Chapter 82

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong deliberately avoided the topic of birth mother. Last time Bo Yanchen was angry, she didn't mention the woman again. Today, I mentioned it occasionally, which made xiaoyitong heartbroken. She didn't dare to talk to Bo Yanchen about it, for fear that it would make her unhappy again.

This woman is the taboo of the father and son. If they didn't take the initiative to mention it later, she would never mention it.

Bo Yanchen went over and sat down on the edge of the bed. He stretched out his long arm and took her into his arms. "How can I suddenly compliment you?"

Li Xintong lay in his arms, fingers around his tie to play: "I'm telling the truth, not to please you. Yi Tong is really good. I like him very much. "

Bo Yanchen's face appeared a trace of comfort, "see you get along so well, I'm relieved. Originally, I was worried that the child would not accept you! "

Li Xintong nodded: "yes! I was worried before I saw him. Today's children are very personality, family elders dote on love, many children are spoiled, all kinds of arrogance. But Yitong has no such bad problems at all. "

Bo Yanchen looked at the sleepy little guy on the bed and snored: "how long have you been with him? He can make people angry when he hides! Don't complain to me then. "

Li Xintong disapproved of it with a smile: "he seems to be afraid of you.". Are you usually too strict with him? "

"Can we not be strict?" Bo Yanchen says, "this child does not hit go up room to uncover tile for three days!"

"Boys are naughty by nature. You have to be good Li Xintong said, "I think the quality of Yitong is excellent, especially the tutor. I think you have a good way to teach your children."

Bo Yanchen slowly smile, today this little woman is how? Do you know what he likes to hear, honey on his mouth?

He thought so in his mind and did so in his action. He bowed his head and kissed her on the lip. Before she could react, his clever tongue slipped directly into his mouth.

Xu is a child to sleep in one side, dare not kiss too deep, Bo Yanchen's tongue didn't make too much stay, swept a circle inside to leave in a hurry.

"I said," Why are you so sweet today? It's really honey. " Bo Yanchen said that and smacked his mouth, a very enjoyable appearance.

Li Xintong glared at him angrily: "I hate it! The child is in, you also do not astringent a bit

She won't believe that Bo Yanchen will kiss her a few times and finish it. In case he has further action, he will wake up the child. How to explain it then?

The woman's small face was red, and there was a bit of shame in her eyes. Bo Yanchen's heart was tight, and she could not help but bow her head and kiss her swollen red lips for several times, which finally solved her greediness.

But still not willing to let go of her, big hand in her waist rub, "a while with wake up, we will go back." There is only one bed with a small light bulb in the middle. How can he make out with his little wife?

Li Xintong naturally does not know Bo Yanchen's intention. Although the scenery of the villa is very good, she still wants to go home early. The super large study in Bo Yanchen's villa is suitable for her painting.

Li Xintong nodded and said, "OK. Listen to you. "

Two people each have a mind, the decision actually coincides.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

Who knows, Xiaoyi sleeps in a startling sleep. It's not until dinner that Xiaoyi finally wakes up.

Dazzled, he forgot where he was. Until he saw Li Xintong's gentle smile, he thought of the previous thing.

"How long did I sleep?" The little guy rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked out of the window: "eh? Why is it so dark? Mom, why don't you wake me up? "

As soon as Li Xintong wanted to open her mouth, she heard Bo Yanchen say, "I can't wake up when I sleep like a dead pig. How dare you blame my mother?"

By Bo Yanchen such a roar, small billion with completely wake up, "I really sleep so heavy?"

Li Xintong fondled Xiao Yitong's head: "well, I fell asleep. I called you several times, but I didn't respond. But it's not a bad thing to sleep heavily. Children's sleep quality is high, which is conducive to growth. "

When the little guy heard this, he suddenly got up and raised his eyebrows to Bo Yanchen: "Dad, do you hear me. Mom said it's good to sleep soundly. Don't you want me to thrive? "

Bo Yanchen's mouth corner smoked to smoke, really want to pick this kid's pants to come down, ruthlessly beat a fart.

What's more, is it time to find a support? Dare to talk back to him, is this the rhythm of rebellion?

"But I haven't finished yet." Li Xintong patted his little head and put away his smile: "you fell asleep and missed lunch. As the saying goes, people are iron, rice is steel, a meal is not hungry. The reason why you are not hungry, I guess you should have eaten a lot of snacks before, right? You'll fall asleep at noon, and you'll sleep that long. If you're not wrong, you must have slept very late last night. "

The more he listened, the bigger his eyes were. When Li Xintong finished, his eyes were as big as a bell."Mom, you how did you know? You Did you call the kindergarten teacher? " I don't believe Li Xintong can guess so accurately.

Li Xintong shook his head: "No. I don't even know your teacher. How can I have a phone? I'm just extrapolating from common sense. "

Xiaoyitong looks at Li Xintong. His clear eyes are full of admiration. They are all idols.

"You're growing now. Eating too many snacks and staying up late are bad for your health. I think the teacher and father will always teach you these words. You're so smart, you must know it's not good. Can you tell me why you have to do it? " Li Xintong's tone is very gentle. She seems to be discussing problems with her children. She has no questioning emotion at all.

Mom is really different from dad. If it falls into my father's hands, it will be another training.

Xiaoyitong bowed his head to his fingers and did not speak. Bo Yanchen is a little impatient. He just wants to speak, but he is stopped by Li Xintong.

"Yi Tong, tell mom, OK? Say it, mom won't scold you. "

Xiaoyitong slowly raised his head, trembled at Li Xintong's expectant eyes, pursed his mouth and said, "at summer camp, parents of many children in kindergarten have prepared many snacks for their children. We share them together, and I eat them too. When I went to bed at night, I chatted with the children next to me too late. So I'm sleepy during the day. "

The little guy explained it very clearly and didn't hide anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!