Chapter 81

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Just when Li Xintong didn't know how to answer the little guy's question, he suddenly heard Xiao Yi sigh, "ah, you and my father just met. I thought you were..."

Small memory with said half, suddenly shut up not to go on. Listen to Li Xintong not up and down, uncomfortable tight, "what do you think I am?"

Asked by Li Xintong, Xiao Yi dodges with her eyes and looks a little flustered, "ha ha! it 's nothing. I think my father is so kind to you. I thought you'd known each other for a long time

Li Xintong knew that what the little guy originally wanted to say was not this sentence, but this sentence was quite careless: "well, your father is a good man."

Bo Yanchen is not only a good man, but also her life-saving benefactor. He gave her money, a job and a warm home. If not for him, I would still be living in dire straits.

Li Xintong does not know whether she saved the banking department in her last life, so that she met such a good man. Although she is not sure whether Bo Yanchen's feelings for him are love or not, what she can be sure is that her heart is falling step by step.

"My father is not so kind to everyone." Xiaoyitong said, "anyway, I've never seen him treat any woman as well as your mother."

Li Xintong looked at him in surprise, "no way. Is he not good to your own mother? "

As soon as I mentioned my biological mother, the smile on Xiaoyi's face disappeared, and her shining eyes darkened a little bit, "I've never seen her. Dad said, "she disappeared after she gave birth to me."

The news shocked Li Xintong. What kind of mysterious woman disappeared after giving birth to a baby?

She didn't believe that there would be such a cruel mother in the world who would leave her own flesh and blood, not to mention that she was still a baby.

"I think it's probably because she doesn't think Yi Tong is good, so she doesn't want me." The little guy's voice choked and he wanted to cry when he was wronged.

Li Xintong held him in his arms heartily, "no, Yi Tong is so cute and clever. How can your mother not want you? I think there must be a reason for her to leave. "

Yi Tong stares at her eyes for a long time, and suddenly sobs: "you cheat, you cheat! She must have abandoned me. Sobbing Otherwise, why didn't you come to see me once in all these years? Wuwuwu... "

Li Xintong finally understood, why every time she mentioned the child's mother, Bo Yanchen's reaction would be so big. It turns out that this woman left him and her children behind, and never showed up once in five years.

Look at the little guy crying so sad, Li Xintong's heart will be broken, all blame themselves bad, nothing why mention the child's mother? Isn't it nothing to look for?

"I'm not crying anymore. I was wrong. I shouldn't have mentioned your mother... " Li Xintong stroked the child's back.

Little guy in her comfort gradually quiet down, but from time to time or will sob a few. Li Xintong pats patiently, as if treating his own child gently.

I don't know how long after that, Li Xintong felt that her shoulders were heavy. At first glance, the little guy fell asleep on her shoulder, with crystal clear tears hanging on her long eyelashes, pitiful and lovely.

Li Xintong is afraid that the air conditioning in the store is too low, and the child will catch a cold when sleeping on his stomach. If she walks with her arms, it's not only too far away, but also too hot and easy to get heatstroke.

She wanted to take out her mobile phone and sent a short message to Bo Yanchen.

Soon, a black Rolls Royce stopped at the door of the cold drink shop.

Bo Yanchen's tall figure came down from the car. The moment he pushed the door in, the red star in the waiter's eyes flashed: "Huan Welcome

Usually, she said this sentence is gone, but the man who came in at the moment is not a mortal, but a God. How could she easily give up the chance to chat up with the male god?

Bo Yanchen immediately saw Li Xintong sitting at the window. Just as he was about to walk over, the waiter stepped forward and stood in front of him? Our store has launched a new drink, which tastes very good. Now we are doing sales promotion. The second cup is half price. It's very cost-effective. "

She borrows the opportunity of promotion to look at Bo Yanchen wantonly, that look in the eyes, simply seem to have never seen a man in several lifetime.

Li Xintong's mouth corner smoked to smoke, this man also too can attract bees to attract butterflies?

Bo Yanchen seems to have been used to such scenes, his eyes directly over the waiter, toward the already black face Li Xintong smile.

Bo Yanchen's smile successfully takes away the soul of the waiter. But then his action completely kicked the waiter from the dream back to reality.

"Wife, here I am. Son, let me hold it. " Bo Yanchen finished, bypassed the waiter and went straight to Li Xintong, taking xiaoyitong from her hand.

The little guy was so sleepy that he didn't even grunt. Li Xintong rubbed his stiff arms.

Bo Yanchen agile saw the little wife's action, "this boy is very heavy, hard wife, a while back I give you knead."Li Xintong looked at the heartbroken waiter and said in a low voice, "let's go."

It's almost lunch time to take Yi Tong back to his room. Coco calls to say that he has ordered a box, but Li Xintong insists on accompanying Yi Tong in his room. Bo Yanchen has to push the dinner and call lunch to his room.

After calling for a meal, I walk into the bedroom and see Li Xintong lying on the bed, looking down at Xiao Yitong.

Bo Yanchen laughed: "people are asleep. What's good to see? I haven't seen enough of it just now? "

"You see how long his eyelashes are! And painted mascara. Bo Yanchen, did you help him trim it secretly? I've heard that when a baby's eyelashes are cut a few times, they will be thick, slender and curly when they grow up. "

The corner of Bo Yanchen's mouth smoked: "I'm not so boring! Who did you listen to? Is there any scientific basis? "

Li Xintong said: "practice is experience! My mother's eyelashes have been trimmed by my grandmother, so they are very special. My eyelashes have also been cut by my mother, so they are very long

"It's genetic. It doesn't matter whether you cut it or not. Eyelashes are mostly inherited from mother's genes. Yi Tong's eyelashes are inherited... " In the middle of his speech, Bo Yanchen suddenly stopped.

Of course, Li Xintong knew what the second half of the sentence was. She only thought it was Bo Yanchen. She thought of that fickle woman again, so she was upset. So he wanted to make him happy: "Yi Tong is smart, lovely, sensible and filial. Is it inherited by you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!