Chapter 114

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong looked back and saw a red sports car coming towards them. Creak a stop at the car side of Bo Yanchen.

As soon as the door opened, the tall figure came down from the car. It was still dressed in a red T-shirt, black shorts, and wide sunglasses, which covered most of his face. "Ah Chen, sister-in-law, how much does it mean to show love outside on a hot day?" Coco took off his sunglasses and showed his trademark smile.

"None of your business!" Bo Yanchen glanced at him. "What are you doing here?"

That look is like saying: I show my, what's the matter with you? If you have the ability, you can find someone to show you.

Coco was hurt by his eyes. "You can come, why can't I? Can't I come here to find someone? "

"You're not looking for our double beauty, are you?" Li Xintong joked.

Coco a old blood card in the chest, "sister-in-law, you don't disgust me, OK? Who will come to see this man? I came to see my grandmother She did not say, coco really forget that Mo Shuangshuang is a doctor in the nursing home! The enemy has a narrow road. You must avoid her later.

"I'm kidding." Li Xintong said with a smile, "it's half past six now. Shuangshuang should have left work early. You can't touch her."

Coco put his hands together: "thank God! Amitabha

Li Xintong was amused by his exaggerated expression.

Bo Yanchen has no good spirit of white he one eye: "don't play a treasure, hurry to go in."

After entering the nursing home, Li Xintong and Bo Yanchen went straight to the ward of grandma Xia Shufen.

Bo Yanchen has upgraded Xia Shufen's room to VIP suite, and the nursing level has also been upgraded.

There is a room for professional nurses in the suite. Two nurses take turns to take care of the elderly 24 hours a day to ensure that there are no accidents for the elderly.

Li Xintong pushes the door in and sees Xia Shufen sitting on the sofa watching TV. Xu is playing a comedy on TV. Lao Tai Le's eyes are all narrowed into a slit, and he doesn't even notice someone coming in.

"Grandma!" Li Xintong walked over and stood in front of Xia Shufen, looking at her askew.

Xia Shufen was stunned for a moment, took off the presbyopic glasses, wiped them, and put them on tremblingly. Then she finally saw the person standing in front of her: "Tong Tong! It's really you! You Your clothes... "

Xia Shufen can't recognize her granddaughter. When she saw her some time ago, she was still sad. Now she is completely like a different person. She not only dresses brightly, but also looks radiant. She is more beautiful than the movie stars on TV.

"Ha ha, I work in a big company now. Of course, I have to dress decently." Li Xintong in place to turn a circle, "grandma, you see, I am beautiful?"

She this turn, almost turn the thin Yan Chen of one side to dizzy eyes. How could his little wife be so beautiful? It's like a dancing butterfly.

Xia Shufen happily closed her mouth: "beautiful, beautiful, my baby granddaughter is the most beautiful girl in the world."

Li Xintong happy smile: "grandma, you are too exaggerated."

"Grandma is an honest person, but every word she says is true." Xia Shufen's serious expression.

Li Xintong naughty toward Xia Shufen smile: "then the most beautiful flowers for the most beautiful honest people."

Although Xia Shufen is more than 70 years old, her mood is no different from that of a child since she got Alzheimer's two years ago. Li Xintong has been used to treating children with the tone and way to get along with Xia Shufen.

"Wow! What a beautiful flower Xia Shufen showed a surprise expression, took the flower, sniffed hard, "good smell! Thank you, baby

"Just like it." Li Xintong said, "grandma, have you had a good time recently?"

"Me? It's very good. " Xia Shufen said, "after changing the room, the food is much better, what I want to eat, as long as a phone call, someone will send it to me, it's convenient."

"Besides eating? How are you doing? "

"I'm in good health, too. Every day, a doctor came to check me, and two nurses were assigned. I said, don't follow me every day, but they just don't listen. They even follow me when I go to the toilet. It's boring! " Xia Shufen's tone of saying this is completely like a disobedient child.

The corners of the mouths of the two nurses standing in the ward couldn't help smoking. If it wasn't for the high salary, they wouldn't want to follow an old lady in her seventies every day!

"It's their job. You can bear more. " Li Xintong said, "in addition, I'm too busy to see you every day, but I'll call you every day. If you have anything to do, please go to see Dr. Mo, who is my good sister. "

"Yes. Xiao Mo will come to check me every day and chat with me. It's a nice kid. I like it. " As Xia Shufen spoke, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a tall figure, "this Who is this

Li Xintong's face is stiff. She talked with her grandmother so high that she forgot Bo Yanchen.

"Grandma." Li Xintong looks at Bo Yanchen with some guilt, "this is It's my boss. He's Bo. "Li Xintong did not dare to introduce it as it was. If she said it was her husband, it would be strange that grandma was not scared to death. Talking about boyfriends? It doesn't seem to work either. It's not that grandma doesn't know Bo Jingxuan. So in a hurry, it's the boss. Anyway, it's true.

Bo Yanchen's face is gorgeous and beautiful black. But he couldn't clarify it on the spot. He gritted his teeth angrily.

Li Xintong saw Bo Yanchen's displeasure and said: "grandma, our boss is so nice. Knowing that I'm coming to see you today, he specially sent me here and bought me a present! " Finish saying, toward thin Yan Chen made a wink.

Bo Yanchen in the heart low curse a, hard scalp to come over, "old lady Xia, these two boxes of tonic and water fruit basket is the company's a little intention."

With that, put the gift box on the coffee table.

Xia Shufen stares at the gift box and looks up at Bo Yanchen's face for a long time. Her face becomes calm and she mumbles to herself: "boss? Boss? "

Li Xintong feels very surprised, "yes. He's my boss. "

Bo Yanchen also feels very strange, he has not seen Xia Shufen, but her eyes are clear to know themselves.

Xia Shufen looked at Bo Yanchen for a moment, "you What's your name? "

"My name is Bo Yanchen."

With a slap, the bouquet in Xia Shufen's hand suddenly slipped off and fell to the ground, "what? Bo Yanchen! Are you really Bo Yanchen The old lady's excited voice trembled.

Li Xintong thinks that Xia Shufen's mood is not right. "Grandma, what's the matter with you? Do you know him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!