Chapter 236

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's face is more gloomy, as if the next second will break out.

The taxi driver was too scared to say any more.

He repented and swore that he would bring more change when he went out next time.

Ah, I must be bewildered. How could I promise that girl to wait here for only fifty-one yuan?

"Sir, I really didn't know that lady was your wife." The driver tried to explain, "since you're here, I'll go first. I don't want the 100 yuan." Finish saying, take out the 100 yuan that Li Xintong gave just now with trembling hand to pass.

Bo Yanchen didn't look at him and ran forward.

"Bo Shao..." Rui Wentao called Bo Yanchen, and the man didn't even look back.

"Sir, this money..." The driver looked confused.

"Take the money and go." Rui Wentao finished and ran forward.

Leaving the driver alone with a hundred dollars in the wind.


"what? Jingxuan was kidnapped? "

In the corridor of the hospital, an Huiying almost fainted in shock after hearing Qin Huai's narration.

"Take care, old lady!" Qinhuai quickly helped her, "I dare not tell the chairman about this, for fear that he will be stimulated."

"Well. You can't tell the master. " An Huiying nodded, "what did you say just now? Did the kidnapper call Jingning for ransom? "

"Well. Yes In order to avoid misunderstanding, Qinhuai did not say Bo Yanchen.

An Huiying frowned. She thought it was a bit strange, but she didn't have time to study so much. "Where is Jingning now?"

"Miss Jingning has gone to meet the kidnapper with the ransom, but I can't get in touch with her all the time. Do you want to call the police or... " Qin Huai asked.

"Don't call the police, don't call the police!" An Huiying firmly shakes her head, "in case of angering the kidnappers, Jingxuan's life will be in danger. Why is Jingning such a big idea? How dare you go to meet the kidnappers alone! Is she crazy

"Old lady, this is not the time to blame Miss Jingning. It's urgent. You have to make up your mind as soon as possible! " Qin Huai said.

After thinking about it, an Huiying immediately had an idea, "take some good bodyguards with you and go to the western suburb wharf immediately. Be sure to bring Jingxuan and Jingning back safely. "

"Yes Qinhuai answered, just wanted to go, but was stopped by an Huiying, "wait!"

Qin Huai turned around and said, "old lady, what else can I do for you?"

"For Jingxuan's safety, if it can be solved with money, try not to use force. Do you know? " An Huiying warned.

As long as her baby grandson can come back safely, money? ha-ha! They have plenty of them.

"I see. I'll go right away. " Qin Huai said, turned to leave.

Looking at Qin Huai's back, an Huiying, who has just straightened her back to give orders, only feels that the scenery in front of her is vague and shaking. She holds the wall in a hurry and doesn't fall down.

Bo Jingxuan is her only precious grandson, but she must not have an accident. Otherwise, who can she rely on for the rest of her life?

At this time, a little nurse ran to her, out of breath: "Mrs. Bo, please go to the ward, Mr. Bo is angry!"

"I see." An Huiying quickly adjusted her mood and walked quickly towards the ward.

As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Bo xiurui on the phone. His voice was loud and he seemed to curse: "you useless things, what do you mean you can't get in touch? What do I want you to do? I tell you, if they both lose one hair, don't come back to see me! "

After he yelled this sentence, he threw his cell phone directly at the end of the bed, "Damn, a bunch of rubbish!"

An Huiying's heart thumped for a moment. Listen to this tone, does the old man already know about it? Who told him?

Bo xiurui looked up and saw an Huiying standing at the door.

Looking at her face of some panic, Bo xiurui narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice: "did you know that already? Well

An Huiying's face froze: "I have just received the news, and I have sent Qinhuai to take someone over."

Bo xiurui nodded with a sneer: "yes! You're good now. You're good. You can do whatever you want with my people, can't you? "

"I..." An Huiying was speechless for a moment.

Thin repair Rui sharp Mou light shoots to come over, "so important matter, you dare to hide from me! Hum! If it wasn't for director Xia of the public security bureau to call me, I would still be in the dark! "

An Huiying is stupid. This is really cruel. When she got the news from the front foot, the back foot police came to the door, so fast that she was not prepared at all.

"Which son of a bitch called the police?" An Huiying is angry, "if you annoy the kidnappers, you will kill Jingxuan!"

"The police already know about it. Is it interesting to investigate who reported it to the police now?" Bo xiurui began coldly, "do you think it's decided to rely on Qinhuai to bring a few people? Do you know how many people there are? Are there any dangerous weapons? "When Bo xiurui said this, an Huiying suddenly felt a little afraid.

"Master, then What now? "

"Now you know how to be afraid?" Bo xiurui sneered coldly, "just now when a person was in charge, wasn't he very bold?"

An Huiying moved her mouth, bowed her head and did not dare to argue any more.

"Now that the police are involved, we should believe in their ability." Bo xiurui said, "the rescue operation is under the personal command of director Xia, and now the police have rushed to the western suburb wharf."

An Huiying raised her head and her eyes were scarlet. "But What if the kidnappers are not good for Jingxuan? "

Bo xiurui calm face: "you think you let Qinhuai with a team of people to go, will not anger the kidnappers? It's better to let more professional public security officers deal with it. They have experience and are better than the group of bodyguards you sent who only know kung fu. "

An Huiying She didn't think so much about that. When she heard that Bo Jingxuan had been kidnapped, her first thought was to save him. And in her opinion, she always thinks that she is more reliable than the police.

An Huiying has to admit that in the face of emergencies, Bo xiurui is obviously much calmer than her.

"At that time, Yitong was kidnapped, and it was only by the strength of the police that he was successfully rescued." So we should trust the police. I'll call Qinhuai right now. "

Bo xiurui was picking up his mobile phone to make a call when an Huiying said, "well, yes, let him follow the police and report to us at any time."

Bo xiurui looked at her like an idiot. "I asked him to come back right away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!