Chapter 235

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Bo Shao, do you doubt the identity of the kidnapper? So Should we check Bo Jingxuan's call records these days, maybe we can find clues. " Rui Wentao suggested.

"Well." Bo Yanchen nodded, "I have asked people to check. You should get back to me soon. "

Rui Wentao:! " How many things has Bo Yanchen done in such a short time since he got on the bus? Still doing so quietly.

He wanted to say, boss, can you stop being so good? This will make him very suspicious of his IQ, how always slow thin Yanchen half shot.

"If the kidnapper simply asks for money and takes it, he will naturally release people. Twenty million is not a lot of money for the Bo family. " Rui Wentao continued, "but If the purpose of the kidnapper is not just to seek money, but to seek revenge, then the person who pays the ransom may also be in danger. "

Bo Yanchen didn't speak when he heard the words, and his face was obviously dark.

"Can't you get in touch with me, madam?" Rui Wentao asked.

"Well." Mentioning Li Xintong, Bo Yanchen's brow immediately twisted into a Sichuan character, "she turned off."

Rui Wentao opened his mouth, and now any words of comfort will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire, which will only make Bo Yanchen more anxious. "Bo Shao, this side is not far from the western suburb wharf, so we should be able to get there in time. I'm going to speed up. You have a firm seat. "

Rui Wentao finished and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The car flies away like an arrow.


"here we are, miss." The taxi driver turned to Li Xintong, who was in a daze at his mobile phone.

"Ah? So soon? " Li Xintong looked out of the window, and sure enough, he had arrived at the western suburb wharf, "master, how much is it?"

The driver looked at the meter and said, "it's forty-one yuan in total. Would you like to pay in cash? Or do you pay with WeChat or Alipay? "

Li Xintong looked down at the dark mobile phone screen and sighed. Just now, when we talked on the phone, we turned off the machine automatically when there was no electricity.

Unfortunately, she can't recite Bo Yanchen's mobile phone number. She could have borrowed the taxi driver's mobile phone.

It's all her fault. I forgot to bring the power bank when I went out. I lost the chain at the critical moment. Bo Yanchen must be in a hurry, isn't he?

"Miss, miss..." The taxi driver urged impatiently, "it's forty-one yuan."

What does this chick mean? It's so beautiful. Do you want to ride in a Bawang car?

"Oh." Li Xintong this just returned to God, "I pay cash."

When she opened her bag, she found that in addition to Bo Jingning's 500 yuan, she only had some small change, which was less than 20 yuan.

Blame oneself to use mobile phone to pay at ordinary times, did not know completely even cash used up.

This 500 yuan is what she plans to return to Bo Jingning. Doesn't it seem that it's too good to use it?

Just, it's urgent in the world. I borrowed it from Bo Yanchen and gave it back to her.

Thinking about this, she took one of the hundred yuan bills and handed it to her.

The driver stared at the money and didn't answer. He said, "excuse me, miss, I've just changed my change."

"Ah? Is that so? " Li Xintong looked at the wallet again, "but I only have twenty-three yuan in change." She thought, "well. You don't have to change the money. Wait for me here. I'll do something. I'll be back soon. You'll take me back then. "

The driver thought about it. It was so remote here that he couldn't get any guests for a while, so he accepted the 100 yuan ticket: "well, well, you have to hurry up."

"Well, good." Li Xintong said, pull open the door to get off, before leaving still do not forget to turn back, seriously with the eyes of the taxi license plate number.

Driver: -- What's the meaning of this girl? Are you afraid that he will swallow up the fifty-nine yuan? It's so beautiful. Why is it so cheap?

The western suburb wharf was out of service a few years ago, with few people.

There are many abandoned warehouses there. The kidnappers put the ransom place there. They can only say that they really know how to find a place.

But Li Xintong is not so good at finding places.

A woman's sense of direction is naturally poor. She has been around for a long time, but she can't find the warehouse that the kidnapper told Bo Jingning.

I don't know if Bo Jingning has arrived. Unfortunately, her mobile phone has no power. It's impossible to contact her.

It's not a matter to wander aimlessly here. Li Xintong is planning to go back when he hears footsteps coming from behind.

Must be Bo Jingning? Before Li Xintong turned around, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, like being hit by a blunt instrument. As soon as he was dark, he didn't know anything.


when Bo Yanchen and Rui Wentao arrived, they saw a taxi parked in front of them.

Rui Wentao stopped the car: "it seems that the car is waiting for someone. Bo Shao, sit down and I'll ask. "

Bo Yanchen unfastened his seat belt: "I'll go with you."

They ran over and saw the driver dozing through the window.

"Wake him up!" Bo Yanchen said.Bang bang!

The driver was woken up by a sudden knock on the window and saw two big men with gloomy faces standing outside the car. He was so scared that all the sleepers ran away.

In the wilderness, it's not a robbery, is it? But look at the clothes of these two people, they don't look like robbers.

"You What are you doing? " The driver lowered the window.

"Are you waiting here?" Rui Wentao asked.

"Yes The driver nodded, "why do you ask this? Want to take a bus? But Don't you have a car? "

"We don't take cars." Rui Wentao said, "I want to ask you something. Did you bring a beautiful young woman here just now? "

The driver was stunned, "ah? How do you know? "

Rui Wentao didn't answer him. He turned his head to Bo Yanchen and said, "Bo Shao, that's right. This car is for his wife."

Madame? The driver was stunned and quickly turned his attention to Bo Yanchen. So, is this man the husband of that chick just now?

Isn't this chick here a secret lover?

At this time, Bo Yanchen's whole body was shrouded with a strong sense of hostility. Just a look in his eyes made people shudder.

This makes the driver more sure of his guess, and has immediately brained a traitor.

"Did the young lady just ask you to wait for her here?" Bo Yanchen suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes The driver replied timidly, "the lady gave me a hundred yuan. I can't find the change, so she asked me to wait here and take her back later. I really don't know anything else He has to explain things clearly, but he can't let himself be wronged.

Bo Yanchen's Mou color is dark: "how long has she been in?"

"I I didn't look at my watch. Maybe It's been about twenty minutes The driver was too scared to speak clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!