Chapter 462

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen was stunned by the girl's beautiful smile. At the same time, he couldn't figure out how anyone could smile so brightly after such bad luck.

"Don't think about it!" Bo Yanchen light way, "I am afraid Elena doubts, just come to look for you!"

"Oh." Min Tongtong's smile was stiff, "but thank you! I'm really glad you can come. Don't stand outside, please come in

Bo Yanchen looked at her one eye, raised foot to walk in, looked around: "how do you live in this kind of ghost place?"

"I have no money!" Min Tongtong shrugged helplessly, "it's good to have a place to live! Do you dare to choose? But tomorrow morning, I can't even live here. Because I'm broke! "

"How could your bag be stolen? I remember your bag was quite big! " Bo Yanchen asked, puzzled.

It's possible that a mobile phone or wallet has been stolen, but a big bag is carried on the body and stolen by the whole. The thief is too powerful.

The corner of Min Tongtong's mouth smoked, "I sit on the steps and doze, bag on the side So... " She can't say that she lost her bag in order to chase those two broken sleeves. That's embarrassing!

Bo Yanchen opened his mouth and said, "you What a Genius

Min Tongtong awkwardly smile, "when you praise me!"

"It's not a big deal to lose the money, but it's a big trouble to lose the certificate." Bo Yanchen frowned, "did you call the police?"

"Well." Min Tongtong said, "but I don't have any hope for the police of M country."

"Not necessarily." Bo Yanchen said, "it depends on luck."

"Er..." Min Tongtong is embarrassed, "from small to big, my luck has been very bad. So don't count on the police. "

"Just a few days." Bo Yanchen said, "if there is no news in a week, I will take you to the consulate to apply for a replacement."

"A week?" Min Tongtong stares big eyes, "pull down! I'm broke. Do you think I can make it through a week here? "

"Even if I take you to the consulate tomorrow, it will take at least half a month to get your passport. It's better to wait for the police first." Bo Yanchen said.

"Where shall I stay tomorrow?" Min Tongtong looked at him pitifully, "or You took me in? "

Bo Yanchen took out a stack of money from his pocket, "here are three thousand dollars, here you are!"

"I don't want your money!" Min Tongtong seems to see the plague to escape.

"I lent it to you." Bo Yanchen said, "it's a big deal. Return it to me after you return home."

"Give it back to you?" Min Tongtong wry smile for a while, "if I tell you, after I return home, still not out, do you believe?"

Bo Yanchen was stunned: "then how can you afford to travel to m country?"

"I earned this money by working for two years. I don't have a family member except my grandmother. " When min Tongtong said this, she was about to cry, "besides, grandma has no money. Originally, I asked her to remit money to me long ago. How can I ask you for help? "

Bo Yanchen It turned out that her life experience was so miserable!

"Thank you, but I really can't take your money. If you don't want to take me in, forget it. " Min Tongtong wiped a tear: "tomorrow, I'll go out to look for a job and earn travel expenses to return home. It's very late. Please go back! "

She is not a shameless person. People don't want to take him in. It's meaningless to force her. Besides, he is a big man and takes in a little girl, which is really difficult for him.

The little girl ordered to leave, but Bo Yanchen still stood there motionless, looking at the steaming hot instant noodles that night, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Are you hungry?" Min Tongtong finally couldn't help asking, "I haven't opened this bowl of instant noodles yet. Why don't I give it to you. I brought it from Xicheng. You haven't tasted instant noodles in your hometown for a long time, have you

Bo Yanchen finally had a reaction, he stepped out of his long legs, walked over and lifted the instant noodles on the table.

Just when min Tongtong thought he really wanted to eat, Bo Yanchen splashed and threw the whole bowl of instant noodles into the garbage can.

"Hello! What are you doing? " Min Tongtong almost rushed to the garbage can, looking at the hot instant noodles inside, heartache.

She suddenly stood up and angrily pointed to Bo Yanchen: "are you crazy! Do you know, this is my dinner! If you don't like to eat, don't spoil the grain

"It's not food. It's junk food. Eating too much is harmful to your health!" Bo Yanchen has no facial expression way.

Min Tongtong gas straight jump foot: "eat junk food than starve to death!"

"You won't starve to death." Bo Yanchen a word a way, "take the luggage, walk with me!"

"Ah? What? " Mintongtong can't believe like asked, "I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again!"

"Don't you want me to take you in?" Bo Yanchen looked at her in his spare time: "come with me before I change my mind! I'll give you a minute to think about it! ""Good! I'll go with you Min Tongtong didn't think about it at all, so she blurted out.

Until she got into Bo Yanchen's car, her whole body was still muddled.

Happiness comes too suddenly. Why did he suddenly change his mind and take her in?

Was she moved by her miserable life experience? Or is she suddenly kind-hearted and can't bear to let a beautiful girl live in the street?

But for whatever reason. All in all, her goal was achieved.

"Where are you taking me?" Min Tongtong found that they had already driven into the urban area of n city.

"Where I live." Bo Yanchen looked at the road ahead without strabismus.

"You live downtown? I've heard that the prices in the urban area are exorbitant. You Very rich? "

"Do you think I look rich?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Min Tongtong looks at his clothes. Although she has replaced the shirt she refitted, it's not new. It's at least the style of three or four years ago.

If you look at the car he drives, an ordinary SUV, it's only over 100000 in China. It's cheaper abroad.

However, his whole body exudes a noble temperament, and does not look like a poor man.

Is she a poor rich second generation like her?

"Are you thinking hard? Experience the life of the ordinary class? " Min Tongtong has a big brain hole.

Bo Yanchen white her one eye, "I am not so boring. The house I live in is my friend's. He's rich, but I'm a poor man

Min Tongtong looked at him suspiciously, "are you poor and give me so much money?" Three thousand dollars is not a decimal! It doesn't look like a poor man to spend so much money!

"In your opinion, only the rich can help people?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Min Tongtong opened her mouth and said for a long time: "you What a good man , the fastest update of the webnovel!