Chapter 473

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Although after that, the love expert Alice said a lot of words to comfort min Tongtong, but she couldn't listen to a word.

In my mind has always been Alice's sentence: easy to get will not cherish, in a relationship, first fall in love with that, in the end, is often the deepest injury that.

In the morning, min Tongtong spent in chaos. Several times, the cashier gave the wrong change, and the customer complained twice.

At noon, Bo Yanchen called her to the office.

"What's the matter with you today? be absent-minded? If you don't feel well, don't go to work in the afternoon and go back to rest. "

"I'm fine." Mintongtong powerless way, "I can't ask for leave, the fare has not earned enough!"

Bo Yanchen's face suddenly sank: "if you want to make money, cheer me up! What I need is a staff full of vigor, not a sick look like you

"I'm sorry." Min Tongtong is biting her lips, trying to endure her inner grievances.

"Have a rest after lunch, and have a new mental outlook in the afternoon! Do you know? " Bo Yanchen ordered.

"Yes! Boss Min Tong should a, the head also did not return ground walked out.

In the afternoon, Bo Yanchen went out on business.

Min Tongtong adjusted her mood and tried not to think about those unhappy things. As a result, her work efficiency improved a lot.

Until closing, Bo Yanchen didn't come back.

Min Tongtong stayed in the shop for a while, until seven o'clock, night fell, Bo Yanchen still did not come back.

Considering that he might be busy, she didn't call him and closed the store.

There are many restaurants along the street. Min Tongtong chooses a Chinese restaurant. She plans to go in and have a bowl of noodles for dinner.

As soon as I sat down, I saw a man at the next table waving to her, "Min Tongtong!"

Min Tongtong also recognized the man is the enthusiastic boy on the plane and her neighbor, "Qin Shaoqian!"

"What a coincidence! We're really destined to meet again! " Qin Shaoqian simply sat on the seat opposite her, "are you coming to dinner, too? How about my treat

Before min Tongtong refuses, Qin Shaoqian has called the waiter, "this table orders! Bring up your most expensive dishes

"No!" Min Tongtong hastily stops a way, "I eat bowl noodles to go!"

"How can I do that?" Qin Shaoqian said, "what a happy event to celebrate when you meet an old friend in a foreign land!"

Min Tongtong She wants to say that her mood is not happy at all!

Qin Shaoqian graciously ordered a table of dishes and a bottle of red wine.

Like a talker, he repeated his experience in recent days.

Min Tongtong is not interested in listening to his nagging. She just looks down to eat.

Xu is because the mood is depressed, usually does not touch the wine, unexpectedly drank two glasses of red wine in a row.

Some drunk, she opened the conversation. He began to tell his story in tears.

However, even in the case of drunkenness, she still did not like Bo Yanchen's secret to say.

However, it caused Qin Shaoqian's great dissatisfaction.

"What? You live with two big men now? This How can that be? "

"Yes Why not? " Min Tongtong stares at him unhappily, "they are good people. If they didn't take them in, I would have to sleep in the street!"

"Well! What kind of person? " Qin Shaoqian sneered, "you are so naive! There is no love without reason. They must have something to do with you when they treat you! "

"Oh? Is that right? " Min Tong Tong laughed, "it's good to have an attempt! I'm afraid people won't care about me! "

Qin Shaoqian gave her a blank look: "Tong Tong, you are drunk! I'll take you back! "

"I'm not drunk! I want to drink more! I'm not going back! " Min Tongtong takes the glass and drinks it.

"Don't drink any more!" Qin Shaoqian snatched her wine glass. "If you don't go back, I'll book a hotel for you. You can stay in the hotel tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll accompany you to get your luggage and move out as soon as possible! It's too dangerous for you to be a girl and live with two big men

"Good! Move out! I'll never see That man Min Tongtong finish this sentence, a head fell on the table, thoroughly drunk.

"Min Tongtong, min Tongtong..." Qin Shaoqian pushed her, but the girl didn't respond.

Qin Shaoqian called the waiter to settle the bill, picked up min Tongtong and walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he was stopped.

"Let's go! Get out of the way Qin Shaoqian is not happy.

"Let her go!" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

"Who are you?" Qin Shaoqian tone is not good way, "you recognize the wrong person?"

"I repeat, let her go!" Bo Yanchen reached for the man's arm, "or I'll call the police!"

"Call the police?" Qin Shaoqian looked at him funny, "I'm her friend, and who are you?"Bo Yanchen was too lazy to explain to him, "she has no friends here! who are you? Where are you going to take her when you get her drunk? "

Qin Shaoqian suddenly understood, "you You are... "

Min Tongtong was woken up by the quarrel. When she opened her eyes and saw Qin Shaoqian holding herself, she immediately struggled to jump down and looked at him warily, "you What are you holding me for? "

"I You Drunk Qin Shaoqian stammered, "so I..."

Min Tongtong is still in a state of drunkenness, the whole person wobbly, Bo Yanchen a help her, "how to drink so much wine?"

"Bo Yanchen!" Mintongtong see Bo Yanchen, immediately into his arms, unfold a child like smile. For a moment, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by an angry expression, "I hate you! I don't want to like you! You big villain... "

The little girl was incoherent and went to sleep again.

Bo Yanchen sighed, hugged her and went to his shop.

Qin Shaoqian stood in the same place, looking at Bo Yanchen's back, he didn't have the courage to catch up.

At the store, Bo Yanchen takes min Tongtong to the sofa in her office to lie down, and then goes to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water.

Just wiped not a few, the little wench then woke up, open big eyes, Zheng Zheng ground looking at thin Yan Chen.

"Awake?" Bo Yanchen looked at her, "if I'm not here, will you let me go completely? Do you want to lose yourself when you are with a strange man and dare to drink so much

"Lost?" Min Tongtong blinked her innocent big eyes and suddenly laughed, "if I lose myself to you, I don't mind!"

Poof! Bo Yanchen's blood was stuck in his throat. He didn't think the girl was serious.

"You Look at you! Drunk and full of nonsense! Is a girl ashamed to say such a thing? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!