Chapter 381

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Why is it none of your business?" Coco widened his eyes, exaggerated expression, "sister-in-law, you can't help here!"

"What do I need to do?" Li Xintong is puzzled.

She knows Mo Shuangshuang. She has a direct personality and doesn't procrastinate. If she is really not interested in this man, she will definitely refuse on the spot. It is impossible for her to think about this kind of leaving room and illusion for a few days.

"I need you to help me persuade Shuangshuang, introduce my advantages to her, and by the way, help me say something nice in front of her. I have a better chance of winning Coco is very direct.

Li Xintong laughs in the bottom of her heart. It seems that these two people are straight hearted. If they are together, they may often disagree, but at least they won't have a cold war, and they don't need to guess. If there is no question of principle, just let it go.

However, Li Xintong doesn't intend to tell coco that it's a matter of her best friend's happiness all her life. She has to keep a good eye on it? But I don't know you. What's your advantage? Let me introduce you first

When coco heard this, he suddenly got excited and cleared his throat, "speaking of my advantages! I can't finish it for three days and three nights! For me, such as high face value, high IQ, high EQ and high income, these are already common advantages. "

Li Xintong almost laughs. Although most of what coco said is true, his statement is That's funny. What's up?

"Oh? So you are a group of four Li Xintong covered her mouth with a smile.

For Li Xintong's ridicule, coco was not angry. Instead, he said, "well, sister-in-law, you summed it up very well. I'm not four high! One more than the three high crowd! "

Li Xintong trembled, was frozen by his cold joke, "you said the four high your common advantages, then there are any special advantages?"

"Of course Coco raised his chin. "First of all, I'm kind-hearted and charitable. Up to now, the cost of public welfare is at least over 20 million. Second, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't pick up girls. In a word, I don't have any bad hobbies. Third, I have a wide range of interests, love life, and also with their own women's interests. Fourth, and most importantly, I'm single-minded and consistent. As long as you fall in love, it's a lifetime. Of course, the premise is that the other party must love me as well. "

Li Xintong knows that the last sentence added by coco is because she has been hurt by her feelings and betrayed by her first love.

"And..." Coco thought again, "that's all for the time. I'm afraid you can't remember what I said."

Coco's narcissism made Li Xintong laugh, but she just hooked her lips, but she couldn't bear to laugh at him again, "well, you really have many advantages. After a while, I'll sort it out and talk to Shuangshuang

"Take time?" Coco was in a hurry, "Hey, sister-in-law! You have to hurry up. There are only three days! What's the point of saying that if you refuse me three days later? "

Li Xintong can't laugh or cry, "you Why do you suddenly have no confidence in yourself? "

"It's not that I don't have faith in myself. I have no confidence in Shuangshuang "I'm afraid she's going to make some wrong decisions. So, I need you to dial from the midpoint. Otherwise, miss me so perfect man, she regrets all too late

Poof! Li Xintong nearly spat out a mouthful of old blood.


Mrs. Qi was attracted by the stage layout in the venue. Back then, she also studied stage design. Later, because of the opposition from her family, she dropped out of college and married into a rich family to become a rich lady.

In the twinkling of an eye, 70 years old, children and grandchildren have grown up. But when she saw these familiar stage props, she was still filled with emotion.

Today's stage, lift are computer-controlled, used to use the curtain.

At that time, there was a shortage of materials. I remember when I was designing the stage for the school party, she used the curtains at home as the curtain. The effect was not to mention how wonderful, but she was scolded by her mother afterwards.

She was amused at the thought of these scandals.

"Hello, old lady, will you step aside? We're going to have a rehearsal here soon! " Behind him came a rude roar.

Mrs. Qi's face suddenly sank. She turned her head and just wanted to argue with the man, but when she saw the face clearly, she was completely shocked.

Why is he? Could it be him?

Peter Lee also saw the person standing in front of him, "you are Wanzhi! "

He didn't expect to see Yi people again after half a century.

"You are mistaken! who are you? I don't know you With a cold face, Mrs. Qi turned and left.

"Wait!" Peter Lee ran up and said, "how can I recognize the wrong person? You are Qi Wanzhi. You have a mole on your eyebrow. You can't cheat people! "

What Peter Lee said is true. Mrs. Qi has a mark mole on her eyebrow. When she was young, her face was round and plump. Therefore, everyone gave her the nickname "goddess Guanyin".It is said that people with such moles are bound to be very rich and prosperous. In addition, Qi Wanzhi is as beautiful as a fairy. Therefore, when she is less than 18 years old, there are so many people asking for relatives that she has broken the threshold of the Qi family.

But she loves a poor boy, but it turns out Don't say it!

Old lady Qi closed her eyes for a moment. She didn't want to recall the sad things in the past. When she looked back, her expression was indifferent: "ha ha! There are more people with a mole in the center of the eyebrow. Sir, do you always recognize people according to their moles? "

Peter Li was stunned and looked at the woman in front of him like disbelief. Why haven't you seen that tender, gentle and virtuous woman for decades? She has become so sharp and sharp?

However! He was sure he didn't recognize the wrong person. Because the mole as like as two peas in the eyebrows, Qi Wanzhi's narrow and long Dan Feng eyes are exactly the same as before.

"Wanzhi, don't deny it." Peter Lee looked at him. "Dare you show me your ID card?"

Mrs. Qi looked at him like an idiot: "are you sick or what? Get your ID card! ha-ha! Do you think you're a policeman? "

"I don't think you dare to show it to me?" Peter Li Hao looks at her in his spare time.

Mrs. Qi suddenly laughed: "well, you're right. I dare not take it out. Who knows if you are a bad person? If you rob my ID card and commit crimes, then I am not miserable? "

"You..." Peter Li didn't believe that the woman who loved him at the beginning would use the vicious words to describe him.

Old lady Qi snorted coldly: "what are you? You don't look good in the first place , the fastest update of the webnovel!