Chapter 461

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In desperation, min Tongtong had to report the case to the local police station.

I don't know whether it is the serious racial discrimination in M country or the work style of foreigners. The police who received her showed a kind of indifference and almost refused to accept the case.

With the little girl's fluent English and tough attitude, the foreigner police were stunned. Unwilling to accept the case, let her leave contact information, go back and other information.

This makes min Tongtong very speechless, but also incomparably miss the affable smiling faces of the Chinese public security police.

After coming out of the police station, min Tongtong felt only a few dollars left in her pocket and sighed helplessly.

Ah! I'm afraid even tonight's dinner is a problem.

She put her hand into another bulging pocket, which contained Bo Yanchen's sleeve.

Ah! It was for these two worthless rags that she lost all her belongings and suffered heavy losses!

Min Tongtong looks up to the sky and sighs.

Bo Yanchen! You are such a pest!

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she was. She picked up the rag and threw it out. At the moment, she had an idea in her mind.

The police station is not far from downtown business street.

Just a trip to Bergdorf Goodman!


“hi! Manager

When Elena saw the little girl standing in front of her, she was stunned for half a minute, "you You are Chen's Assistant? Angela?”

"Yes, that's me!" Min Tongtong squeezed her eyes, "we meet again!"

"You Is it with Chen? " Elena said, looking at the door.

"Don't look. I didn't come with him." Min Tongtong said, "I came here to ask you a favor!"


"Well. I'm sorry. When I went shopping, my bag was stolen, and I didn't bring my mobile phone with me. I didn't have any money on me. Can you contact Chen for me? " She was telling the truth, "thank you so much!"

Elena looked at her pathetic face and nodded, "OK."

She took out her cell phone and dialed a number, "Chen, it's Elena. I have your assistant. She wants to talk to you

Elena hands the mobile phone to min Tongtong.

"Boss!" Min Tongtong's voice with a cry, "I'm min Tongtong! I'm in big trouble. Could you come and rescue me! Wuwuwu... "


Is this still the smart little girl?

Crying that called a pear with rain, heartbroken, even she saw all feel distressed.

Min Tongtong thinks that in front of Bo Yanchen, a high cold man, it's wise to pretend to be poor.

Although her this move can't guarantee can move Bo Yanchen, but good or bad also gamble.

What she gambles on is Bo Yanchen's love!

She always believed that coldness was just his appearance, to hide his inner softness.

However, she was wrong.

Bo Yanchen said nothing and hung up the phone.

When calling again, the mobile phone indicates that it has been turned off.

Min Tongtong

"His cell phone is probably dead." Elena looked disappointed and explained, "what did he just say? Are you coming to pick you up? "

Min Tongtong shook her head.


"I think he probably won't care about me." Min Tong looks like she's going to cry.

"How could it be?" Elena said, "the Chen I know is not like that. Besides, you are his assistant. He won't ignore you! "

"He He's probably disappointed in me. He thinks I'm stupid. " Min Tongtong's tears fell down like a broken bead.

There was sadness and remorse in her tears.

In the final analysis, she overestimated her influence on Bo Yanchen. In his eyes, she was just a stranger after all.

How could he come here by phone for a chance meeting?

She is so naive!

"Well, don't cry!" Elena couldn't see it anymore. "Well, I'll send you back."

The enthusiastic Elena asked the clerk to drive min Tongtong back to the hotel.

As soon as she got back to her room, the front desk called and informed her that if she wanted to continue to live, she had to renew the charge immediately. Otherwise, we'll have to vacate tomorrow morning.

This worries min Tongtong.

What a house leak! It rains at night! Bad luck always comes in a swarm!

Don't mention the renewal. I'm afraid she can't even afford the buffet in the hotel. It seems that she can only eat instant noodles tonight.

Fortunately, she had foresight and brought instant noodles in her suitcase, otherwise she would be hungry tonight.Min Tongtong gets up her spirits, takes out a bowl of instant noodles, and flushes them with boiling water. No matter how hard it is, she can't make herself hungry.

As soon as the instant noodles were bubbling, she began to pack. It's better to pack your own bags than to be thrown out tomorrow morning. Want to go, also want to go Xiaoxiao free and unrestrained!

The little girl's hands and feet were very fast. In less than ten minutes, she packed all her luggage. Before closing the box, she didn't forget to put two broken sleeves in.

Estimating that the instant noodles should be soaked well, she took away the magazine pressed on it and took up the bowl to smell it. Wow It's really fragrant!

As soon as I picked up my fork to eat, the doorbell rang.

There was a thump in her heart. Who would it be?

The hotel is located in the suburbs, where tourists from all over the world live.

It's almost eight o'clock in the evening now. It can't be a bad guy.

She crept to the door, stood on tiptoe and looked into the cat's eyes.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the man.

Bo Yanchen!! My God? How could it be him?

Min Tongtong's heart beats like a drum. Her mood is complicated. She is excited, excited, shocked and unbelievable

She closed her eyes heavily, opened them again, and finally determined that it was not an illusion.

Without any hesitation, she opened the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door? I thought you weren't here! " The man frowned unhappily.

Min Tongtong opened a big smile to him, "Bo Yanchen!! It's really you! "

But Bo Yanchen didn't smile and looked at her coldly, "why don't you say hello and go away?"

Min Tongtong heard confused, "you are off, I still stay there for what?"

"My cell phone is dead!" Bo Yanchen said.

Min Tongtong was stunned and suddenly responded: "you You didn't go to Elena's to see me, did you? "

Bo Yanchen speechless ground looked at her one eye: "your reaction also can slower a bit?"

"Did you really come to me at once?" Min Tongtong's heart was filled with ecstasy, and she could not resist the impulse to rush into his arms and kiss him. "I'm sorry, I thought I thought you didn't care about me! "

"Fool! I've made a trip for nothing Bo Yanchen has no good airway.

This stupid voice, heard in Min Tongtong's ears, is particularly wonderful. Her eyebrows are bent: "you can't find me when you go to Elena, so And here we are? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!