eat it. " Bo Yanchen picked up a crystal steamed dumpling and put it to his little wife's mouth, "come and have a bite."

Li Xintong Is this treating her like a child?

When she and Bo Jingxuan were together, even in the stage of love, Bo Jingxuan didn't do that for her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!