Chapter 474

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"I'm not talking nonsense. What I said is true! The truth! Bo Yanchen, I like you! " With a serious expression on her face, min Tongtong suddenly shook her head, "no, it's not like, it's Love! From Bo Yanchen to stay, for a time frozen there.

Xu is to see he did not respond, the girl's courage became bigger, began to bite his lip, small hand also uneasily in his back stroked.

Bo Yanchen's head was exploded, and all his blood rushed to some part of his body.

He hugged the girl, crushed her on the sofa, kissed her, pried her off guard with his clever tongue, and couldn't wait to get in, trying to taste the sweetness like marshmallow.

The aroma of red wine is mixed with the flavor of a girl. It's really sweet.

Bo Yanchen some can't stop, fiercely plunder, heavy breathing spray on her cheek.

Min Tongtong was confused by the man's action. She thinks that kissing is just the lip contact between men and women. Isn't that the way it's played on TV?

But now? What the hell?

She felt that the man's tongue was like a big brush, sweeping freely in her mouth, even in a corner.

This tongue is like a spirit snake. It entangles her tongue and sucks hard.

Her mouth is full of his flavor, mixed with mint and tobacco flavor, just like his taste.

She found that she seemed to like being kissed by him. Maybe it's because she was drunk. Her eyes are dimly narrowed, and her eyes are overflowing with misty water. All of them are intoxicating.

Bo Yanchen left her lips, slightly drooping eyes, can see her red cheek, delicate and beautiful.

He couldn't help but bow his head, blush the lip print and peck it lightly.

The girl seemed dissatisfied with the kiss, straightened the man's head, pouted and muttered.

Bo Yanchen couldn't hear what she said. He just felt that this action was kissing. He didn't hesitate to lower his head and seal the girl's mouth again.

Kissing alone can no longer suppress the evil fire in the man's belly. His big hands move around on the girl's exquisite curve.

Bo Yanchen's kiss is more and more crazy, along min Tongtong's lips, neck all the way down, the girl like a shrimp kept twisting body, mouth issued unbearable cry.

Bo Yanchen's hand tightly grabbed the girl's skirt and lifted it up, revealing the pink inside.

Originally, this should be a scene of blood gushing.

However, the action on the man's hand stopped at this time. The cartoon pattern printed on the thin cloth stimulated his visual nerve.

It occurred to him that she was only eighteen years old and a child.

This is her first time. He can't take her when she's not awake.

Otherwise, what's the difference between him and animals?

He told himself to be restrained and patient. Even if his desire is about to explode, even if the woman who wriggles under him is the one who haunts him!

Bo Yanchen pulls down her skirt decisively, takes a deep breath, and plans to stand up, but min Tongtong reaches out her arm and hooks her neck.

"Bo Yanchen..." Min Tongtong's soft voice is like a newborn kitten, scratching Bo Yanchen's heart.

The reason that Bo Yanchen just regained begins to muddle again, however, this time he did not indulge his emotion again. A cruel, pull down her arm, Teng to stand up.

He can't hesitate any more, otherwise, he really can't help asking for her here.

He quickly left the office, went to the bathroom and washed out the emotion with cold water.

Half an hour later, when he came back to the office again, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

The ground was in a mess, and the whole office smelled of acid. The creator was lying on the sofa, Hula Hula sleeping soundly.

Bo Yanchen had to clean himself. After cleaning the floor, you have to clean people.

Fortunately, he runs a women's clothing store. Otherwise, where can I find a change of clothes at night?

After helping the girl wipe her body and change her clothes, Bo Yanchen feels like she has steamed a sauna. Because of her forbearance, she is soaked with sweat.

Looking at the little woman lying in her arms and sleeping peacefully, Bo Yanchen's eyes became soft and her heart became soft.

His eyebrows and eyes are stained with a little smile, even the corner of his mouth seems to be involved. He felt that he must have owed this little thing in his previous life. Otherwise, she has caused so much trouble, why is he not angry at all, but rather willing to drink it?

The next day, min Tongtong woke up with a splitting headache.

Last night, she went to dinner with Qin Shaoqian. It seems that she drank a lot of wine. It seems that she had broken pieces.

Later, he had a dream in which Bo Yanchen took her away. She boldly confessed to him, and they also kissed and finally rolled together

Min Tongtong covers her hot cheek.

Wipe! How to have such a shameless dream!How did she come back? Did Qin Shaoqian send her back?

She looked down subconsciously, her face turned white with fear.

What's the matter with your clothes? It's not the suit you wore last night!

It looks familiar, like Bo Yanchen shop!

Oh, my God! What the hell is going on?

Min Tongtong is completely confused. She jumped out of bed with a grunt and rushed out of the room.

In the dining room, Bo Yanchen is having breakfast, see her fiery appearance, light way, "wake up?"

The man's reaction is too calm, min Tongtong was ready for a bellyful of questions, suddenly did not know where to ask, "that That... "

"Do you want to ask, how did you get back last night?" Bo Yanchen said.


"I sent you back." Bo Yanchen's tone is very calm.

"Ah?" Min Tongtong was stunned, "you How did you find me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!