Chapter 300

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong saw some clues and asked, "what's the special day?"

"Don't pay any attention to him. He's cheating on gifts." Bo Yanchen said.

Xiaoyitong He received 10000 damage points.

Xiaoyitong looks at Bo Yanchen wrongly and runs out without saying a word.

"Yitong, Yitong..." Li Xintong called him behind him, but Yi Tong didn't seem to hear him. He ran faster and faster, and disappeared at the door.

"What's the matter with him?" Li Xintong was confused.

"Make fun of him. I didn't expect the child to take it seriously. " Bo Yanchen held his forehead and said to himself, "this Saturday is his birthday. How can I forget it?"

"Birthday? Oh, no wonder he's clamoring for presents. " Li Xintong suddenly realized, "Yi Tong must have thought that you forgot his birthday and died of sadness."

"It's OK. I'll comfort him later." Bo Yanchen didn't care.

Li Xintong hit him angrily and said seriously, "you! Why are you teasing him. Children will take it seriously! I'll make a good apology to him later. "

"Yes, ma'am!" Bo Yanchen's attitude of admitting his mistake is very good.

"It's less than three days before Saturday. I have to think about what gift I'm going to give him." Li Xintong held her cheek and thought hard.

"Don't prepare. I'm ready." Bo Yanchen said.

"Yes? What are you going to give him? " Asked Li Xintong.

"LEGO toys." Bo Yanchen said, "he loves to play this."

"Oh, it's yours." Li Xintong said, "I've already thought about it. I don't want to buy gifts. I'll make them myself."

"Do it yourself?" Bo Yanchen picks eyebrows, "what is it?"

"I want to know, don't I?" Li Xintong mischievously squeezed his eyes, "confidential!"

Bo Yanchen

On the small bed of the children's room, Xiao Yitong buried his head in the quilt and cried sadly.

"Dad even forgot such an important day, Wuwuwuwu..."

With a click, the door was turned open.

Xiaoyi with tears completely forget me, "Wuwuwuwu, dad must not love me..."

"Who says I don't love you anymore?" Bo Yanchen's voice sounded from his head.

Xiaoyitong heard Bo Yanchen's voice, hula, lifted the quilt, sat up and touched two tears: "you even forget what day Saturday is, and you say you love me? Hum, deception! I don't care about you any more! "

With the words, xiaoyitong got into the quilt again and ignored Bo Yanchen.

"Saturday is your birthday, dad didn't forget it." Bo Yanchen tried to open his son's quilt, "good son, come out quickly!"

But xiaoyitong was ungrateful, "hum! Just now? It's too late The little guy tightly tugged at the quilt and refused to come out, "go away, don't disturb my rest!"

Three black lines fell from Bo Yanchen's forehead.

It's coming, isn't it? Smelly boy, give me some color to open a dyeing workshop!

If Li Xintong had not given him the order to make his son laugh, he would not have been so patient!

"Dad really didn't forget your birthday. I was joking with you just now." Bo Yanchen patiently explained, "I'm ready for all the gifts. They're LEGO toys. Your favorite

As soon as the voice fell, the wriggling quilt suddenly stopped. For a long time, a small head came out of the quilt.

When Bo Yanchen thought that he had finally moved his son, he saw the little guy with red eyes and puffed his cheeks and said, "hum! Don't think you're going to buy me off with toys. Who cares? " Finish saying, swish of once get into quilt, no longer manage a person.

Bo Yanchen Soft can't, don't you want him to be hard?

Of course, he did not dare.

Before coming, Li Xintong repeatedly told him to be patient and gentle. The will of the daughter-in-law must not be disobeyed.

Bo Yanchen had an idea and used his trump card: "Tongtong said that she would make a special birthday present for you."

"Really?" Almost the next second, xiaoyitong came out of the quilt, staring at him with big eyes: "do it yourself? What is it? "

"I don't know." Bo Yanchen shrugs, "she won't tell me, said to keep secret."

"Cut, Dad, it's useless. I can't even ask this!" Xiaoyi's disdain on the same face.

Bo Yanchen I'm useless? You son of a bitch! Why don't you ask yourself? If you can ask, I'll be your horse!

Looking at his son's beautiful expression, Bo Yanchen touched his head: "this year's birthday, mom and dad will accompany you, happy?"

"Well. For the sake of my mother, I will forgive you for the time being. " Xiaoyi patted Bo Yanchen on the shoulder as if he were treating his brother.

Bo Yanchen He wants to say that this son can't do without fighting!


Mo Shuangshuang has been busy for a day, and towards the end of work, a new old man came into the nursing home. He was very unstable and refused to cooperate with the doctor.The Dean had no choice but to send her there. It was almost 8 pm.

I'm still hungry. Just want to find a nearby shop to eat something, mobile phone suddenly rang up, a look is coco call.


As soon as Mo Shuangshuang opened his mouth, Coco's angry voice immediately came, "Mo Shuangshuang! Where are you? If you don't go home after work, where do you hang out? Do you want to rebel? "

"Please, young master Weng, I'm still in the unit. I've just finished my work. Where can I hang out when I haven't eaten yet? " Mo Shuangshuang's feeble reply.

"So late?" Coco's tone immediately softened a lot.

"What do you think? I'm very busy with my work Don't have a good airway.

"After working in the company, is it time to come back and take care of me now?"

"But I haven't..."

Before Mo Shuangshuang finished, he was interrupted impatiently by coco: "but what is it? It's your duty to take care of me! Yes? Do you want to pass the buck? "

Mo Shuangshuang Why do you wear such a big hat? She just wanted to say, can we have a meal before we come here.

"It's eight o'clock. I'll limit you to appear in front of me in half an hour."

"Hello But... " What else does Mo Shuangshuang want to say? There's a busy beep coming from the other end of the phone.

"The trough! You son of a bitch Mo Shuangshuang gritted his teeth and scolded.

The nursing home is quite far away from Weng's house. It takes at least half an hour to take a taxi. It seems that food is not enough.

It was already dark when we walked out of the gate of the nursing home. There was a taxi parked there, and she got in it. Fortunately, there was no traffic and it took only 25 minutes to get there.

Because she came to Weng house in the morning, Aunt Xue, the housekeeper, already knew her, "Miss Mo, welcome home." , the fastest update of the webnovel!