Chapter 459

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong's mouth corner smoked to smoke, this woman, what look in the eyes!

Does she look so naive?

The man looked at Min Tongtong, smiling without saying anything.

Min Tongtong was surprised by this smile.

She suddenly thought of a word, beauty is a disaster.

Although this word is usually used to describe a woman who brings disaster to the country and the people, she doesn't think it's too much to use on this man.

Even a woman as determined as she is almost lost in his smile. When other women see her, they may immediately abandon their husband and son!

"Roar, Chen! How can you recruit underage girls as child laborers Elena burst into a bad laugh.

Min Tongtong's heart clapped.

In M country, illegal employment of child labor is a serious crime.

"I'm an adult!" She said aloud, took out her ID card from her jeans pocket and showed it to Elena: "this is my ID card! You see, I just turned 18 last month. I'm an adult! "

Elena was not interested at all. She said with a smile, "I'm joking with Chen! Little girl, you are too serious! But you look really young, 16 at the most. "

Min Tongtong You should be happy to be praised as young.

But she felt that sixteen was not as good as eighteen.

Min Tong Tong looked down at himself, chest well-developed, where like a minor child?

Hum! Is Elena praising her or hurting her?

Min Tongtong looks up and suddenly sees the man looking at her. There is an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

Don't know why, her face suddenly red, flurried eyes to other places.

The man exchanged a few words with Elena, and suddenly some business came to the store.

"Chen, come in and sit down. I'll greet the guests first, and we'll talk later."

"No, you're busy. I have something else to do. I'll talk to you another day." The man made an excuse to leave.

"OK, bye!" Elena didn't want to stay, and she went on her own.

The man looked back and saw that Min Tongtong was still standing. He gave her a strange look: "Why are you standing here? Why don't you go yet? " With that, he walked around her and went out.

"Oh Min Tongtong wakes up as if in a dream, butt Dian Er butt Dian Er follows behind, "Hey, you wait!"

The man is walking fast, min Tongtong is behind, and he can't catch up with him all the way.

"Do you run so fast? Ah... " The man suddenly stopped and she ran into him again.

"I'll go! Are you flesh or stone? " She covered her fragile little nose with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you following me?" The man turned and frowned.

"I I want to say thank you Little girl serious expression, "just now matter son, thank you!"

"No need!" The man had no expression. "I didn't mean to help you. I just don't want to see the Chinese lose face abroad! "

Min Tongtong What a poisonous man!

However, she is not so easily angry. Your tongue, I smile to meet, it seems that I have quality!

"Thank you, too." Min Tongtong said, "if it wasn't for you, the shopkeeper would have called security."

"She won't!" The man looked at her coldly, "she will call the police directly! In M country, if the pirated film is found to be infringing, it may face imprisonment! "

Min Tongtong was scared to spit out his tongue, "don't say so horrible, OK? I'm just making it as material. I don't want to pirate it! "

"I know."

"Well? Do you know? " Min Tongtong asked in surprise, "how do you know?"

The man took a look at her and left without answering.

"Hello Wait Why did you leave again?

The man turns a deaf ear to her shouting, min Tongtong can only catch up again, blocking his way, "Hey, you haven't answered my question? How do you know I'm looking for material? "

"Can you answer me a question first?"

WOW! Iceberg cold man finally spoke.

Min Tongtong swallowed: "you ask!"

"Do we know each other well?"

"Not familiar!" Min Tongtong replied honestly, "Mr. Chen, I don't know your name!"

The man rolled his eyes, "I'm not Chen!"

"I heard the store manager call you Chen, Chen. I thought your surname was Chen! Is there a word in your name? " Min Tong Tong blinked curiously, "by the way, what's your name?"

"You don't have to know!" The man didn't have a good way, "you know we're not familiar. I'm not interested in chatting with strangers. Goodbye

This time, she learned to be smart. She held the man's sleeve and didn't let him leave.

Men subconsciously shake hands, only to hear a stab, a face suddenly black can drip ink."Ah! Yes I'm sorry, I'm sorry! " Min Tongtong looked at the half of his shirt sleeve pulled down, scared tongue knot, "I didn't mean to! This The quality of this dress is too bad. You You sit here and wait, I I'll buy you a new one! "

"No need!" The man pulled the half of the tottering sleeve, hissed and pulled it off.

Min Tongtong looks at him apologetically, "still let me buy one for you."

Although he is very handsome, but wearing such a rag in the street, it is not easy to see.

"I said no!" The man's voice frozen cold, "you go! Don't follow me any more

"No way!" Not knowing where the courage came from, min Tongtong grabbed the man's wrist, pulled him to a bench next to him and sat down. She said solemnly, "you wear this How ugly

"It's none of your business!" The man said impatiently and wanted to stand up.

Min Tongtong quickly pressed him back to his seat, "who said it had nothing to do with it? What hot eyes you wear when you walk on the road like this! I don't want to see the Chinese lose face abroad! "

The man was stunned. What a powerful little girl, she took back what he said so soon.

The man looked her up and down: "are you sure you have enough money to buy the clothes here?"

Min Tongtong opened her mouth and was speechless.

She only has less than 500 dollars in her pocket. In the shop here, a dress can easily be tens of thousands of dollars. It is estimated that her money is only enough to buy a tie at most.

The man seemed to see through her mind and sighed, "OK, you don't have to pay for it. Anyway, this dress has been worn for many years. I'm just about to lose it. "

"Why? I think this dress is very good! " Min Tongtong suddenly said, "you're right. I can't afford it, but I can help you cross dress!"

"Cross dressing?" The man didn't understand.

Min Tongtong didn't answer. She reached out and grabbed the man's other sleeve and pulled it hard. She only heard a stab, and the sleeve was pulled off successfully. , the fastest update of the webnovel!