Chapter 408

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco's sudden attack made Mo Shuangshuang blush, "you Too bad! Hum! I don't care about you! "

Coco showed a successful bad smile and thought to himself. No wonder Jing Haoran said that there are only three words for pursuing girls, which is "shameless". This is really good: "I didn't mean it, I just turned around and bumped into it."

“……” Mo Shuangqi can't speak.

This man is clearly playing a hooligan himself, but also to find such a bad excuse, who is no longer.

If it is really accidentally hit, then hit the tongue to lick what is going on?

Mo Shuangshuang didn't want to pay attention to him. He yawned and closed his eyes to lean on the back of the chair.

Coco gave her a sidelong look.

The little woman tilted her head and closed her eyes tightly, almost laughing. This stupid woman can't even pretend to sleep.

He hooked his lips in a good mood. "Well, you should go to sleep first. It's still more than an hour's journey. I'll call you when you get there."

Mo Shuang answered vaguely.

Coco pressed a switch, and the soft and soothing music immediately flowed from all directions.

Xu is really tired, and maybe light music has hypnotic effect. Mo shuangshuangshuang, who was going to pretend to sleep, feels that his eyelids are more and more heavy, his consciousness is more and more blurred, and he soon falls asleep.

In fact, Coco's physical strength and energy have reached the limit after these two days of high-intensity work. After that, he especially wants to have a good sleep.

But it's more important to send Mo Shuangshuang home than to sleep.

Driving on the highway at night was very hard, so he couldn't fall asleep until he got up to 120000 spirits.

Finally got off the highway, according to the guidance of the navigation, came to a remote village.

Coco looked at the navigation screen, which showed that he came to the unknown road. When he looked up, he was even more confused, "I'll go! There are so many forks. Don't you know which side is mojiaba village? "

It's all small roads. It's hard to pass a car. If you drive on the wrong road, it's impossible to turn around. But coco had to stop.

"Double double! Shuangshuang... " Coco called a few times, next to the woman turned a deaf ear, continue to sleep.

"Sleep like that!" Coco said to himself, reached out and gently pushed her, "Shuangshuang, wake up, help me point the way to sleep, OK?"

"Well..." In his sleep, Mo Shuangshuang answered unconsciously. He didn't even open his eyes. He automatically adjusted a comfortable posture and continued to sleep.


In midsummer night, mosquitoes are so many and poisonous that you can't park your car in the wilderness to feed mosquitoes, can you?

It doesn't work. Coco thinks about it. She lifts a wisp of hair from Mo Shuangshuang's face and itches in her nostrils.

Mo Shuangshuang immediately felt the itch, moved his nostrils, frowned and muttered.

Her appearance is so cute, coco chuckled, and the itching became more vigorous.

"Well Hate Stop it Mo Shuangshuang seems to be talking nonsense, subconsciously stroking the foreign body on his nose with his hands.

As soon as coco stopped, Mo Shuangshuang fell asleep again.

Coco thought about it and held her nose.

But Mo Shuangshuang immediately opened his mouth to breathe, and there was no sign of waking up.

Coco had no choice but to use his mace. While holding her nose, he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Originally just want to block her breathing, but her lips are too soft and sweet, Coco's tongue involuntarily into her mouth.

After a stir. Finally, the sleeping Mo Shuangshuang woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she saw an infinitely enlarged coquettish face. She screamed and almost bit Coco's tongue.

"Ah!! What are you doing? " Mo Shuangshuang pushes away the man on his body, turns to look out of the car and looks at coco warily, "good! What do you want to do to me when I'm sleeping and driving into the wilderness? Say it

Coco was angry and funny. "Come on, what are you saying!? If I really want to do something to you, you won't wake up when it's over

Mo Shuangqi hit him, "that you just steal kiss me, how to explain?"

"That's how I wake you up." Coco said solemnly, "you sleep like a corpse. You can't wake up with other methods."

Mo Shuangshuang's face was stiff. Her sleep quality was really good. She couldn't wake up in thunder.

"You are like a corpse!" Mo Shuangshuang said to him, "I sleep well. Why do you wake me up? My house hasn't arrived yet! By the way, where is this? "

"I just didn't know where it was, that's why I woke you up!" Coco didn't have a good way, "I said, which corner do you live in? Even the navigation crashed! ""Crash?" Mo Shuangshuang didn't believe it. He picked up Coco's mobile phone and said, "Oh, it's not a crash. There's no signal here."

"What? No signal? " This time it's Coco's turn to disbelieve. After taking a look at the mobile phone, it turns out that the signal is only half a cell.

"I'll go! What do you do now? " Coco was speechless. "Is it hard to spend the night here?"

"Don't worry, you have a good memory. How did you get here just after you got off the highway?" Mo Shuangshuang asked.

Coco held his forehead and pondered for a while. "After getting off the highway, I passed a gas station where I filled up some gas. After driving about three kilometers, I turned left into a village called Wujiashan. After passing a tunnel, turn right Then... "

Coco stopped for a long time. "Then he took seven turns and eight turns. I don't know how many turns he took, and here he is."

Mo Shuangshuang's brows were frowning. He held his cheek and whispered something in his mouth.

Coco thought that she was complaining and sighed, "forget it, I think we'd better get out of the way." Then he put into reverse gear and prepared to go out in reverse.

"Wait, you don't move!" Mo Shuangshuang grabbed his hand. "I'm going to think of it!"

Coco:“……” Think of it? It's strange to think of it! Just now he said a lot of routes without thinking, even he felt dizzy, not to mention sleeping all the way.

"Shuangshuang, I think it's better..." Just as he wanted to say something, Mo Shuangshuang suddenly patted his forehead.

"I know! You go ahead now. "

Coco looked at her suspiciously. "Are you sure you know where this is?"

"Of course I know!" Mo Shuangshuang said firmly, "believe me! Let's drive! I'll show you the way! We'll be there in half an hour. "

"All right! Fasten your seat belt, I'm going to drive

It's better to drive forward than to quit. As long as you are with your beloved woman, even if you really sleep on the street, why not? , the fastest update of the webnovel!