Chapter 104

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen hung up the phone for a long time, the line of sight still stays on the mobile phone screen, the corner of the mouth radian to rise.

Rui Wentao saw this scene from the mirror, pursed the corners of his lips, and couldn't help looking back and asking, "Bo Shao, you seem to be in a good mood recently."

Bo Yanchen takes back his eyes and looks at Rui Wentao.

Rui Wentao immediately realized something, his face changed: "thin little, sorry, I talk too much."

There's nothing wrong with speculating about the boss's mood. It's a taboo to say it at will. As a senior special assistant, Rui Wentao has never made such a mistake. I blame myself for saying something I shouldn't have said just now.

Bo Yanchen was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed low: "I found that recently your observation has become more and more acute, which is a good phenomenon. Ha ha

Rui Wentao was frightened by his last "ha ha" and said, "thin Bo Shao, are you kidding me? "

Bo Yanchen put away his smile, "do I look like I'm joking?"

Rui Wentao wants to say that he really can't see it. He has been following Bo Yanchen for nearly three years. Sometimes, he feels that he doesn't know Bo Yanchen at all.

Take Bo Yanchen for Li Xintong's personnel arrangement, even if he wants to break the head do not know what this means. And Mingming said it was a contractual marriage at that time, but now Bo Yanchen looks like falling in love. Is it a fake?

But if it's true, and I want to live with Li Xintong forever, why don't I disclose the fact that I'm married so far, instead of pretending to be a simple superior subordinate relationship in the company?

In a word, Rui Wentao can't understand Bo Yanchen any more.

"Is the money ready?" Bo Yanchen asked suddenly.

"Ah?" Rui Wentao is wandering, Leng Buding is asked, the brain suddenly can't react.

"Ah, what?" Bo Yanchen didn't have a good way: "have you brought the two million cash I asked you to prepare?"

Rui Wentao woke up like a dream: "Oh, this? Of course. Here it is! It's all in US dollars. " Rui Wentao patted the suitcase at his feet.

"Well." Bo Yanchen nodded, "in a moment, you and I will go in together."

Rui Wentao called Susanna's agency yesterday and sent out an invitation in the name of red group. As a result, the other party replied that Susanna herself was still in B city and had no time to do dance design for an international fashion show.

Rui Wentao has no choice but to take the curve to save the country. He calls Susan's assistant Alan directly and reports Bo Yanchen's name. He asks Allen to ask Susan herself before giving a definite reply.

Less than five minutes after hanging up, Allen called and said that Susanna had cancelled the next day's trip and flew to Xicheng to meet Bo Yanchen.

Susanna is famous in the industry. If it wasn't for her strong relationship, she wouldn't even meet. When Bo Yanchen asked Rui Wentao to meet Susanna, he didn't have much hope.

I didn't expect that it would be so smooth this time, although Bo Yanchen didn't mention that she knew Susanna well. But Rui guessed that his relationship with Susanna must be different. Otherwise, why can people change their schedule temporarily for him.

What's more strange is that we can meet whenever we meet. Even put the meeting place in the hotel room. Such a private place. Does Susanna have any plans for their boss?

Rui Wentao is definitely not a man of three or eight. He will have this kind of speculation. He has been following Bo Yanchen all these years and has seen too many such examples.

In the name of work, it's not a new thing to approach Bo Yanchen and throw himself in his arms.

Ah! Who makes his boss charming? Since ancient times, beautiful women love heroes!

Originally, he had a successful appointment with Susanna, so he could retire. But Bo Yanchen just doesn't arrange Li to play cards. He has to go with him.

What's going on? Let him be a light bulb?

Rui Wentao was full of questions and didn't dare to ask, so he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Don't you know Susanna doesn't see strangers? What if someone else is not happy and throws him out?

And let him take a suitcase of cash. What do you mean? Take the money to kill each other?

Rui Wentao looked embarrassed. "But I heard that Miss Susanna has a very strange temper. She can't see strangers easily. If I go, she won't drive me out, will she? We're going to tackle key problems this time. If we get angry, I'm afraid... "

Rui Wentao voice and fall, Bo Yanchen has a cold eyes hit in the past: "let you go to nature have my consideration, so much nonsense why?"

Rui Wentao Oh, turned away, dare not say more.

The car stopped at the gate of the most luxurious Moon Island Hotel in the west city.

After getting off, Bo Yanchen goes in front with one hand and Rui Wentao walks behind with his suitcase tightly.Just entering the hotel hall, I met Jing Haoran who was about to leave.

Bo Yanchen: "Haoran."

Jing Haoran saw Bo Yanchen and clapped his hand on his shoulder in surprise: "eh? Ah Chen, what brings you here? "

Rui Wentao: "less scenery."

"Oh, you two are What big clients do you meet? " Jing Haoran saw that Rui Wentao's suitcase seemed heavy. He naturally guessed what it was. With such a large sum of cash, this customer must be a heavyweight, otherwise how can you ask Bo Yanchen to come out in person?

"Well." Bo Yanchen should a, "is to see a customer.". Are you going

Jing Haoran nodded: "I've finished my work here. I'm going to the head office."

"If you're not in a hurry, wait. I'll see you when I'm finished Bo Yanchen said.

"What? Let me wait? " Jing Haoran deliberately put on airs, "I am also very busy, OK? The head office has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with! "

Bo Yanchen: "don't do this. I need your help. "

"I wipe! What kind of world is this Bo Yanchen seldom asks Jing Haoran for help. This time, he has to take the opportunity to get a chance. "Do you want me to help you? What do I owe you? "

Bo Yanchen glanced at him: "OK! I don't have time to talk with you. I'll be busy first. It's up to you to wait. " With that, he lifted his feet and left.

"Hello Ah Chen... " What else does Jing Haoran want to say? Bo Yanchen has gone far.

Jing Haoran is angry. It's so cool to ask for help, but no one else. What's special? I don't know. I thought he was asking for Bo Yanchen!

At this time, Xiao Xu, Jing Haoran's assistant, came running over in a sweat: "Jing Jing Shao, I I see See... "

Jing Haoran didn't have a good airway: "why? Did you see the ghost , the fastest update of the webnovel!