Chapter 112

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Mao Yu's implication is that these words can never be said in the future. Whether they are said in front of him or in front of other people, they will be regarded as illegal when they reach his ears. The consequences will be serious.

In particular, the last three words "you know" really have weight.

Scared Qiu Jinsong busy nodded: "I understand! I understand

Dare he not understand? Unless you don't want to get mixed up.

"All right, get out." Mao Yu waves impatiently.

"Yes Qiu Jinsong turned and backed out.

Li Xintong with the fastest speed to hide to one side of the corner, looking at Qiu Jinsong escape also like the back, disdain toward him waved his fist.

Pooh! Can such a disgusting despicable person be regarded as a man?

Ah! She would feel congested to work with such a mean and insidious person every day.

On second thought, there's nothing wrong with it. Fortunately, I heard it today. I know what Qiu Jinsong is like. I'll be on guard in the future.

Li Xintong didn't expect that he would meet such unreliable colleagues, but what he didn't expect was another person, that is Mao Yu.

Li Xintong can't figure it out. Isn't he prejudiced against her all the time? How can you have such a high evaluation of your own design level. In order to protect her reputation, she reprimanded her capable generals in public.

If she didn't hear such a strange thing, I'm afraid she would not believe it!

But his usual strict attitude towards himself doesn't seem to be deliberately pretended.

Li Xintong can't understand this man at all. Is he the split personality in the legend?

No matter how, Mao Yu can be good to her behind her back, or it's very fortunate. It's better than leaders who are polite to you on the surface but stab you in the back.

Thinking like this, Li Xintong's heart is more comfortable.

Quietly came out from the dark, just went to the elevator, mobile phone prompt SMS. A look, is Bo Yanchen sends, said already waited for her in the parking lot.

Li Xintong just wanted to reply when a call came in from her mobile phone. It's Mao Yu.

Li Xintong's heart clapped. Why does this person call her after work?

"Hello. Hello, Director Mao. "

"Are you off work?"

"Well. Waiting for the elevator. "

"Come to my office at once."

"Ah? Now? " Li Xintong really does not want to go in the past, because Bo Yanchen is still waiting for her in the parking lot!

"Ah, what?" Mao Yu's tone is cold and fierce, "I said is immediately, do you understand ability to have a problem?"? Come here quickly. What's all that nonsense for? "

"But..." What else does Li Xintong want to say? There is a busy beep coming from the other end of the phone.

"I'll go!" Li Xintong is so angry that she just wants to drop her cell phone. Just a little change in his view, this man's Fox Tail immediately exposed. Maybe it's just for lecturing.

But he is his immediate superior, and it's not good if he doesn't go.

Li Xintong had no choice but to sigh and send a text message to Bo Yanchen, saying that he still had some work to finish and asked him to wait for ten minutes.

The short message just sent out less than a few seconds, Bo Yanchen then returned an OK.

Li Xintong put away her mobile phone and walked towards Maoyu's office.

Standing at the door and taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and slightly buttoned the door.

"Come in!"

Push the door in, Mao Yu is leaning on the chair, holding a design. Li Xintong came in. He didn't even raise his head. He looked at the picture seriously.

"Director Mao." Li Xintong called him.

Mao Yu this just returned to God, pointed to the chair opposite him: "sit."

After sitting down, Li Xintong asked directly, "what can I do for you?"

Mao Yu hands the design to her, "have a look."

Li Xintong took a look, can't help but Yi a, lift Mou don't understand of look to him: "this......" Isn't this the design that she drafted? What are you doing for her? Is it hard to be called back?

"This picture has been unanimously affirmed by the audit team, and the company intends to make ready-made clothes immediately and put them on the market for sale." Mao Yu said.

"Oh." Li Xintong breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was this thing that frightened her.

Mao Yu looked at her one eye, picked pick eyebrow.

The girl is quite calm. If she is new, I don't know how happy she will be if she hears such good news. You should know that the manuscript is only the first step, and it is the only way to sell it in the market.

Mao Yu paused and then said, "in addition to telling you the good news, I have another thing to ask you to come."

Li Xintong narrowed her eyes. That's right. She knew that it was not so easy for Mao Yu to find her. It seems that the other thing is the point.

"The design department is going to have a big competition for employees' business ability, and the reward for winning is quite rich. You're going to take part this time. " Mao Yu said, "what do you think of this work?"What do you think? Oh! This seems to be a question sentence, but in fact it is an affirmative sentence.

Isn't it all settled? Now come to ask her hypocritically, what do you mean? Can she say no?

Also attempts to take the rich reward to tempt her, Li Xintong corners of the mouth evoke a touch of ridicule arc.

"I have no opinion. I'm a new person, and the key is to participate. " Li Xintong deliberately modest said.

"You can't have that thought." Mao Yu said, "this competition is very fair. The final result will be decided according to the results of marketing. Consumers don't know whether the designer of this dress is new or senior. "

Li Xintong sneered coldly in the heart, the consumer does not know, but you can be clear. It's fair to compare other people's best works with those she rushed out!

"There is a clear distinction between reward and punishment. What if we lose? Are you going to be punished? " This matter son Li Xintong of course want to ask clear, she can't have no reason to do injustice big head. Rewards can be avoided, but if you want to pit her, you can't do it.

Mao Yu ha ha of smile two, "not so serious. This competition is for motivation, not for punishment. If you lose, keep up your efforts and try to win the next competition. And you can rest assured that the participants are strictly confidential, only the top management of the company knows. And, in the end, only the winner will be announced. So you don't have to be so stressed

Mao Yu's attitude is surprisingly good, the explanation is quite clear in place. If put in the past, Li Xintong must think he took the wrong medicine.

But now, of course, she knows that Mao Yu said so much just to cover up her guilt and uneasiness.

"It's not so stressful." Li Xintong said, "anyway, I said, the key is to participate. Now that I don't need to be punished for losing, I'm relieved. "

Mao Yu frowned: "how to listen to your tone, as if he would lose." , the fastest update of the webnovel!