Chapter 445

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen turns his head and sees his little wife looking at herself: "how? Don't you like to see it? "

"No Li Xintong shook his head: "I'm afraid you don't like it."

"Who said I didn't like it?" Bo Yanchen said with a smile, "it's meaningful to watch everything with you."

Although Li Xintong's heart is warm, she still can't stand Bo Yanchen's watching this kind of cartoon that little girl just watched. To tell you the truth, cherry meatball Not even her.

"Now that you are pregnant, you should watch more cartoons with my daughter. Well Bo Yanchen gently stroked his wife's still flat abdomen.

"How can you be so sure I'm pregnant with a girl?" Asked Li Xintong.

"I can foretell!" Bo Yanchen winked at her.

Li Xintong curls his lips and ignores him as if he were joking.

Bo Yanchen wanted to tell her that five years ago, when she was pregnant for the first time, he guessed it was a boy.

But I can't tell her about it yet.

Xu is pregnant. After watching TV for a while, Li Xintong feels sleepy. When Bo Yanchen asks her again, she finds that her little wife has fallen asleep in his arms.

Bo Yanchen turned off the TV, flattened his little wife's body, helped her cover the quilt, and quietly left the room.

Walking downstairs, Bo Yanchen calls Qi Ma and Xiao Cui over and solemnly tells them about Li Xintong's pregnancy.

Two people know, happy like winning the lottery, promise will serve Li Xintong wholeheartedly.

Bo Yanchen told the two people some things to pay attention to, then went to the study, dial a transoceanic telephone.

"Mr. Bo, starting from next Tuesday, I have a whole week's free time. During this time, you can bring your wife with you at any time."

"Dr. Qin, I just want to tell you about it." Bo Yanchen said, "my wife has just been checked out pregnant, this time hypnosis, will have an impact on her body?"

"Pregnant? How long has it been? "

"About a month."

"This..." Dr. Qin stopped for a moment and continued, "how to say that! Hypnosis itself does no harm to the human body. But Considering the restored memories, some are good, some are bad, even terrible

Bad and terrible memory will make the client unable to accept, and lead to anxiety and even depression, which is quite dangerous, and even life-threatening.

Since your wife is just pregnant and the fetus is still unstable, in case of emotional excitement, it may cause Bad consequences. So I suggest you think it over carefully before you make a decision

What Dr. Qin said is very tactful, but the implication is very clear.

Bo Yanchen was silent for a long time and said slowly: "sorry, Dr. Qin, I won't come to m country for the time being."

Although he wanted his little wife to recover her memory, her health was more important. What's more, now she There is a lovely little angel in the belly.

He can't let them get hurt at all.

"Don't say sorry." Dr. Qin said, "I can just use this time to have a good holiday and relax. By the way, I almost forgot to congratulate you. I want to be a father again

"Thank you Bo Yanchen's lips were slightly raised, and he was happy from his heart.


just one day, Li Xintong felt uncomfortable all over.

Although she is not an active person, she always lies down for a long time and can't stand it.

All day long, Bo Yanchen took good care of her, fed her food and water, and even went to the toilet. He wanted to hold her.

As long as Li Xintong raised a little objection, he was immediately easily accepted by his sentence "everything for children".

All right! All for the sake of the children, she endured.

But something happened in the evening, which made her finally unbearable.

In the evening, Xiao Yitong came back from the summer cram school, and he didn't know whether it was Qi Ma or Xiao Cui, who was talkative. In short, the little guy knew the good news that he was going to be a brother.

He excitedly runs into Li Xintong's room and pours into her arms. Because too excited, the movement range is bigger, bumped Li Xintong's stomach.

Bo Yanchen just saw this scene, black face picked up the little guy, threw him out of the room, also warned him not to close to Li Xintong.

This can make the little guy aggrieved. He flatly refused, and promised that he would be very careful and take good care of his mother in the future.

Bo Yanchen was too lazy to listen to his promise, so the father and son had a dispute. Angry, he said that he would send Xiaoyi to a boarding kindergarten.

When Li Xintong heard this, she immediately got out of bed and protected Xiaoyi in her arms. "What are you doing? Yi Tong didn't mean it just now. He's just a child! "

"Who allowed you to get out of bed?" Bo Yanchen calmly asked, "lie back quickly!""I don't know! I've been lying all day, and I'm almost useless! " Li Xintong will not compromise this time.

"Your progesterone is on the low side. It's dangerous to move casually!" Bo Yanchen said she was going to take her little wife to bed, but she dodged her body.

"Then you are not allowed to send your son to a boarding kindergarten!" Li Xintong said.

Bo Yanchen: "OK, I promise you!" In fact, just now he also said angry words. If he wanted to send them, he would not give up!

"You are not allowed to separate our mother from our son!" Li Xintong then asked.

Bo Yanchen held his forehead, "who said I'm going to separate you? I just asked Yi Tong not to be too close to you during this period of time. This child is too skinny and forgets himself when he is excited. It's no joke if I bump into your stomach again. "

"I swear! I'll never do it again Xiaoyitong quickly stretched out three fingers to make an oath.

"You see, he swears." Li Xintong said, "believe him again. My son can't live without me. I want to play with him, help him with his homework, and tell him stories! "

"Yes, yes, I can't sleep without mom telling stories." Xiaoyi is on the same line.

Bo Yanchen This bear boy is really coquettish!

"If you don't promise, I won't go back and lie down." Li Xintong is willful to the end.

Under the threat of red fruit, Bo Yanchen had to compromise, "OK! I'm afraid of you

Xiaoyi with Ouye a, smile toward Li Xintong squeeze eyes.

"Well, it's late. Go to bed quickly!" Bo Yanchen orders his son angrily.

Xiaoyitong held Li Xintong's hand: "I want my mother to tell a story!"

"Good!" Li Xintong finish saying, also don't wait for Bo Yanchen to agree, took Xiaoyi to go out with.

At the children's room, Yi Tong took out a book from the bookshelf and handed it to Li Xintong. Then he went to bed with a grunt, "Mom, you can start telling stories!"

Li Xintong looked at the book in his hand and suddenly laughed, "are you sure you want me to talk about this one?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!