Chapter 102

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Isn't that bullshit? Who doesn't want fast and good designers?

Li Xintong is also lazy to argue with him, "I will be diligent in practice, as soon as possible to achieve the design standards required by red."

Mao Yu saw that her attitude was ok, and she was no longer embarrassed, "well. You'd better think that. The tasks I will assign you in the future must be completed with quality and quantity guaranteed. I don't want it to happen again today. Go out. "

Li Xintong Leng Leng, this let her go?

"Director Mao, what should I do next? Would you please arrange it

Mao Yu frowned and said coldly, "are you abacus beads? Do I have to dial to move? The work of design department is design besides design. Next month's new product launch will be advanced to the end of the month. I believe you've heard about it. In the next few days, the focus will be on the new products at this launch. "

What Mao Yu said is basically the same as what Li Xintong guessed earlier.

Li Xintong nodded: "OK, I see."

"Every designer in the design department has a task. Considering that you're new here, you'll have three new products for this launch. " Mao Yu said, "remember, it has to be different styles. All right, get busy. "

Three new products? Is this man joking?

Now it's less than half a month from the launch, so it's impossible to finish the new product on the day of the launch. Must it be several days in advance? When a new product comes out, designing drawings is only the first step, and there are still many steps behind.

In this way, she has to design three works in a week to catch up with the progress of the press conference.

There is no doubt that such a large-scale press conference requires the high quality of the works. Mao Yu even asked her to draw different styles. It's hard for her to do so!

"What are you doing here?" Mao Yu asked, "what's the problem?"

What's the problem? Of course, there are problems. There are big problems.

"Director Mao, I'm afraid it's too late, isn't it?" Li Xintong spoke from the heart.

She's not as stupid as some people. She can't do it. She has to show off. As a result, he exhausted himself and was scolded bloody.

It's not that she doesn't have the quality of hard work. Instead, she likes to be realistic. The task that cannot be completed, stick to one's head, the next is to destroy oneself.

"Too late? Can you only say these three words? " Mao Yu's tone is a little impatient. Why does this woman always say that it's too late? If she doesn't want to finish the task, she just says, "I told you last time that it's your business that it's too late. You've been given all the tasks, but you still bargain with me. Do you think you want to buy vegetables? "

Li Xintong seems to have been prepared for Mao Yu's reaction, calmly looking at him, "three works are completed in a week, on average, one work needs to be completed in two days. The works of new product launch must be excellent. Is it too high to produce a fine painting in two days? "

Mao Yu's expressionless cold hum: "two days a work? How did you figure it out? It's three and a half days. ha-ha! Li Xintong, is your math taught by a PE teacher? "

Li Xintong stares at him stupidly. Whose math is bad? There are seven days in a week. How can seven divided by three equal three and five?

Oh! No, wait!

Li Xintong suddenly thought of something like: "do the three works include the one I just gave you?"

Mao Yu speechless white her one eye: "your understanding ability can also be a little worse?"? Or do you have no confidence in your works? If it's not a high-quality product, how can I get through here? "

The corner of Li Xintong's mouth smoked. This Mao Yu is really a strange flower that is not easy to get along with, even praising people is so poisonous.

However, listening to what he said, Li Xintong was relieved at last. To finish two works in a week, at her level, this task can be completed with hard work.

"I see." Li Xintong showed a happy smile: "thank you, Director Mao, I went to work."

"Wait!" Mao Yu calls her from behind.

"Director Mao, what else can I do for you?"

Mao Yu stood up, took out a thick magazine from the bookshelf and put it on the table: "here you are. Remember to give it back to me after reading it! "

Li Xintong took it up and saw that it was the latest fashion magazine. On the cover of the magazine, it was written in English: Fashion vane of Paris Fashion Week in spring and summer

This magazine is very professional and at the forefront of fashion. It is a necessary tool for all excellent designers.

However, this magazine is not available in China and is rarely printed. I remember when I was reading, she always asked people to send it by mail from abroad. When I was in her hands, it was always past this season.

But the magazine in her hand was just published a few days ago, and she could even smell the printing ink.

Mao Yu is willing to lend it to her, which is beyond her expectation.

"Director Mao, do you really lend me this book?" Li Xintong not sure asked a sentence.Mao Yu turned a white eye toward her: "if you don't need it, give it back to me!"

"No, it's not." Li Xintong held the magazine tightly in her arms for fear of being robbed. "This book is very good. I need it very much. Thank you Finish saying, seem to be afraid Mao Yu to go back to repent similar, never again make to stay, directly turned round to run out.

Mao Yu stands there, looking at the door Leng for a few seconds, then slowly take back the line of sight. Sitting back in his chair, he picked up the design drawing on the table again and looked at it for a long time before finally showing a happy smile.

Li Xintong ran to the elevator with a magazine in her arms and almost ran into a person head-on.

"Be careful, do you run so fast?" A woman complained.

Li Xintong raised her head and stood in front of her with a tall and outstanding temperament. She was smelling a face, covering her chest and looking down at her high-heeled shoes. "Fortunately, she didn't sprain."

Li Xintong recognized the beauty as Tong Yu, the deputy general manager of the company.

Tong Yu is only 28 years old this year. She is the youngest and the only woman in the company.

Tong Yu is a talented student who graduated from a world-famous school. He once worked in one of the top 500 companies in the world. Due to his outstanding ability, he was promoted one after another in a few years.

Bo Yanchen met Tong Yu at a gathering of friends. It is said that after that time, Bo Yanchen successfully brought Tong Yu back to his command.

At that time, red had just been established, and it was far less famous and powerful than it is now. Tong Yu was willing to give up his high paid and promising job, but it took great courage and courage to work for Bo Yanchen, who was still unknown at that time.

However, it turns out that Tong Yu is not only capable, but also has a unique vision. , the fastest update of the webnovel!