Chapter 463

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's face suddenly a stiff, "I said, I am not a good person."

"You are a good man!" The girl extremely serious expression, "if not a good person, how can I accept such a chance encounter?"

"Oh! You are mistaken! " Bo Yanchen suddenly sneered, "I'm not accepting you for free! There's a room in my friend's house that hasn't been rented yet. Let me help you find a tenant. "

Min Tong Tong's eye color dark dark, "I understand. I didn't plan to live for nothing. Thank you very much for taking me in

"Don't thank me. Just take what you need! " The man's voice is freezing cold.

Min Tongtong How can this man be so cold.

In early summer, the night is a little sultry. But the air in the car dropped all the way to freezing point.

It didn't take long to reach the destination.

It's a brand new apartment building with more than ten floors. It's expensive because it's located in the center of the city.

The elevator went up and stopped on the tenth floor.

"Here we are?" Min Tongtong knows and asks.

Bo Yanchen ignored her and walked out of the elevator.

Min Tongtong drags a huge suitcase and follows her.

There are three families in the apartment building. Bo Yanchen stops in front of the door on the far right, inputs his fingerprints, and the door locks open.

"Ah Chen, do you know how to come back? Don't you mean to come back for dinner tonight? " Before entering the door, there was a man's complaint.

"Something's delayed." Bo Yanchen light way.

"What's more important than eating hot pot? You see, I bought so many hot pot ingredients. I'll go! It's killing me The man said as he walked up to Bo Yanchen and clapped his hand on his shoulder, "you have to accompany me to lose my spirit..."

Before his words came down, his eyes stopped on the figure behind Bo Yanchen, and he couldn't believe it, and his eyes widened, "this Who is this girl? "

Before Bo Yanchen could introduce her, the girl stood up and waved to the man, "Hello, my name is min Tongtong!"

"You Hello! My name is Jing Haoran Jing Haoran looked up and down at this beautiful girl who was not like a mortal. "Are you ah Chen's..."

Jing Haoran did not dare to speculate. Because Bo Yanchen has known him for nearly ten years, and he has never brought a woman back, let alone a woman with luggage.

"I'm the tenant he introduced." This is the most appropriate statement that Min Tongtong thought of after considering for a long time on her way here.

"Tenant?" Jing Haoran heard confused, subconsciously moved his eyes to Bo Yanchen's face, suddenly understood what.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot my memory. I said that casually the other day, but I didn't expect you to remember it. " Then he punched Bo Yanchen in a friendly way.

"This house Do you still rent it? " Min Tong is a little confused.

"Rent! Of course Jing Haoran said with a smile, "it's my honor for a beautiful girl like you to rent my house!"

Min Tongtong What is it about beauty? Haven't you heard of renting a house to see the beauty?

Jing Haoran pointed to a room on the edge, "you live in this room! Facing south, good sunshine! The quilts are new. "

"Thank you so much!" Min Tongtong bowed to Jing Haoran deeply, "then I'll put my luggage first."

"Can I help you?" Jing Haoran is enthusiastic.

"No, thank you." Min Tongtong dragged her luggage into the room.

Jing Haoran drags Bo Yanchen aside and laughs, "Hey, stinky boy! To be honest, where did you get such a gorgeous girl? "

Bo Yanchen did not hide from his brother, the encounter min Tongtong said again.

"Oh! So it is Jing Haoran touched his chin, "in my experience, this girl probably has a crush on you!"

"Don't talk nonsense! She's just a child

"Pull it down! Where does she look like a child? He's 18 years old and grown up! Tut Tut, this face, this figure, at first glance, is pure natural. It's not too much to describe it as the best. " Jing Haoran sincerely exclaimed, "ah Chen, you earned it!"

"Make you a ghost!" Bo Yanchen knocked on his head, "you think I'm you! All day long! I only have work in my mind now, and I don't have time to think about anything else! "

Jing Haoran still smiles: "since you are not interested in her, then I'll go after her

Bo Yanchen's face turns black instantly, "she is not your dish!"

Jing Haoran laughs ruffian: "although the hot girls of those models are enthusiastic, they are all the same. I'm tired of it. I want to change a light taste."

"I warn you not to mess around!" Bo Yanchen gritted his teeth and said, "she was brought by me. I don't allow you to touch her finger."

"Don't be so nervous. I won't hurt her. I just want to fall in love with her." Jing Haoran idly put his hand on Bo Yanchen's shoulder, "and she seems to have no experience, so she needs a veteran like me to teach her well. You can rest assured that I will share a sweet and unforgettable foreign relationship with her. ""Are you kidding?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Jing Haoran put away his smile, "I'm serious. I fell in love with her at first sight. Do you have any opinions?"

Voice just fell, Bo Yanchen suddenly a swing shoulder, lift foot to min Tongtong's room to walk.

"Hello! What are you doing? " Jing Haoran followed.

"Take her away!" Bo Yanchen spits out three words coldly. He will not allow Jing Haoran to hurt her, even if he is his own brother!

"No!" Jing Haoran stopped him and said, "at night, where do you want a penniless girl to live?"

"It's none of your business! I bring people, I have the responsibility to protect her, more power to take her away! " Bo Yanchen's evil eyes stare at him, "you get out of the way!"

"Well, well, I'm afraid of you!" Jing Haoran raised his hands to surrender, "don't be so serious, OK? Just kidding! You're right, this girl is not my dish! She's too pure for me! "

Bo Yanchen looked at him suspiciously. Just now he said that he was serious. Now what happened?

"You like her. You fell in love with her at first sight, didn't you Jing Haoran looked at him, "ah Chen, don't deny it! Being a brother for so many years, you can cheat others, but you can't cheat me! "

"How can I see it?" Bo Yanchen didn't deny it, but asked in reply.

"There are so many people around us who need help every day. Why do you help her? Your help to her has gone far beyond the scope of ordinary people's love. Besides, you are not a meddler , the fastest update of the webnovel!