Chapter 446

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Xiaoyi said, "yes, this is Princess pea."

Li Xintong frowned slightly: "but Don't you think the story of Princess and Prince is too childish before? "

"Before is before!" Xiaoyi said solemnly, "now I want to hear more stories about this. After the baby is born, I can tell it to him!"

Li Xintong chuckled, "your brother really has a heart!"

"Of course!" Xiaoyitong said seriously, "after the baby is born, the mother will be very busy. It's said that it's hard to take care of children. I want to help my mother do something! "

Li Xintong was moved by the little guy's understanding in an instant. He leaned over his red face and gave a kiss, "Yi Tong is really good! If the baby knows that he has such a good little brother, he must be very happy! "

Xiaoyitong was very excited: "I hope the baby will be born soon! I can play with him

"Do you like little brother or little sister?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Well..." Xiaoyi and Xiaozhu turned around, "they all like it. It's better for a mother to have two children at a time, a younger brother and a younger sister, and live together!"

The corner of Li Xintong's mouth smoked.


The odds are about the same as winning the lottery?

She can only say that the ideal is very full, the reality is very bony.

"I hope so." Li Xintong touched her son's head and opened the picture book. "Well, mom started telling stories. A long time ago... "

Before the end of the story, xiaoyitong has entered a dream, with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he was dreaming.

Looking at her son's lovely appearance, Li Xintong couldn't help but bow her head and kiss his little face. She got up and went out.

Just opened the door, was standing outside of Bo Yanchen startled, "you stand here for what?"

"Wait for you!" Thin Yan Chen Dynasty inside looked one eye, "little thing fell asleep?"

"Well. I slept fast today! I haven't finished a story Li Xintong turned to look at the little man in the bed, his eyes shining with his mother's special loving light, "Yi Tong, this child is really sensible. He said that when the child is born, he will help me take care of it!"

Bo Yanchen disapproved of a smile, "he is a whim, said to play, don't take it seriously."

Li Xintong curled his lips, disagreed with his statement, "don't be so serious to your son, he is only five years old!"

"Do I have one?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"Why not?" Li Xintong said, "today, he just bumped into me by accident. You whispered to him and said that you would send him to boarding school. He would be sad. I think we don't love him when we have younger brothers and sisters. So the child's sense of loss will be great! "

"Well, I see!" Bo Yanchen is really afraid of the little wife's lengthy big truth, "child mother, can you go to bed now?"

Before Li Xintong could answer, he had been held up.

"Hello! Ah Chen! Put me down! I can walk by myself

However, the objection is invalid

After that, Bo Yanchen stayed at home with her for three days.

These three days, for Li Xintong, are like years of life, like lying on needles and blankets. Yes, it's not sitting, it's lying.

These three days, as long as she has a little sit up action, Bo Yanchen appears particularly nervous.

Xu is afraid of her accident, even go to the toilet. Take a bath not to mention, she is like a puppet, from shampoo to body, the whole process is in his charge.

For the sake of the baby in her stomach, she can bear all these. But Bo Yanchen didn't even let her touch her mobile phone, saying that the radiation was too big.

Li Xintong and he argued a few words, the man even directly confiscated the mobile phone. Say: anyway this period of time she also can't go out, don't need to contact who.

On the fourth day, Li Xintong couldn't stand it any more. Bo Yanchen was rushed to work in the company.

After Bo Yanchen left, the first thing she did was to find a mobile phone.

Fortunately, he is not too inhuman, just put the mobile phone on the desk in the study.

Li Xintong turned on her mobile phone and found that there were only five or six calls from strange numbers, which looked like sales promotion and fraud calls.

Friends and colleagues, even one did not find her. This let Li Xintong in the heart small sad for a while, is oneself so not welcome?

Missing for three days, Leng is no one to find, also no one!

So she called Ni Ziying first.

After the phone was picked up, the other party was surprised: "Hello, Xintong! Finally remember to call me? I thought you were crazy playing abroad

"Abroad? Who told you that? " Li Xintong was at a loss. When did she go abroad?

"Rhett said it. It is said that the chairman of the board of directors, in order to reward you for your contribution to this season's press conference, let you travel to Maldives for a week. WOW! How I envy you Ni Ziying sighed.

Li Xintong was dull for a few seconds.What did Rui Wentao say? That should be Bo Yanchen's order.

It seems that he doesn't want to make public that his wife is pregnant.

It seems that Xicheng has a custom of not making it public during the first three months of pregnancy.

Cut! Originally Bo Yanchen also believed this!

"But then again, why didn't the chairman accompany you this time?" Ni Ziying said, "traveling alone is boring."

"Actually Ah Chen, he He went with me Li Xintong thought, "but He was busy with his work. He stayed with me for three days and came back

Ni Ziying did not doubt that there was him, but sighed, "ah The chairman of the board of directors is really managing everything every day! I think about work even when I travel. I'm really diligent

Li Xintong Indeed How diligent!

"You play, you play! Don't forget to bring us presents! " Ni Ziying said.

Li Xintong's mouth corner smoked to smoke, this girl is really not polite, unexpectedly asks for the gift directly, is also nobody.

"I don't need you to remind me of this. I'll remember it." Li Xintong said, "well, I'm going to sea soon. I won't talk."

"Then you'll have fun! Goodbye

Hang up the phone, Li Xintong feel more and more will lie.

Ah! Maldives? She wants to go too!

But Her present condition, Bo Yanchen estimates that even a one-day tour of Xicheng will not let her go!

Even if you can't travel, you have to buy gifts for these debt collectors. Is there anyone more pathetic than her in the world?

Li Xintong sighed and started to buy some local products of Maldives.

After buying all the presents, she just wanted to lie down in bed and have a rest when the phone rang.

It's Bo Yanchen's call. Li Xintong hesitated to answer.

Take it! I'm sure I'll be educated by him. If you don't take it, you'll be deceiving yourself. The mobile phone was turned off, but now it's connected. It's obvious that she turned it on.

Thinking about this, she pressed the answer button: "Hello, ah Chen..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!