Chapter 414

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Poof! Mo Shuangshuang's blood almost came out.

Motherfucker? Pervert?

If coco hears someone evaluate himself like this, he will at least spit out three catties of blood!

"He's not a motherfucker!" Mo Shuangshuang apologized for coco, "he's a real man! Don't discriminate against his profession, will you? Stylists not only make up, but also design the overall image. Famous stylists are all men, OK? You are like Mao Geping, Jimi, Li Dongtian, and... "

"All right, all right! I'm not interested in his career. " Mo Fu disagreed and said, "in a word, I don't agree with you. You've killed your heart before it's too late! "

"Dad! Why are you so unreasonable Don't stomp your feet.

"What are you shouting about?" Mo Fu scolded, "I'm doing it for you. Now that you are confused by this guy, you naturally feel that he is good at everything. I'm from the past. I've eaten more salt than you have. I can't read the wrong person! When looking for a partner, we should pay attention to the right match. He's a city dweller, and he's rich, but it's different from our family. You will be wronged if you marry into such a family! Although our family is poor, but you are also our baby grew up in the palm. Now that we are old, I hope you can find an honest man to live with. Why don't you understand the hard work of your mother and me! "

Mo Shuangshuang had a bellyful of words to take back, but he heard the last few words from his father. The softest part of his heart was touched, and when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them.

Although she does not agree with her father's point of view, especially in the absence of a clear understanding of his father's character on coco jump to conclusions. It made her very angry and helpless.

However! Poor parents!

She couldn't bear to contradict her father again, so she chose silence. My father is angry now, he can't listen to anything.

It's better to wait a while, choose a day when my father is in a good mood and explain everything clearly. Before that, I have to do my mother's work.

"Dad, what's the matter with calling me back in such a hurry today?" Afraid that his father would entangle this topic again, Mo Shuangshuang asked casually.

I didn't expect my father to laugh, "daughter, I almost forgot to tell you a good news!"

"Oh." Mo Shuangshuang light way.

Now, her mind is full of Coco's reluctant and lonely appearance when she left. Even if there is good news, she can't raise her interest.

"Do you know? Our village is going to be demolished! " Mo Fu was overjoyed. "Next month, I heard that the demolition policy is good. I asked the village head and said that according to the situation of our family, we can get millions of compensation alone! There is also a 50 square house for each person. "

"Ah?" Mo Shuangshuang looked at his father incredulously, "is it true or not? Why didn't I hear from you when I came back last time? "

Although their village was included in the red line a few years ago, due to various reasons, all the surrounding villages and towns were demolished, leaving only their village.

It's said every year that it's going to be demolished, but it's just that the thunder and the rain are small, and then it's over.

The wolf came, said many, also nobody believed.

"It's true, of course. Why am I lying to you? " Mo Fu affirmative tone, "this time really want to dismantle. Last week, my family's farmland has been expropriated, and the subsidy for young crops has been paid. The total is 80000 yuan. I immediately bought this new truck. "

Mo Shuangshuang No wonder! She was just thinking, where did this car come from?

It turned out that she bought it with a subsidy. This time, she finally believed it.

So, if you don't pay attention, you've become the second generation!

Strange to say, she was not happy at all when she heard the big happy event.

Mo Fu stopped, and then said, "in addition, a few days ago, the town sent someone to talk about the demolition conditions with us. Some people have already signed it. Your mother and I didn't read any books, and we didn't recognize a few words, so we didn't dare to sign. Tonight, the village head came and said that the end of next month would be the deadline for signing. So your mother and I summed it up and said that you would have to come here even at night. "

"Just find someone who can read." Mo Shuangshuang did not understand, "besides, the land acquisition and demolition is not in accordance with the national policy? What do you dare not sign? "

"You child, why are you so stupid? I think you've read too much and become a nerd! " Mo Fu looked at her like an alien, "who doesn't know it has to be in accordance with national policy? But how to make good use of the policy is the skill! "

Mo Shuangshuang was at a loss and didn't understand his father.

"What? Don't you understand? It doesn't matter. Dad will explain to you. " Mo Fu began to explain patiently, "the compensation is not included. Let's first talk about the area of compensation. According to the policy, each person has 50 square meters. There are three people in our family. You are the only child. You can count two. It's equivalent to four people in our family, a total of 200 square meters. "

"I know that." Mo Shuangshuang nodded, "what's the problem?"

"You only know one thing, but you don't know the other." Mo Fu said mysteriously, "if there are more people in our family, won't we get more square compensation?""How many more people?" Mo Shuangshuang was completely confused.

"Why don't you understand? My silly daughter Mo Fu was angry with her and said, "if you get married now and have children again, we can at least get another 100 square meters. Of course, the premise is that the other party must join us


"Dad! You think too much? " Mo Shuangshuang almost vomited blood, "I'm just in love now. How can I get married so soon? Having a baby is bullshit. "

She estimated that her father was poor and crazy, and then came up with such a bad idea.

"What's the bullshit?" Mo Fu regained his serious expression again. "Since we are sure to demolish, many people in our village are rushing to do the wedding, just to get more points at that time. Do you remember your childhood playmate Mo Xiaohua? She got married last month. The bridegroom was married to her, so he got a license after meeting with her. Now they're all pregnant. Come on? "

Mo Shuangshuang These people are struggling for more money and more rooms.

She really can't imagine the consequences of such a flash marriage without any emotional foundation for the sake of money?

"During this period, a lot of people came to the house to talk. Your mother and I have made a preliminary selection. We think that there are two good conditions, and both of them are willing to be added. We want you to choose one of the two and get the license as soon as possible. As for having children, we should have them while we are young. "

Mo's father just finished, Mo Shuangshuang's voice of opposition rang up, "I don't choose one! I don't want to marry someone I don't know! "

PS: thanks for the reward from readers Miao and Lingling, MEDA! , the fastest update of the webnovel!