Chapter 68

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Since she graduated from university and joined her father's company to engage in fashion design,

the things she designed have always failed to achieve her expected effect.

Although compared with the works of most designers, her works are still excellent, but she has always been dissatisfied, always feel the lack of something. As a result, she kept revising and was still dissatisfied with the result.

What bothers her most is that she has been unable to find out the crux.

Bo Yanchen's words just now made her suddenly enlightened.

Indeed, her design lacks confidence.

In the University, she was very confident in her design and bold in her writing. Almost all of her award-winning works came from her university years.

After work, in order to make a profit, my father always told her to design clothes to cater to the market and not to have too many personality things. Sometimes, she is even asked to imitate the works of famous designers to design fake clothes.

This undoubtedly limits her imagination in design. If a work lacks something belonging to the designer's personality and blindly follows the crowd, the final design must have no aura.

Li Xintong hated her father's way of doing this. At the beginning, she also mentioned it to her father more than once. But her father scolded her for not being open-minded, and said that she wanted so many personality things for what? The clothes you design are for the public, not for yourself.

Father is the boss, Li Xintong can not change him, can only change himself.

So, every time she designs, she always remembers her father's sentence: Sales first, catering to the market.

This leads her to be timid when writing, always afraid of integrating too many personalized things. As time passed, she began to lack self-confidence, and even doubted whether she was really suitable for fashion design.

Habits are really terrible. Just now, when she was drawing design drawings, she unconsciously entered the state when she was working in her father's company. Even when I write, I have too many thoughts in my mind. How can I draw a satisfactory work?

"Can I draw exactly as I want?" Li Xintong stares at Bo Yanchen's eyes and asks what is in his heart.

"Of course." Bo Yanchen was very surprised at the question she asked, "in our red group, designers have absolute freedom of creative space."

"Well What if the design is not mainstream? " Li Xintong then asked.

"I don't agree with the distinction between mainstream and non mainstream." Bo Yanchen said, "red focuses on cultivating designers with personality. If you design something good enough, then you are the mainstream. "

Li Xintong heard that her eyes were hot. She finally understood why red group had only a short history of five years, but it could become a leader in the industry so quickly.

An enlightened leader is the key to the rapid rise of an enterprise. Red group can have today, thanks to Bo Yanchen's wise leadership.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that? " Bo Yanchen sees the difference in the little wife's eyes.

There is a kind of emotion similar to being moved surging in Li Xintong's heart. She sniffed and sighed: "if I could meet an enlightened boss like you earlier, how nice it would be!"

Bo Yanchen was stunned, but he was stunned by his little wife's sudden compliment.

"If I had met you earlier, I would not have wasted years of time for no reason, painting some works that I am not satisfied with, blindly catering to the market and becoming my father's money making tool." Li Xintong's expression can not hide the remorse and helplessness.

Bo Yanchen finally understood why Li Xintong's design lacked the aura of the past. It turns out that Li Jianguo was the initiator. Such restriction and burying of a gifted designer is just outrageous!!

Fortunately, he rescued her in time, otherwise, her talent and talent would be completely destroyed if she stayed in the broken company of Li Jianguo for a few years.

Bo Yanchen touched her heart painfully, "it's not too late to meet me now! In red group, the designer's creative space is very free, I never give any intervention. With me, you don't have to worry that there is no market for your own designs. Because every model launched by red group is a boutique. The eyes of the masses are bright. The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. As long as your works are good enough, they will not be buried. Give full play to your imagination, don't be bound by any thoughts, and do it boldly. I will always support you

Li Xintong nodded heavily, "OK. I know what to do With that, she picked up the design and tore it in half.

"Ah..." Bo Yanchen wants to stop her too late, "the painting is so hard, why tear it off?"

Li Xintong shrugged: "I am not satisfied with things, how to make others satisfied?" Mao Yu's request is so high, such thing give him, don't be thrown out by him just strange. She doesn't want to be criticized on her first day in the women's department.

Bo Yanchen hooked his lips. "It's a good thing to be strict with yourself, but don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Li Xintong smiles: "I understand. Thank you, Mr. Bo. I'm going to be busy. "In the morning, Li Xintong was almost immersed in the battle, while Bo Yanchen was responsible for the logistics support of tea delivery.

Li Xintong is totally immersed in the world of creation, but she doesn't pay attention to it. She accepts her husband's service with peace of mind.

Bo Yanchen takes advantage of helping her to pour tea, secretly glances at her unfinished work.

After the analysis and guidance just now, Li Xintong's design has made a great improvement, boldly played his imagination, and added many novel elements in it.

Bo Yanchen nodded, and his little wife was getting better.

At the other end, a group of people are fishing by the lake in the scorching sun.

I don't know who put forward the proposal. I'll take two people as a group and have a fishing match. The competition time is one morning. At the end of the competition, the heaviest one is the winner. The winner will receive a mystery prize.

Chinese people have a curiosity heart, usually with the word mystery, the enthusiasm of the participants will be unprecedented.

Even if the outdoor temperature is as high as 40 degrees, the enthusiasm of the participants is still unstoppable.

"Hey, can you fish or not?" It's the nth time Mo Shuangshuang has gone to see his teammate's bucket, still empty, "it's almost an hour now, and you haven't caught one. I'll jump in and grab it with my hands. "

"Jump in now and grab one with your hand and show it to me!" Next to the man's tone worse, "if you can catch, I dare to eat the fish raw!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!