Chapter 103

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Red is thriving under Bo Yanchen's wise leadership, and Tong Yu is also valued as a veteran in the early days of Red's entrepreneurship. At a young age, he took the position of vice president of the company.

Li Xintong has long heard of Tong Yu and admires her ability. I always hope to have a chance to meet this strong woman, but I didn't expect it would be such an embarrassing scene.

"Vice President Tong, yes I'm sorry Li Xintong repeatedly apologized.

Tong Yu looks up. At the moment when he sees Li Xintong, he is astonished. He looks familiar, but he can't remember where he saw her.

"Are you new here?"

Li Xintong nodded: "yes."

After looking at Li Xintong carefully, Tong Yu said with a smile: "yo! When did such a beautiful little girl come to the company? Why don't I know? " Although Tong Yu is a strong woman, she is not very cold. Sometimes she is humorous. Her subordinates have a good reputation for her.

This opening remark eased the awkward atmosphere. Li Xintong tense nerves immediately relaxed, "Tong vice president, my name is Li Xintong, is the new staff of women's department."

"Li Xintong? Women's department Tong Yu's eyes suddenly brightened, "Oh So you are Li Xintong

At that meeting, she met Li Xintong in the video broadcast by Bo Yanchen. It's just a picture from five years ago. The quality is a little fuzzy. Moreover, Li Xintong has been drawing pictures with her head down. What she gives is a close-up of the drawings. She seldom takes pictures of the front of Li Xintong, so she can't really see it.

No wonder Tong Yu was so familiar when he saw Li Xintong just now.

That time, she focused her attention on Li Xintong's works, and did not pay attention to her appearance at all.

"I didn't expect you to look so beautiful!" Tong Yu exclaimed.

Li Xintong pulled lip corner awkwardly. What is really unexpected?

Does Tong Yu think she is ugly all the time?

Seeing Li Xintong's embarrassed appearance, Tong Yu laughs: "don't get me wrong. I mean, your real person looks more beautiful. "

I see! Li Xintong smile, want to come to Tong Yu probably saw her resume, certificate photo can go to the United States?

"Thank you, vice president Tong." Tong Yu has no leadership airs at all, and Li Xintong has a good first impression on her.

"For what? I'm telling the truth. " Tong Yu said, "by the way, you have to work hard when you enter the women's department. The pace of work there is fast, work pressure, if there is no good work, it means elimination. Although your condition is very good, also absolutely cannot slack off. Do you know? "

Tong Yu is different from Mao Yu. Her teaching is sincere and easy to accept.

Li Xintong is very glad to meet Tong Yu such a good leader. She nodded heavily. "I see. Thank you, Mr. Tong. I'll try. "

Tong Yu nodded with a smile: "OK. Go to work. If you need any help, just come to me

After thanking Tong Yu, Li Xintong went back to her office.

Her job is the manager of underwear department, but she is arranged to work in the women's department. This kind of arrangement is very rare in red, especially she has a certain position.

For the arrangement of the desk, Li Xintong felt more strange.

When the administration department was arranging her office, it was difficult.

The original pattern of women's clothing department is: all the ordinary staff are in a large office, the deputy manager shares one office, and only the manager has a separate office.

If Li Xintong is arranged in the office of ordinary staff, it is obviously not suitable.

If it is arranged in the manager's office, it doesn't seem to be suitable. The position of manager of women's wear department is vacant, and the office is vacant. But Li Xintong is not the manager of women's wear department after all. If she works in the manager's office, she won't be criticized.

But the problem is that Li Xintong is the person Bo Yanchen arranged. If she is not satisfied with the arrangement, something big will happen.

Finally, the people of the administrative department had no choice but to ask Bo Yanchen for instructions.

Bo Yanchen's reply is: in the ordinary staff's office to separate another one, as Li Xintong's office. In particular, I told you not to put a sign on the door of the office.

When the people in the administration department got the order, they looked confused. I don't know what the boss wants to do, but I dare not ask more questions, so I have to do it.

Over the weekend, the administration department asked the decorator to work overtime, separated a ten square office with glass partition, and simply decorated it. In addition, it asked someone to do air purification and formaldehyde monitoring to ensure that there was no smell and pollution before it was completed.

Li Xintong sat in his seat and looked around the environment. The relatively quiet and independent space is very suitable for creation.

Office decoration is very simple, only a desk and a bookcase, not even a sofa. There is a folding bed in the corner, which can squint for a while at noon.

Li Xintong never pays attention to these. The office is the place to work, so it doesn't matter if it's a bit simple. She is satisfied with having a separate office.She stood up, went to the floor glass window, squatted down and fiddled with the delicate and lovely succulent plants on the windowsill, feeling very happy.

Why? From the window, you can see the door of the company.

At this time, the mobile phone rings. Li Xintong takes it up and looks at it. It's Bo Yanchen.

"Hello, Mr. Bo."

"Are you satisfied with the new office? Sorry, I can't give you a big office

"This office is very good. I'm very satisfied. It doesn't need to be any bigger. " Li Xintong is sincere. She's a newcomer. As soon as she entered, she occupied the big office. What would other colleagues think? She doesn't want to be pointed at in the back.

"I'm very happy that you can give me a separate office." Li Xintong said.

Bo Yanchen laughed: "so easy to satisfy?"

"Yes Li Xintong said, "contentment is happiness."

"Tong Tong..." Bo Yanchen suddenly called her low and forceful.


"You are my good wife!"

“……” Li Xintong can't prevent being confessed. Her face turns red, "Mr. Bo, it's working time now. You should say, "you are a good employee of mine."

"Ha ha ha..." Bo Yanchen's hearty laughter came from the phone.

"I have something to do now. I can't eat with you at noon. " Bo Yanchen said, "have a good rest after lunch. Don't be too tired. Well

Li Xintong's heart warms, "well. got it. So do you. Pay attention to rest. "


Li Xintong hangs up the phone, looks down from the window, and just sees Bo Yanchen's Rolls Royce driving away from the gate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!