Chapter 458

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In addition to brand stores, super large department stores are also highlights.

Bergdorf Goodman is the most upscale shopping mall here, with more than 200 women's brands and more than 100 men's clothing stores, including nearly 100000 yuan fur coats and 10000 yuan skirts.

It is said that jeans and T-shirts are not suitable for shopping in this department store.

Min Tongtong obviously does not know this.

When she appeared in this department store wearing a T-shirt and jeans, carrying a backpack and a crooked ponytail, she attracted many people's surprised eyes.

Min Tongtong rolled her eyes at the bottom of her heart. These foreigners are really strange. What's wrong with her dress like this? In the way of them?

A look of "can you afford to buy things here in this way?" for whom?

Joke! Who stipulates that you must buy things when you come here? Can't miss Ben have a look?

"Wow! Look, it's Nicole A burst of noise, attracted min Tongtong back attention.

It turned out to be Nicole, the Oscar winner.

Oh, I've seen such a big star since I came here.

Before coming to m country, she saw the travel strategy. It said that some international stars often appear in the commercial street of n city. You are likely to have a close contact with these rare stars.

However, she is not interested in these stars. Just as she wants to leave, a large number of fans rush towards Nicole's direction. Poor min Tongtong is almost pushed to the ground by the crowd.

I'll do it! I didn't expect that the degree of star chasing of foreigners is no less than that of Chinese. A group of brain powder, see the star and see his father like.


Min Tongtong abdominal Fei, finishing some wrinkled T-shirt which was squeezed by brain powder, walked towards a brand women's clothing store.

Entering the store, she was immediately attracted by the colorful clothes. International brands are really different. The fabric and workmanship are first-class. Especially design, how can it be so bold.

With such a contrast, she immediately felt that the things she designed were too low, too petty, and she didn't see them.

She thought, after returning home, the first thing is to burn all the previous design drawings.

She took out her mobile phone and snapped down all the satisfied clothes. When I was shooting high, I was suddenly stopped.

She looked up and saw a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes standing in front of her, so as to look at her for the whole time, "Miss, you are not allowed to take photos here. Please delete the photos you just took."

Min Tong Tong took a look at her, from her dress, it should be the store manager. That's too bad. I've been arrested for a month.

"Ha ha! You are mistaken! " She turned her eyes and had an idea. She explained, "I'm here to visit m country. I take photos to show off to my friends in wechat group! There's no other meaning

The store manager looked at her suspiciously for a long time and said, "that doesn't work! We can't take pictures here! " He pointed to the sign on the wall forbidding photography.

"Be mean!" Min Tongtong whispered in Chinese, "hum! I think it's very cold here. Business must not be very good! "

"Our daily sales are over 200000." The manager suddenly opened his mouth.

Min Tongtong:! "

The trough! This foreigner can speak Chinese!

What's the meaning of speaking English on purpose just now?

"Miss, please delete the photo." The store manager is reluctant.

She managed to take these photos. It's a pity to delete them.

All of a sudden, she opened her eyes and yelled at the door, "Wow! Here comes Nicole

Taking advantage of the gap of the store manager's back, she ran to the door.

Hey, hey! It's a good move.

Unexpectedly, just ran out of the door, head-on hit a wall of meat.

"Ouch, my nose!" Min Tong Tong tears DC pain, covering like a broken nose complained, "who ah! Walk without eyes

"Miss, you hit it yourself!" A deep, powerful voice came from overhead.

"You..." Min Tongtong raised her head and was about to argue with each other, but she was stunned by a handsome and suffocating man's face.

She swears that she doesn't belong to the appearance Association, and she doesn't look like a little girl of the same age. When she sees a handsome guy, she is crazy.

But How can this man be described as a handsome man.

Chinese has not always been min Tongtong's strong point, but at the moment, four word idioms are pouring into her brain like sea water.

His face is like jade, his posture is like pine, his demeanor is elegant, and his appearance is like Pan an

Xu was surprised by her hot eyes. The man slightly frowned, "you..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the store manager appeared and grabbed min Tongtong's arm, "ha ha! Let me catch it! Delete the photo quickly, or I'll be rude to you! "

“hi! Elena。” The man suddenly said hello to the store manager.The store manager saw the man standing beside him and immediately showed a kind smile: "Hi, Chen! What are you doing here? "

"I'm doing something around here today. I'll drop by to see you." The man said to point to Min Tong Tong, "is this such a thing?"

"She took pictures stealthily in my shop. I suspect she was sent by the company selling pirated clothes." Elena said.

Min Tongtong

She's just looking for inspiration! Why do you charge her so much?

"I am..." She just opened her mouth and was stopped by the man called Chen.

"Elena, you misunderstood." The man said, "she's not from a pirated clothing company. She's My new assistant

Min Tongtong:! " She looked at the man with round eyes and couldn't figure out why he wanted to help her out.

"Assistant? Is it true or not? " Elena looks at the man suspiciously.

"It's true!" The man said, "she is an international student, work study, just applied to my shop yesterday, and she doesn't know the rules very well. When I went to the bathroom just now, this girl came here alone. "

The man said, looking at Min Tongtong with a straight face: "Angela, who asked you to take a picture? Delete it quickly

Angela? Poof! What a tacky name. This man, if he wants to have a name, at least give him a nice one. Like Alice or something.

"I I'm playing with it! " Min Tongtong flat mouth wrongly. She really doesn't want to delete it, OK?

"I want you to delete it! Do you hear me! Or I'll fire you right away! " The man's face is covered with clouds, like the next second is about to break out.

Min Tongtong is exciting.

The trough! Such a handsome man is so terrible!

"Forget it! Forget it At this time, on the contrary, Elena came out to make ends meet, "since she is your assistant, I think her photos should not be malicious and need not be deleted."

"Thank you Min Tongtong immediately thanks.

"You're welcome!" Elena smiles and turns to look at the man, "Chen, the assistant you recruited is really beautiful! Is she eighteen? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!