Chapter 415

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Mo Fu didn't expect that his daughter would object so directly. His words were so fierce that he didn't get angry. "Parents are in charge of marriage! What time has the final say that you have a little girl? We're going to give you a choice. It's going to give you face. Don't go too far! "

"I went too far?" Mo Shuangshuang was speechless. For the first time, she found that her father, who had always been loving, would be so unreasonable. "What kind of society is it now? The law stipulates that marriage is free! Don't say one out of two, that is, one out of twenty, one out of two hundred, I won't agree! I want to marry the person I like

"Who do you like?" Mo Fu glanced at her coldly, "hum! If you're talking about that motherfucker just now, save it! "

"He's not a motherfucker!" Mo Shuangshuang became angry and yelled, "he's my boyfriend. I love him! Dad, stop the car and I'll go back to him! "

With a creak, Mo suddenly braked and stopped.

"You girl, why can't you tell me? Do you want to rebel? " Mo Fu was really angry, "I tell you, you have to get married if you don't get married! From today on, don't go to work and stay at home! When will you get the certificate and when will you be free! "


"Wow! How beautiful In the dining room, Xiao Yitong's praise sounded.

The corner of Li Xintong's mouth smoked.

Early in the morning, it was the third time she had heard praise. The first two were Qi Ma and Xiao Cui.

However, the object of praise is not her. It's the diamond ring on her ring finger.

Xiaoyi was backstage last night and had no chance to see the diamond ring.

Just now, when he came down from upstairs, he was dazzled by the diamond ring on Li Xintong's finger.

When I came closer, my eyes were almost blinded by the shining light of the diamond ring.

"Mom, is this the diamond ring dad gave you last night?"

"Well." Bo Yanchen light should a.

"Wow! Dad, big hand Xiaoyitong held out his thumb to his father, "no wonder mom agreed to your proposal last night!"

Li Xintong sweated. She did not agree to Bo Yanchen's proposal because of her diamond ring.

At the beginning, she was desperate to marry Bo Yanchen, OK?

Bo Yanchen unexpectedly hooked his lips. "If your mother is a diamond ring, she can marry her. It's not my turn."

"Ah? What do you mean Xiaoyitong can't understand it at all.

"Nothing. Children don't have to understand. " This problem is too abstruse, Bo Yanchen does not plan to explain with his son, "when you grow up, meet the girl you like, you will naturally understand."

Cut! Xiaoyitong curled his lips discontentedly. Every time Bo Yanchen didn't want to answer him, he would use this high sounding reason to prevaricate him.

So he turned his head and asked Li Xintong, "Mom, do you know what dad just said?"

Of course, Li Xintong knows.

At the beginning, Bo Jingxuan proposed to her many times, and the diamond ring she prepared was no smaller than the one Bo Yanchen gave her, but she refused every time.

Finally, Bo xiurui insisted that she reluctantly agreed to get engaged first.

If Bo Jingxuan could marry her with a pigeon egg in those days, I'm afraid her life now can only be described as "tragedy".

But these things, even if told to Xiaoyi Tong, he may not be able to understand, "Dad is right. When you grow up, you will understand

Xiaoyi rolled her eyes silently. Hum! It's so boring that my parents should vent their anger through one nostril!

"Tongtong, come to the study after breakfast. I have something to talk with you." Bo Yanchen said.

Just as Li Xintong wanted to ask, he heard Xiaoyi say, "Dad, what are you going to whisper to mom?"

"Since you know it's a whisper, I can't let you know." Bo Yanchen said, "I signed up for your summer interest class. From today on, you learn piano in the morning and art in the afternoon. Dalin and Xiaolin will come to pick you up later. "

Xiaoyitong Did he say he would take an interest class? Why do you always make your own decisions for him?

"What's the matter? Yi Tong. " Li Xintong saw his son's displeasure, "don't you like piano and art?"

"No!" Xiaoyitong shook his head, "I think, since it's an interest class, why can't I choose it myself? Compared with piano and art, I want to learn more.... "

Xiaoyi said, and secretly looked at Bo Yanchen, who gave him a chilly look. He was so scared that he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to say any more.

Li Xintong made a wink toward Bo Yanchen, indicating that he should not be too autocratic.

"What do you like better? Tell mom, will you? "

With his mother's support, xiaoyitong was really brave and coughed, "I like skateboarding and robots."

"Robot interest class can help you report, skateboarding is not allowed to learn!" Bo Yanchen's tone is not negotiable.

"Why? Many students in our class are playing, and some of them have already played very smoothly. I don't care! I want to learn, too! " Xiaoyitong began to cheat."I don't know! Don't you understand? " Bo Yanchen's tone was a little harsh.

"Mom..." Xiaoyi is about to cry.

Li Xintong saw a burst of soft hearted: "Chen, let him learn."

"No way!" Bo Yanchen still refused to compromise, "skateboarding is very dangerous, haven't you seen similar reports?"

Li Xintong This is really her thoughtlessness, forgetting that Yitong is only a five-year-old.

"Yi Tong, you are still too young. Such a small child's body skeleton is very fragile, careless injury, will leave sequelae! When you grow up, you can play, OK? " Li Xintong moved with emotion and explained with reason.

Although xiaoyitong felt that what his mother said was reasonable, his mouth was still pouting and his eyes were full of tears, which made him feel particularly aggrieved.

Although Li Xintong can't bear it, she knows she can't be too used to her children. In terms of educating children, sometimes we really need parents like Bo Yanchen.

After breakfast, Dalin and Xiaolin came. They didn't know what they had said with Yitong. Just now, the little guy with an unhappy face followed Dalin and Xiaolin happily.

See Li Xintong an exclamation mark. Sure enough, it was Dalin and Xiaolin who would coax the children.

Seeing off xiaoyitong, Li Xintong comes to the study according to the appointment. Bo Yanchen has been waiting for her in it.

Li Xintong closed the door of the study, "my son went to the interest class. If you have anything to say, you can say it now. "

Bo Yanchen turned around and opened the safe in front of her face, and took out several documents from it, "you have a look first."

Li Xintong took over the document and saw that it was filled with "prenuptial agreement".

"This..." Isn't this the contract they signed before they got married? , the fastest update of the webnovel!