Chapter 382

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
After coco and Li Xintong talk, they realize that Mrs. Qi is missing.

So they ran to the venue together and saw the old lady standing in the middle of the stage from a distance, her face red Fight with people!

"Who is that man?" Since Peter Lee settled abroad, he seldom went back to Xicheng, and coco never met him.

Li Xintong's eyesight is not very good. She squints and looks at her for a long time. When she sees clearly, she stares in horror. "It's like Peter Lee!"

Coco was stunned: "Peter Lee? Is that Diana's grandfather? "

"Well." Li Xintong nodded.

"I'll go! This old man is not a good one. I have to go and have a look. I can't let my old Buddha suffer a loss! " Coco said and walked forward quickly.

For fear that Coco's hot temper will make things worse, Li Xintong also follows.

"Qi Wanzhi, are you afraid to face me when you refuse to admit your identity?" Peter Lee roared.

Mrs. Qi tugged her fist and gave him a smile. "Whatever you say, I'm not Qi Wanzhi. You get out of the way. I don't want to talk nonsense with people like you

"Wanzhi, don't go!" Peter Lee took her by the arm. "Fifty years ago, that's how I let go of your hand and lost you. Now, I... "

Peter Lee's body was knocked out by a powerful force before he lost his voice and almost knocked him to the ground.

Stagger a few steps, he looked up, on a pair of dark cold eyes.

Coco held Mrs. Qi in her arms. "Are you ok? Is this old guy trying to bully you? Huh? Tell me, I'll teach him for you! "

"Well, this old man, as soon as he saw me, he would hold me and not let me go! You want to do something to me Mrs. Qi pretended to be pathetic and said it while secretly raising her chin to Peter Li.

Peter Lee He knew that Qi Wanzhi had wronged him on purpose. I haven't seen her for many years. She has not only become powerful, but also cunning.

This makes Peter Lee a little sad. What's more, it's too big a crime to be guilty of tampering.

"What Coco was angry when he heard that his respected Buddha had been insulted. He pointed to Peter Li and said, "you old bastard, dare to..." As soon as the words came out, coco immediately realized that it didn't seem appropriate to use the saying of "molesting good women" here, so he changed his words and said, "in broad daylight, I dare to beat my grandmother's idea. Say it! What do you mean? "

Peter Li Yizhen: "grandma? Wanzhi, is this your grandson? "

"Shut up Coco snapped, "my grandmother's name is taboo, but also people like you can call directly?"

"Ah..." It's too late for Mrs. Qi to stop her grandson.

Peter Li suddenly responded and squinted at her: "Wanzhi, don't you admit it up to now?" Sun Tzu admitted it. It should be right.

Hum! He knew he couldn't recognize the wrong person!

Coco is still in the dark, "what do you admit or not? You are not allowed to call my grandmother's name. How dare you? Don't you understand? "

Qi old lady speechless white coco one eye, is really not afraid of God like opponent, afraid of pig like teammates!

"Why not call her by name? That's what I called her 50 years ago. " Peter Lee said.

"Fifty years ago?" Coco stayed for a while. Fifty years ago, it was not him, it was his father. Whether he was born or not was still a problem! "You and my grandmother have known each other so long?"

"Well, we've known each other for more than 50 years. At that time, we talked about everything..."

"Classmate!" Before Peter Li finished, he was interrupted by Mrs. Qi, "ha ha, we are classmates who have nothing to talk about!"

"Ha ha! Wanzhi, do you finally admit that you know me? " Peter Li Hao looks at her with the whole flaw.

Mrs. Qi blushed and bit her lips, and did not reply.

Peter Li is even more proud: "but wan Zhi, besides being classmates, it seems that Is there anything else? "

Mrs. Qi's face changed: "what's the matter? We have nothing to do with each other but classmates! "

Coco looks at her grandmother suspiciously and doubts the credibility of her words. If it's just classmates, is there such a big reaction?

Li Xintong heard the clue in one side and went over to say: "three, this is not a place to talk. Otherwise, I'll help you find a quiet place. Let's sit down and chat slowly?"

"Who wants to talk to him?" Mrs. Qi snorted coldly, took Coco's hand and said, "grandson, let's go!"

Peter Li stopped them. "Wanzhi, I have something else to say to you! Take a step

Before Mrs. Qi spoke, coco stepped forward and stood between them: "what's the matter with you? My grandmother said nothing to you. Why are you still clinging to her? "After several times being stopped by a young man, Peter Li's temper also came up: "it's between me and her. How can you be a younger generation?"

"Don't depend on your elders there!" Coco's tone is not good, "what elder or younger? I know who you are? She's my grandmother, and I have a duty to protect her! "

"I'm going to talk to her today. What's the matter?"

"I won't, what? Want to do it? " Coco rolled up his sleeves in a dry posture.

Li Xintong is silly. How can this be the rhythm of hands-on?

"What are you doing? Talk about it!"

Mrs. Qi was also afraid that they would fight. "Well, ah Yan, let's go and ignore him. That Li Delin, don't pester me any more, just think we don't know each other! "

Peter Li was worried: "no? A woman who almost wanted to marry me said she didn't know me! Oh! Qi Wanzhi, if you say that, won't your conscience hurt? "

Oh, shit! After a long time, it turned out that these two old men with white temples were once a couple!

This is too much information, coco and Li Xintong are numb.

"Do you remember that I almost married you? ha-ha! In that case, why did you leave me for 50 years without any news? " Mrs. Qi's eyes were full of grief and indignation. "Now if you ask me if my conscience hurts, I'll ask you if your conscience has been eaten by the dog?"

"I have no news?" How many letters did I write to you after I went to m country? You didn't answer a single one. A year later, when I came to you, I knew that you had changed your heart and married someone! "

"You are such a pig Qi's chest went up and down angrily, "it's clear that you changed your heart first! But on the other hand, I! I haven't received a single letter you said. Oh, no, I received an invitation to your wedding , the fastest update of the webnovel!