Chapter 163

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's meaning is very clear. As long as Diana guarantees to get out of the unexpected effect, she will be given the right to choose which clothes to wear.

Diana pulled her lips awkwardly. Just now, she vowed that she had the right to choose clothes when she was on the show. When Bo Yanchen said it, her aura was immediately suppressed.

Although Diana was bored in her heart, her face was still smiling brightly: "Mr. Bo, please rest assured, I have confidence in the clothes designed by Mrs. Bo."

Bo Yanchen nodded: "for this point, I agree."

Diana:“……” Be modest and you will die! She couldn't help complaining.

"Bo Shao, do you want to change this dress?" Rui Wentao asked. The dress was Bo Yanchen's invitation, and he has the final say in exchange for it.

Bo Yanchen: "no change!"

Li Xintong: "change!"

They said almost at the same time.

Bo Yanchen He wants to say that you and your wife should close the door first to discuss, or have a fight, and wait until a common opinion is reached, OK?

"I said I would wear this one. Why do I have to change it?" Diana asked, puzzled.

Only clothes she doesn't want to wear, no clothes she can't wear.

Bo Yanchen looked at his little wife: "you are afraid to affect the result of PK competition, aren't you?"

Li Xintong Leng for a moment, then nodded. Sure enough, Bo Yanchen knew her best.

"Tongtong, in fact, you don't have to worry." Bo Yanchen said, "your work, even if there is no publicity, will win the PK competition."

The implication is that Diana's dress is just icing on the cake, which has nothing to do with the winning or losing of the competition. Because in Bo Yanchen's heart, win or lose has already been separated.

Li Xintong speechless looked at him: "this is just your idea, other people will not think so. In this way, even if we win, we will win disgrace! "

Others will think that Diana's star effect is driving the sales of this dress. In this way, even if we win in the end, it will be hard to win.

Bo Yanchen frowned: "how can you have such an idea?"

"Anyway, I don't agree." Li Xintong doesn't want to fight with Bo Yanchen any more. She has different opinions. How about a victory or defeat.

Then she took the dress from Diana's hand and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Diana. I'm honored to let you wear the dress I designed. But This dress is my work to take part in PK competition, so I can't dress you for the time being. After the game, if you like, I will send this dress to you personally. I'm really sorry this time. "

She really felt sorry for Diana.

For an internationally renowned supermodel like Diana, what kind of master's clothes have not been worn? If people want to wear these clothes, they think highly of her. But she was doomed to fail her favor.

"What PK contest?" Diana was at a loss. "You mean you were going to compete in this dress? Isn't that right? If I wear it, I will help you build up momentum and publicity, and help you win! Remember to invite me to dinner after winning, ha

Diana said and snatched the clothes from Li Xintong's hands. "I'm going to wear the clothes today."

Diana's overbearing makes Li Xintong a little sad.

Propaganda?! That's why she won't let Diana wear it, OK?

It seems that the views are really different!

Li Xintong really has no way, but sighed: "if so, I have to change the entries."

Bo Yanchen slightly twisted eyebrows, his little woman is far more stubborn than he imagined.

His eyes are dark and clear, so the eyes seem very calm, people can't see the joy and anger.

Rui Wentao knows Bo Yanchen's inner thoughts very well. He says to Li Xintong: "madam, the competition has already started. There is no way to change the entries."

"Then I'll have to quit." Li Xintong almost does not think about the cableway.

Then he went straight out.

Rui Wentao was stunned: "madam, you No How can you withdraw from the competition if you don't agree?

"Tong Tong! Stop Bo Yanchen's deep and powerful voice overflowed from his lips and teeth, mixed with obvious displeasure.

Li Xintong stopped, but did not look back.

There was a silence in the office. Everyone's face was dark and tense, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point, in sharp contrast to the high temperature outside.

Diana finally couldn't help it. She pulled Li Xintong forward and said, "what are you doing, Mrs. Bo?" She was embarrassed when she heard that just now. "OK, I'm afraid of you. Can't I wear it anymore?" She is dying of depression. She just wants to wear the clothes she designed. Is it necessary to have such a big response? It's a big deal. I'll pay her one after wearing it.

Li Xintong turns around and holds Diana's hand. "I'm really sorry."Diana sighs and returns her clothes to Li Xintong.

Diana is a half breed. She grew up abroad and received western education. She can't understand Li Xintong's practice. She felt that as long as the means were right and the goal could be achieved, there was nothing to blame. She even thinks Li Xintong is too It's pedantic.

Rui Wentao also thinks that Li Xintong has gone too far this time. It's a good thing to talk about principles, but sometimes too much about principles will make people feel embarrassed.

It doesn't matter how we close the door, but anyway, we have to give Diana a little face!

Rui Wentao secretly raised his eyes to see Bo Yanchen, only to see that his face was dark, his lips were tight, especially serious.

He could not help but quietly wipe a cold sweat.

It's estimated that this time my wife will be very angry with the boss. In this world, perhaps only the wife dares to have such an attitude towards the boss.

"Wentao, go and get another dress." Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his mouth.

"Ah? What? " Rui Wentao thought he had heard wrong. Boss, is this the rhythm of compromise?

"Hurry up, I don't want to repeat it a second time." Bo Yanchen waved impatiently.

"Yes Rui Wentao ran out like a gust of wind.

In less than five minutes, he came back in a gust of wind, holding a bag in his hand, breathless: "take Here it is. "

Diana was surprised to grow up and said, "Ritchie, are you a sprinter?" This speed can take part in the Olympic Games.

"Ha ha, I just have long legs and long feet." Rui Wentao said with a smile, "Miss Diana, go inside and change it."

Diana took the bag, took out her clothes and looked at them. She turned her lips discontentedly.

It's a formal dress with no special features. It's quite different from the dress just now. It's not of the same grade at all. By grade, of course, she doesn't mean the fabric, workmanship or price. On the contrary, the fabric of this dress is more expensive. But the design level of the two pieces is not in the same level.

But she didn't have a choice, so she had to pout, take clothes, and go to Bo Yanchen's compartment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!