Chapter 299

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"What is it?" Li Xintong is also curious.

"It must be something you like." Bo Yanchen said, "what exactly is it Keep it a secret, and you'll be surprised to dismantle it yourself later. "

Li Xintong pouted his lips discontentedly, learning the tone of Xiao Yitong: "cut! It's mysterious

Bo Yanchen picked to pick eyebrow, this mother and son this facial expression is simply too similar, have wood have?

After dinner, xiaoyitong ran upstairs. He wanted to get ahead of his mother and see what gift his father had prepared for his mother.

Open the door of the study, a large express box placed in the middle of the study. Xiaoyitong took a look and immediately went to the paper cutter to remove the express.

Bo Yanchen came in and took away the paper cutter in Xiaoyi Tong's hand. He said with a straight face: "let mom tear it down!"

Xiao Yitong turned his lips and expressed dissatisfaction.

Li Xintong came in. Bo Yanchen immediately handed the paper cutter to his daughter-in-law solemnly: "Tongtong, open it quickly."

Li Xintong took the paper cutter and gently cut the transparent tape on the carton.

Bo Yanchen opened the box for her and saw an old sewing machine. It looked a little old.

Li Xintong was stunned. Unexpectedly, Bo Yanchen gave her a sewing machine as a reward.

She likes to make clothes since she was a child. She often uses grandma's old sewing machine to make clothes for dolls, and even changes her mother's old clothes into her own.

But since becoming a fashion designer, due to her busy work, she has not made clothes by herself for a long time.

Bo Yanchen gave her a sewing machine, which is understandable. A good designer is usually a good tailor.

But why send an old-fashioned foot sewing machine? It made her wonder.

Now the sewing machines on the market are advanced, electric and even computer-controlled.

"What is this? How come I've never seen it before? " Xiaoyitong doesn't know this big antique guy very well.

"This is an old sewing machine. It's normal that you don't recognize it. " Li Xintong explained. Don't say Xiaoyi doesn't recognize her. If she hadn't met her grandmother, it would be normal for her age not to recognize her.

"Sewing machine? Dad, why do you want to give mom a sewing machine? " Xiaoyi is puzzled.

"Because your mother likes to make clothes." Bo Yanchen said, "moreover, this is not an ordinary sewing machine. I specially flew it from m country."

Li Xintong no This kind of sewing machine is not expensive. I'm afraid the cost of air transportation is much more than this price?

"Dad, but this sewing machine looks a little old." Xiaoyi, with the same look of disgust, "if you want to send it, send it to Taixin! Why are you so mean? "

Bo Yanchen speechless looked at his son, lazy to explain.

Turning to Li Xintong, who was staring at the sewing machine in a daze, he said, "Tongtong, is the designer you admire most Jacob?"

"Yes! You know that too? " Li Xintong was surprised that Bo Yanchen knew her like the back of his hand.

Bo Yanchen had a proud expression that I knew of course: "this sewing machine was used by Jacob in his lifetime. He created the world-famous brand atelier with this sewing machine."

With a dull bang, the paper cutter slipped from Li Xintong's hand. She was shocked to see the sewing machine in front of her eyes, and her shaking hands gently stroked the machine body, the head, the feeding teeth, and the needle board

Is this really what master Jacob used?

When she was a student, Li Xintong adored Jacob very much. As long as it was his materials, books and works, she would save money even if she didn't eat.

I remember when I was a sophomore, Jacob passed away, and she was sad to hide in the quilt and cry for several days!

Jacob is most famous in the world for his tight skirts. Whether it's pure white or bright fluorescent, it's decorated with flash zippers and transparent synthetic material skirt waist. It looks like a high-tech product, but it's actually a freehand sketch of dreams.

In Li Xintong's works, we often learn from his design style.

Bo Yanchen would have thought of giving her this. It was a surprise to her.

In front of her, this sewing machine was used by an idol. She was so excited that she wanted to cry!

"What's the matter? Don't like it? " Bo Yanchen asked.

"This Is it really Jacob's? " Li Xintong some uncertain asked.

What such a famous designer used in his lifetime should not be so easy to obtain, right?

Bo Yanchen picks an eyebrow: "do you think I will make a fake to deceive you?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Li Xintong explained, "I want to know how you got it?"

"It's very simple. I bought it at the auction a month ago Bo Yanchen also said very simply, "a few days ago by air, just arrived today. I couldn't find a reason to give you a gift. It happens that you won the PK competition today, so I'll give you a reward. "

"This It must have cost a lot of money Li Xintong knows that celebrity relics are usually sold at sky high prices.Princess Diana's beauty and elegance have attracted many people's attention. In order to remember her death, her remains have become the object of many people's "chasing". It is reported that the dress Diana wore during her lifetime is an ordinary dress, and the experts' valuation is as high as one million yuan.

"How are you. It's hard to buy love from the heart. " Bo Yanchen light said, "as long as you like, the price is not a problem."

Li Xintong This is more than a thousand gold? It must have cost a lot of money, right?

"All right, mom. Don't worry about the money. You just tell Dad, do you like the gift he gave you? " Xiaoyi said the same thing.

Li Xintong pressed wet canthus of the eye, show bright smile: "like, I like of course!"

"Just like it." Bo Yanchen smiles at her.

Li Xintong suddenly a little moved to embrace his neck, printed a kiss on his cheek, "Chen, thank you!"

Bo Yanchen in her lips back to kiss: "all said, don't and I so polite."

Seeing the intimate interaction between them, xiaoyitong squeezed into the middle and hugged Li Xintong's thigh: "Mom, I want to kiss too!"

Bo Yanchen coldly glanced at him: "you are a little man, so big, what do you want to kiss?"

He also wants to be more gentle with his little wife. What's the big light bulb shaking here?

Xiaoyi did not give up. She turned her head and hugged Bo Yanchen's thigh: "Dad, I want a gift, too!"

"Good. What gift do you want?" Bo Yanchen did not have a good airway, "cool on one side!"

"Dad, what day is Saturday, do you remember?" Xiaoyi asked.

"Saturday? A holiday day Bo Yanchen said.

Xiaoyi was in a hurry: "Oh, what day is it except Saturday? Think again , the fastest update of the webnovel!