Chapter 464

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen took a look at him without any explanation.

Jing Haoran hooked his lips: "if the above evidence is not enough, then just now, I just said that I wanted to pursue her, and there is no action. Why is your reaction so intense? There is only one answer You're in love with her! So, I can't stand any man's approach to her, including me, right? "

Bo Yanchen was silent for a long time, and slowly raised his head, with a smile like nothing on his face: "Haoran, I don't know, you are not only good at picking up girls, but also have a brain hole Big. "

Jing Haoran It doesn't sound like a compliment.

With that, Bo Yanchen went straight to his room.

"Hello, ah Chen!" Jing Haoran caught up with him and held him, "I'm serious. It's not a big brain hole. You're old, too. Don't keep busy with your work. It's time to find a woman. There is no conflict between work and love. Look at me, isn't it good to take care of both? "

Bo Yanchen gave him a cold look, "I'm not as "No

Jing Haoran It's not personal.

Bo Yanchen went into the room, pulled off his tie and began to change clothes.

"Ah Chen, think about it." Jing Haoran still does not give up, follow up the room, "I think min Tongtong is very good, and I can see that she seems to be interested in you! I have more experience than you. The way she looks at you is adoring and adoring. I'm sure she likes you, too! You two, like each other, it's natural to be together! And hey! Look at her, she's probably a little girl... "

"Shut up Bo Yanchen finally can't help but scold a way, "you again long winded a, I let her go!"

"Well, I won't say it." Jing Haoran compromise way, "I go out first, you always change good clothes, hurry out to eat." Finish saying, obediently backed out.

Bo Yanchen stood there, holding a pajama in his hand, but he didn't put it on his body.

Baby? yes! She is not only a baby, but also a good girl.

And he and she are people of two worlds

"Bo Yanchen, have dinner!" All of a sudden, the door is opened with a bang, and min Tongtong rushes in without warning. At this time, Bo Yanchen is naked and wearing triangle underwear. The picture is too beautiful, and her eyes don't know where to look,

crouching trough! This man's in great shape.

The typical dress is thin, and there is meat when undressed.

He has a super high face value, mouth watering chest muscles, as well as the eight abdominal muscles that make women have the impulse to fall down!

Further down is

"Ah How do you Why don't you get dressed? " She pretended to cover her eyes, but peeped through her fingers.

"You don't knock when you go into someone's room?" Bo Yanchen slowly put on his pajamas, then his pajamas.

"I I Sorry, I forgot. That The hot pot is boiling and ready to eat. " Min Tongtong apologizes, but her eyes look at him for fear of missing any of his actions.

Oh, my God, how can anyone be so sexy even in clothes? Let people live or not?

Bo Yanchen put on clothes and looked up, just to see her swallowing, "if you are hungry, eat well first, don't wait for me."

"Ha ha, how can I eat alone?" Min Tongtong smiles with a guilty heart. In fact, she wanted to say that you are more beautiful than food.

Bo Yanchen gave her a light look and went out of the door.

Min Tongtong had a delicious meal. She's been eating western food these days, and she's almost vomiting. Finally, she's got a home style hot pot. It's so beautiful.

After dinner, she volunteered to do the dishes.

As soon as I got into the kitchen, I almost scared her. The dishes and chopsticks in a pool are piled like hills.

I'll go. Haven't these two men washed the dishes for a month?

The most terrible thing is that such a big kitchen, even without dishwashing detergent, is also drunk.

It's getting late. The supermarket downstairs is closed. Min Tongtong personally went to borrow a small cup of dishwasher essence from Aunt m next door, and finally cleaned all the dishes and chopsticks in a pool.

After cleaning up the kitchen and taking a bath, she wanted to wash clothes, but sadly found that the dirty clothes basket was full of dirty clothes mixed with sweat odor and foot odor. What's more, the washing machine is full of washing clothes.

But min Tongtong walked into the living room and said to Jing Haoran, who was watching TV with relish, "this When was the dress washed? Why don't you hang it up? "

"Oh! It seems to be the night before yesterday. I'm sorry, I fell asleep after washing and forgot to dry it. " Jing Haoran apologized.

"What? The day before yesterday? " Min Tongtong is speechless. She has heard for a long time that the bachelor's room has hot eyes. When she saw it today, it really deserves its reputation. "These clothes have to be washed again."

"No more." Jing Haoran said with reluctance, "if you wash them all, why do you wash them again? It costs both water and electricity. Just hang them up and take them out to dry tomorrow.""How can I do that?" Min Tongtong firmly denied his point of view, "it's summer. If the clothes don't air in time, they will dry in the shade automatically. They have a strange smell and must be washed again. Also, the clothes you change should be washed every day, otherwise they will be moldy and stinky, and will grow worms! You two men look very respectable. You are so lazy

"Hey, Xiao Tongtong, your criticism is very sharp!" Jing Haoran good temper smile, "however, you also have to understand that we are two bachelors, about doing housework, is not my strength and ah Chen, and we are very busy, no time at all!"

Min Tongtong curls her lips. She thinks these are all excuses for laziness. No time to do housework, but have time to watch TV?

"Well, you take out all the dirty clothes that haven't been washed, and I'll help you wash them!" They were kind enough to take her in. She should do something for them.

"Well How can we do that? " Jing Haoran shook his head. "You are a tenant, not a maid. I'm sorry to ask you to do the dishes just now. "

Min Tongtong thought, "if you really feel embarrassed, let me do housework to offset part of the rent."

"This..." Jing Haoran hesitated. To be honest, he didn't plan to rent a house at all.

Just at this time, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and Bo Yanchen came out from the inside. His bathrobe was loosely draped over his body, his honey colored chest muscles were looming, his wet hair was sticking to his forehead, and water was dripping down. He looked very sexy and attractive.

The man walked to her step by step with two long legs against the sky.

Min Tongtong Gul Dong swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Nima, come out in the middle of the night to seduce people. Is this really good? , the fastest update of the webnovel!