Chapter 409

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
However! Coco seems to underestimate Mo shuangshuangshuang's IQ.

"Come out, come out at last!" With a cheer from Mo Shuangshuang, the car actually drove out of the lane. In less than a quarter of an hour.

The road ahead suddenly widens. Although the width can't be compared with that of the suburban roads, there is no problem with the intersection vehicles.

"Yes, you can! You've made such a detour! " Coco exclaimed, "most of the girls are road geeks. You are really different from them!"

"Of course!" Mo Shuangshuang raised his chin with pride and said, "now you know I'm good? Hum! I don't know who it is. Just now, it looks like I'm going to be cheated into selling it in the mountains and forests. "

Coco's face froze. "How can I? I'm afraid I can't get around. I'll spend the night in the car with you. "

"What about overnight?" Mo Shuangshuang said, "we haven't slept in the same room." She has complete confidence in Coco's character. This has been tested in practice.

Coco gave her a guilty look.

That time in his bachelor's apartment, he didn't like her as much as he does now.

Now, if he shares a room with her, he really can't guarantee whether he can hold it.

"Hello Turn left, turn left! " Coco was so distracted that he almost got the wrong way. Mo Shuangshuang prompt way in time, "just said with you, see fork to the left."

"I see! How much way is there? Why is your house so far away? " Coco's going to throw up.

"Soon, soon, in a quarter of an hour."

"Most of the villages around here have been demolished. Don't go back alone in the future. If you want to go back, I'll see you off. You know what? "

"No! I usually go back in the daytime. There are urban and rural buses, which are very convenient... " Mo Shuangshuang said half way, suddenly noticed that the face of the people next to him was a little ugly, and quickly added, "if you go back in the evening, I'll let you see him off. How about that?"

After she said so, Coco's face barely turned cloudy.

"Do you have any other brothers and sisters in your family besides you?" Coco just remembered that he didn't seem to know Mo shuangshuangshuang's family background.

"No. My parents gave birth to me Speaking of family affairs, Mo Shuangshuang's expression became very serious, "our family is very poor. In order to cultivate me, my parents saved money and worked hard for me to go to college. My family's money is probably spent on me. "

"But their money is worth it Coco said, "you see, you are not only staying in Xicheng now, but also becoming a doctor. Your parents must be proud of you! Eh, by the way, since you work and live in Xicheng now, why don't you bring your parents to live in the city? You don't have to go back and forth so far so that they can enjoy their happiness. "

"Do you think I don't want to?" Mo Shuangshuang gave a wry smile, "I dream of bringing my parents to live in the city! They have worked hard all their lives. It's time for them to have a good rest. I try to make money and save money! Just so they can have a good life. Ah Maybe it's me who's worse. I was forced to leave my job soon after I worked. I managed to save some money to supplement my family, but I was burned out. Just think about it

Coco's heart is tight, he suddenly thought of himself many years ago, also like Mo Shuangshuang so hard to make money.

The difference is that the money he earns is not to honor his parents, but to satisfy his girlfriend's vanity.

Ironically, he treated her like this, but she thought he was poor and ran away with rich people.

"Hey, I told you to turn left. Why are you driving wrong again?" Mo Shuangshuang's complaints bring Coco's thoughts back.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Coco stops, reverses the car and turns left.

"You What's up? I saw you in a daze just now. What do you think? " Mo Shuangshuang asked.

"Nothing." Coco shook his head and didn't want to say his painful and humiliating memories, "I was thinking, actually, you don't need to work so hard. If you like, I I can help you! "

"Help me? What do you mean Don't be puzzled.

"I mean..." Coco pause, sort out the wording, "the house price in the west city is very expensive. With your current income, it will take several years or even more than ten years to gain a firm foothold in Xicheng and take over your parents. So If you agree, my house can let you live with your parents! "

"I don't agree!" Mo Shuangshuang does not fake thinking about cableway, "I have hands and feet, I have a job, and I can make money by myself. Why should I live in your house? I can't afford a house now, but I can rent it! I can still pick up my parents to live here! "

"Why don't you agree?" Coco was puzzled. "It's a waste if my house is empty anyway."

"Then leave it empty. I'm not going to stay anyway! " Mo Shuangshuang's resolute tone.

"You..." Coco was angry. "Why are you so stubborn and hard to accept my kindness? Or is this actually your refusal in disguise? " If he agrees to be his girlfriend, there is no reason to refuse his help."That's not what I mean." Mo Shuangshuang was speechless. How could he associate with that? "I just think that if I accept your kindness, we will not be equal. I don't want people to think that I'm Big money

"Big money?" Coco thought the word was so fresh. After a careful review of what she said just now, she suddenly understood something and stopped the car with a creak.

"What are you doing?" Mo Shuangshuang was unprepared and almost hit the glass. "Why stop suddenly? Not yet... "

With a click, coco unfastens his seat belt. Before Mo shuangshuangshuang reacts, he has already pulled him into his arms.

"Shuangshuang, you Did you promise me? Is that right? " Coco's voice is a little excited, even can hear the obvious trill.

Mo Shuangshuang was at a loss. "What did I promise you?"

"Promise to be my girlfriend!" Coco said.

"Did I say that?" Mo Shuangshuang looks confused.

"Yes! You just forgot? " Coco pulled her out of her arms, staring at her, "you said, want to be equal with me, don't want to let people misunderstand you with big money."

"Yes Mo Shuangshuang nodded and admitted, "I said so. What's the problem?"

Coco laughs. Can this little woman's reflex arc be longer?

"Miss Mo Shuangshuang, please explain the word" Bang Da Qian. "

Mo Shuangshuang was stunned for half a minute before he finally realized, "it's just a metaphor to be near a rich man! Don't think about it

"But I've thought about it a lot. What should I do?" Coco said, bowed his head and gave her a hard kiss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!