Chapter 115

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen is now almost certain that Xia Shufen knows him.

"Old lady Xia, do you know me?"

Xia Shufen suddenly stood up from the sofa and reached out to push Bo Yanchen, "you liar! bad guy! You go for me, now

Bo Yanchen was confused. How could he suddenly blow people up when he didn't agree?

Li Xintong also wondered, which one is this singing? Grandma has always been kind, never blushed with others, and even spoke in a low voice. Why is it so abnormal today?

"Grandma, what are you doing?" Li Xintong held her, "Mr. Bo is kind-hearted to see you and has brought you a gift. If you don't thank him, how can you push people out?"

Xia Shufen suddenly grasped Li Xintong's hand tightly: "Tong Tong, this man cheated you and abandoned you. He is a bad man. Let him go, let him go

Li Xin Tong as like as two peas in her mind, the terrible nightmare that she had done in the villa was suddenly reflected in her mind. The dream grandmother said almost the same as it is now.

Isn't it a dream? Is this really what happened? No, it's impossible! Li Xintong quickly denied his guess.

If Bo Yanchen had abandoned her, why didn't she have any memory in her mind.

If Bo Yanchen really abandoned her, how could she be so stupid to show up here and let Grandma grasp the handle?

What's more, grandma has Alzheimer's disease for a long time. The credibility of her speech should be given a big question mark.

Ah! What's wrong with her? To believe what grandma said.

Bo Yanchen is completely stupid. What's the situation? Why is Xia Shufen so hostile to herself? Still say he is a bad person, say he abandoned Tong Tong?

Where does this come from? How can he abandon her when he loves her so much?

Once he almost died. At the critical moment of his life, his heart was full of his brilliance. He finally survived with his amazing will to survive.

Tong Tong is his life, without Tong Tong, he is like a walking corpse.

"Old man, do you recognize the wrong person?" Bo Yanchen tried to explain, "I really don't know you!"

Even if she really recognized the wrong person, she would not regard him as a liar or a villain. He looked so upright, where did he look like a villain?

But Xia Shufen is still reluctant, holding Bo Yanchen's mind, trying her best to push him out, and constantly reciting: "liar, villain..."

"Grandma, calm down! Don't you Ah Li Xintong reaches out her hand to hold Xia Shufen again, but she throws it away and almost falls.

Bo Yanchen quickly held her waist: "Tong Tong, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Li Xintong busily shook his head, "why don't you go first? My grandmother is a little abnormal. I'm here to advise her that it might be better

Xia Shufen sees Bo Yanchen holding Li Xintong, kicking and beating him angrily, "villain, let go of Tong Tong! Let her go! Do you hear me

"Tongtong, grandma is very sober, grandma didn't cheat you, he is really a bad man, he wants to harm you!" Xia Shufen said in tears.

Xia Shufen looks hysterical, but her words are very clear. Li Xintong has nothing to do with her.

The old lady's strength was surprisingly strong. Bo Yanchen's shirt was wrinkled by her, several buttons were torn off, and several blood marks were scratched on her bronze skin, which was shocking. Straight trousers were kicked several shoe prints, shiny shoes were trampled dirty.

The most depressing thing is that he is facing an old man in his seventies. Therefore, he can neither fight back nor talk back, and can only let her vent.

Bo Yanchen has never been so embarrassed, so he, where there are usually majestic bully president appearance, it is like a lost dog.

But Xia Shufen still didn't mean to stop. On the contrary, the more she fought, the more she made, the more fierce she was. She was about to lose control of the scene.

The two nurses couldn't see it any more. They looked at each other and quickly came over to pull Xia Shufen away.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the patient is very unstable now. You'd better leave first. There will be a doctor later. If there is any situation, we will let you know as soon as possible. "

Li Xintong nodded: "ah Chen, let's go out first."

Bo Yanchen takes Li Xintong's hand and is about to leave. Xia Shufen suddenly breaks free from the bondage of the nurse and pours on Bo Yanchen: "you are not allowed to take Tong Tong! You bad man

Bo Yanchen

Li Xintong

The nurse immediately stepped forward and held Xia Shufen firmly, "don't you go quickly?"

Li Xintong is still hesitating, his arm has been grabbed by Bo Yanchen: "let's go first. Let her calm down. "

Li Xintong a ruthless, turned to follow Bo Yanchen to walk out.

"Tong Tong, don't go! Why are you holding me? Let go of me! Do you hear meUntil the door is closed, Li Xintong can still hear Xia Shufen's sad cry.

"Grandma!" Li Xintong can't help but want to turn back.

"Don't go in." Bo Yanchen held her, "her mood is too unstable. Let's call a doctor first."

"What happened to grandma? Just fine! " Li Xintong's eyes are red, "how does it seem to be stimulated?"

"It should be because of seeing me." Bo Yanchen said.

Li Xintong immediately shook his head: "it has nothing to do with you! Grandma's brain is not very clear. I think it's a disease. "

"Let's stop guessing here and call a doctor."

Li Xintong sighed helplessly: "OK!"

Bo Yanchen is also depressed. Originally today, Li Xintong was happy to accompany her to visit her grandmother. She also bought flowers and tonics. She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to win over the old lady, but she didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Now he is in no mood.

At the other end, there was a man who was as depressed as he was and was dying.

Coco came to see grandma today. The old lady is over seventy years old. She was always forgetful some time ago. She got lost several times when she went out.

The old lady insisted that she had Alzheimer's disease. She went to the hospital and found that everything was normal.

But she is always suspicious, always feel that the younger generation are lying to her. So in a rage, a few days ago, I packed my bags and lived in a nursing home. Coco's parents came several times and advised her for a long time, but the old lady refused to go back.

Coco didn't know about it until he came home yesterday, so today he was sent by his parents to be a lobbyist. Just before going out, my parents gave an order that if they couldn't persuade him back, he would stay there and not go home.

Coco is suffering! He has been busy all day, and he can't come home to have a rest! , the fastest update of the webnovel!