Chapter 164

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Diana is a natural clothes rack, which can make an ordinary clothes look amazing.

It's just This face is smelly.

"Miss Diana is a natural beauty." Rui Wentao couldn't help praising.

"Oh. Thank you Diana gave a perfunctory smile. She was tired of such compliments. Can I have some new words?

Rui Wentao Love is flattering on the horse's feet.

Li Xintong is also amazed by Diana's beauty. She wants to say a few words of praise, but she can't say anything.

Well, Diana must be angry at her insistence on principles.

At this time, silence is the best way to show wisdom.

"Yes, shoes!" Diana walked a few steps and found herself barefoot. "I haven't put on my shoes yet!"

Li Xintong quickly took the shoe box on the tea table, took out the shoes from the inside, went to Diana and squatted down.

"What are you doing, Mrs. Bo?" Diana was scared and quickly squatted down.

"Put your shoes on." Li Xintong said lightly.

Diana looked at her in horror and waved her hand again and again! I'll do it myself. " Is this going to kill her?

"Ma'am, I can't use it!" Rui Wentao is also silly. What kind of trouble is it, madam? Anyway, she is the wife of the chairman of red group. How can she condescend to wear shoes for others?

Bo Yanchen did not expect that his little wife would have such a move. However, compared with the other two people's excited reaction, his performance is much more calm, just pick eyebrows, did not express any opinions.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Xintong said while gently holding Diana's slender ankle in her hand, put her shoes on one of her feet, and then did the same, put the other shoes on for her.

Diana stayed sluggish all the way. Until Li Xintong stood up and said with a smile, "it's beautiful." She finally recovered.

She had never seen such a rich wife as Li Xintong, who could put down her figure to put on shoes for others.

After so many years in the fashion circle, she has seen many rich wives in the upper class. They are very cold and spoiled. Most of them never go out to work, eat and drink at home all day, play cards and mahjong, or go shopping, as if their husband's money is coming from the wind.

Li Xintong, a self reliant, kind and humble rich lady, is just a spring of the upper class.

In fact, anyone can say a few nice words. But there are a few people who can really put it into action. Li Xintong is undoubtedly an activist.

Diana, who had been very fond of her, immediately increased her favor.

Li Xintong put the dress she designed into a bag and handed it to Diana when she was still in a daze. "Miss Diana, I want to say sorry again for today's event. If you don't like this dress, take it with you. But If you want to wear it, can you wait until next Tuesday. Because the PK game is just over next Monday

After a pause, she continued, "in addition, if you walk on the runway all the year round, your feet are seriously damaged. I suggest that you wear comfortable shoes, properly maintain and relax your feet."

"Good! I took it. Thank you, Mrs. Bo After Diana took the bag, she suddenly hugged Li Xintong, "you are the most special person I have ever seen! We'll be friends next time we meet. "

After Li Xintong had said this in her ear, Diana left. Rui Wentao is responsible for seeing her off. There are only Bo Yanchen and Li Xintong left in the office.

Li Xintong stands there, secretly raises Mou to observe Bo Yanchen, just hit with his line of sight.

Bo Yanchen eyes sharp stare at her face, see Li Xintong heart bursts of hair.

He must still be angry, right? Ah, this is also a helpless thing. Anyway, she didn't think she was wrong. What's wrong with sticking to the principle?

"How come I've never enjoyed this kind of service?" Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his mouth.

"Ah?" Li Xintong did not expect that he would come such a sentence as soon as he opened his mouth. I don't know what he wants for a moment.

"Ah, what?" Bo Yanchen dissatisfied way, "married to now, you help me through shoes?" There are a lot of complaints in a man's tone.

Li Xintong some can't laugh or cry, "you are an adult, even remember with are their own shoes, how do you want me to help wear?"

"Diana is an adult, too. You haven't helped her dress yet." Bo Yanchen curled his lips, disdaining.

Li Xintong Where are all these? Previously, she thought that Bo Yanchen was angry because she insisted on the principle too much. After making trouble for a long time, is he jealous? But Diana is a woman. What kind of jealousy does he have?

Besides, she helped Diana put on her shoes to show her apology and deliberately lowered her figure.

She doesn't believe that Bo Yanchen, such a smart person, can't see it."I feel sorry for her." Li Xintong explained, "you see how badly her feet are deformed. There are calluses and blood bubbles on her heels." She found the explanation more convincing. Play the sympathy card, the effect may be better!

But Bo Yanchen didn't buy it. His chilly eyes came: "she's pathetic? Oh! I'm exhausted from work every day. I can't even straighten up when I go home at night. It's hard to put on my shoes and slippers. I'm much more pitiful than he is, OK? "

Li Xintong almost choked. Is this man pretending to be pitiful with her?

"Well What do you want? " Li Xintong asked.

Bo Yanchen touched his chin and looked at her askance: "before my waist injury recovers, the task of wearing shoes and slippers will be handed over to you."

In front of Li Xintong's eyes, ten thousand grass mud horses galloped by. Her eyes fell on Diana's broken heels lying on the ground. For a moment, she really wanted to run to pick up the shoes and pat them on the shameless man's face.

Back injury? I Pooh! Where did he hurt his waist?

If it is as serious as he said, why is his waist strength so good every time he is in bed?

More than good, it can be described as fierce. It's like having an electric motor on your waist. Which time is not to toss her out of bed.

"Come here!" Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his arms to her.

"Why?" Li Xintong doesn't want to go there.

"Hold you!" Bo Yanchen said.

Li Xintong still does not want to pay attention to him, standing still. Bo Yanchen had no choice but to stand up, walk over and hold her horizontally.

"Why do you come to me?" Bo Yanchen asked, "did not even knock on the door to rush in, is to catch the traitor?"

Li Xintong:! " She wanted to say that she really thought about it subconsciously.

But he refused to admit: "cut, I'm not so boring!"

"It's a little thing that's duplicative." Bo Yanchen lowered his head and bit on her lips. "Is it hard to admit that he is jealous?"

PS: Thank you for your support as always, especially for the reward from you, Ting and 58.

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