Chapter 113

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong's attitude surprised Mao Yu.

Where is the bold girl who dare to face him and point out the defects of his works?

Li Xintong light looked at him: "how to listen to the tone of Director Mao, as if I have confidence."

Mao Yu Leng Leng, then nodded: "yes. I have confidence in every subordinate. Do you have no confidence in yourself? "

Li Xintong was asked by his rhetorical question.

Bo Yanchen's words suddenly appeared in his mind: "confidence. What you lack is confidence. As a result, your design is always a little short of time. Do you know that lack of self-confidence is the biggest fatal injury of a designer... "

Yes! She really didn't show confidence just now. I haven't started the game yet. How can I decide that I will lose?

Even if Qiu Jinsong chooses his most satisfactory works, what happens? Is she bound to be worse than him?

As long as she changes the design to her own satisfaction. At that time, even if you really lose, there will be no regrets.

"Director Mao. I want to take this design back and revise it. " Li Xintong said.

"Why not? Haven't you finished it yet? " Mao Yu does not understand the question.

"Although I have, I am not satisfied with some details." Li Xintong said, "I want to perfect it again. Is that ok? "

Mao Yu looked at her: "yes, of course." Li Xintong strives for perfection in her works. At this point, she is really playing against herself.

"I'll bring out the revised draft tomorrow." Li Xintong held the design draft in his hand, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first. Goodbye, Director Mao

Li Xintong finish saying, head also did not return of walked out. Looking at her back for a long time, Mao Yu suddenly chuckled.

This woman, it seems, is more interesting than she thought.


when he went to the underground parking lot, Bo Yanchen's car was on. Seeing her approaching, a bin immediately got out of the car and opened the back door: "madam, please get in the car."

Li Xintong: "master abin, don't be so polite in the company. I can open the door myself. "

"It's my duty, ma'am." Abin blocked the roof with his hand, waiting for Li Xintong to sit down before closing the door.

It's just a short way from the elevator to the parking lot. Li Xintong is sweating.

With the air conditioner in the car, Li Xintong sighed with satisfaction: "Wow, it's so cool. It's a dry day. Why is it so hot? "

Bo Yanchen tenderly handed over a wet tissue: "is it so exaggerated? Calm and cool. "

Li Xintong curls his mouth, so many disturbing things, her heart can calm down just strange.

Bo Yanchen stretched out her hand to pull the sweat wet bangs on her forehead, and suddenly glanced at the drawing on her hand, "eh? what is it? Why do you still have homework? "

Bo Yanchen took the drawing in Li Xintong's hand and opened it to have a look: "isn't that design drawing already drafted? Why do you bring it back? "

"I don't feel very satisfied. I want to revise it." Li Xintong didn't tell Bo Yanchen what he heard outside Mao Yu's office, so that he wouldn't intervene when he knew. To win is to win beauty. It's not too late to wait until the result of the game comes out.

Bo Yanchen frowned, "wife, the attitude of striving for perfection is commendable. As a boss, I hope all the employees can be like you. But As a husband, I don't want my wife to bring business home. "

Li Xintong did not have the good spirit white he one eye: "you this is not self contradictory? I'm your wife, but I'm also your employee. Besides, there are still many things to do after going to work tomorrow, so there is no time to revise the manuscript. So I have to take it back. "

Bo Yanchen thought: "OK. Recently, the special situation allows you to distinguish between public and private. After this time, it's not allowed to be like this. "

Li Xintong Can this man talk? What is the distinction between public and private? She's working for him, okay?

Just when Li Xintong pouts her lips and breathes, Bo Yanchen suddenly comes up and whispers in her ear: "remember, your time at night only belongs to me."

Warm lips rubbed the woman's tender earlobe, itchy, crisp, Li Xintong felt that the temperature just retreated came up again. How can this man tease her all the time? Regardless of the occasion. It's not just the two of them in the car.

Abin heard goose bumps are up, light cough: "thin little, now where?"

"Fushan nursing home."

It's hard to avoid traffic jam during the rush hour. When we arrived at Fushan nursing home, it was almost half past six in the evening.

When I got off the bus, Li Xintong suddenly rang out. She came empty handed and said, "it's over! I forgot to go shopping! "

Bo Yanchen did not hurry to open the trunk, and took out two boxes of Cordyceps sinensis and a beautiful fruit basket, "are these things OK?"

Li Xintong's eyes widened, "you When did you buy it? Why don't I know? "This man is too careful and considerate. He is so busy and thoughtful. But as a granddaughter, she forgets everything when she is busy. What a shame!

Bo Yanchen laughed: "I think you are so busy today, you must not have time to buy. So, I asked Wen Tao to buy it before work. You see, what else do you need? I'll let abin buy it right away. "

Li Xintong shook his head busily: "no, enough. And This Cordyceps sinensis is too expensive, and my grandmother will definitely hate to eat it. Just buy a few supplements. "

"There's nothing to give up. This is the most suitable for your grandmother's illness. The first time I see your grandmother, how can I be free? It's against the rules. " Bo Yanchen said, "you say it was bought by the trade union of the company, which belongs to employee welfare. Your grandmother will eat it when she hears

That's a fantastic explanation!

Li Xintong: "OK, listen to you. Let's go in. "

"Wait a minute." Bo Yanchen took out a big bunch of lilies from the copilot's cab. "I almost forgot this. It's too hot. I'm afraid it's stuffy when I put it in the trunk. "

Li Xintong looked at him in surprise: "you How do you know my grandmother likes lilies best? "

Bo Yanchen light smile: "I guess."

Li Xintong Guess again? How can he guess so accurately every time?

"Well, don't just stand there and go in. It's hot outside. "

"I'll take the flowers." Li Xintong took the bouquet.

She couldn't bear to let a big boss carry a big bag.

"Well. Good Bo Yanchen didn't refuse. He took her hand and said, "this hand must hold you."

Li Xintong in the heart a burst of sweet, the eyebrow eyes bend of looking at him.

"Diddiddidi!" A harsh whistle interrupted the two people's affectionate look at each other. , the fastest update of the webnovel!