Chapter 475

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"That's not the point!" Bo Yanchen didn't plan to answer her question, "what you should care about is how to get drunk!"

"I..." Min Tong red face, "no one drunk me, I want to drink!"

"Who is that man?" Bo Yanchen's voice sank.

"Oh, I met him on the plane."

"Oh Bo Yanchen sneered, "your heart is really big!"

Min Tongtong did not recognize the meaning of his words, she is concerned about another thing.

"Did you change the clothes?" Min Tongtong spoke in embarrassment.

"Do you have the ability to change after getting drunk?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Mintongtong shameless, "you help me change clothes! Isn't that Isn't it... " Have you not seen all of them?

"I don't want to change it for you. Do you want the boy who drunk you to change it?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"No, it's not! How can he do it Min Tongtong shakes her head desperately.

"Then don't worry. It's not the first time I've seen it anyway. " Bo Yanchen's expression was calm.

Min Tongtong She wanted to die.

"Well What about my clothes? "

"I threw it away!" Bo Yanchen said it easily.

Min Tongtong quit, "why do you throw my clothes?" This dress has only been worn a few times. What a pity to throw it away?

Bo Yanchen looked at her like an idiot, "spit dirty clothes, do you mean let me take them back?"

Min Tongtong Vomit dirty? Did she throw up last night?

Oh, my God! She's not drunk, is she? "That I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said last night, did I? "

"I've always ignored what drunken people say."

"Oh Min Tongtong breathed a sigh of relief, "I bothered you last night!"

"If you know the trouble, don't drink any more!" Bo Yanchen's voice is as cool as ever, "with your amount of wine and wine, if you drink again, sooner or later something will happen!"

"Oh. I see! " Min Tongtong regretfully wants to bury her head in the bowl.

I don't know if it's an illusion. In the next few days, min Tongtong always feels that Bo Yanchen deliberately avoids her.

In the morning, he went to the store earlier. No matter how early she gets up, he has already gone out.

In the evening, he always said that he had to work overtime until midnight.

Occasionally met her, but also a simple nod, even words are not willing to say more with her.

Min Tongtong is a little lost. She estimated that it was her drunkenness and madness that day that made him dislike her.

As a matter of fact, a girl who was drunk was not very elegant, and she vomited dirty in his office. No wonder she was rejected by him.

Ah! Drinking is a mistake!

She swore that she would never touch alcohol in the future!

There's another worry. That's Qin Shaoqian.

This man doesn't know what to do. Since I met her that night, I came to the store every day to look for her. Either ask her for dinner, or ask her to see a movie or go shopping.

Min Tongtong, without exception, declined politely on the ground that she wanted to make money on the road.

Therefore, Qin Shaoqian proposed that he should pay the travel expenses and help her apply for a replacement passport as soon as possible.

Min Tongtong blushed and refused him.

She is not a wooden person, although Qin Shaoqian did not formally tell her. But after several times, she could see that Qin Shaoqian was interested in her. But he's not his own dish. So, she can't accept his help.

That day, Qin Shaoqian came to the store to look for her.

Even Alice knew him, and called min Tongtong, who was busy in the warehouse, "Tongtong, your admirer has come to you!"

"Ah? Why is he here again? " Min Tongtong looks up to the sky and sighs.

Alice covered her mouth and said with a smile, "get out of here. He won't go unless you go out. "

As soon as min Tongtong went out, Qin Shaoqian welcomed him happily, "Tongtong!"

"I told you, don't come to me at work!" Min Tongtong stinks.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaoqian obviously did not realize that he was unwelcome. "Who made you angry?"

Min Tongtong speechless, "do you have nothing serious to do all day?"

"Yes Qin Shaoqian said solemnly, "I'm here today to see you for something serious. What do you think this is? " He said as he took out a small book from his bag.

Min Tongtong took over a look, turned out to be his lost passport, also holding her ID card.

"My God! How did you find it? " She exclaimed incredulously.

"Well! Ha ha, my friend works in the police station where you report the case. I asked him for help. " Qin Shaoqian said, "the man who stole your bag is a habitual thief. He has a criminal record in the police station. It's not difficult to catch him. It's a pity that he wasted all your money. Fortunately, I didn't lose my passport and ID card. ""Great! Thank God the papers are here. It's nothing to worry about when the money is gone! " Min Tongtong excitedly picked up her passport and gave a few kisses. Suddenly she thought of something like, "thank your friend for me, or I will treat you to dinner if you ask him to come out tonight!"

Qin Shaoqian waved his hand in a hurry and said, "no, it's a piece of cake! It's his job. There's nothing to thank. In M country, if you invite him to dinner, it's a bribe! "

Min Tong Oh, "in a word, help me to thank him! Of course, you are the one to thank most

"Then invite me to dinner." Qin Shaoqian is not polite, "I'm not a public official, it doesn't matter."

Min Tongtong

Qin Shaoqian looked at his watch: "Tongtong, it's almost time. Come on, let's eat

Min Tongtong: "no, I haven't finished work yet."

"Tongtong, you should get off work first. I'm here Said Alice sweetly.

Min Tongtong rolled her eyes at the bottom of her heart, disdaining Alice's enthusiasm.

"Thank you, beauty!" Qin Shaoqian squeezed his eyes at Alice and took min Tongtong away.

Two people just left soon, Bo Yanchen came back.

"Why are you alone? What about Min Tong? "

"Oh. That Qin Shaoqian found her passport and ID card, and Tong Tong wanted to invite him to dinner to express her gratitude. " Alice explained, "so I let her go first."

Bo Yanchen's face suddenly sank and her passport was found. Does that mean that she is about to leave?

His mood immediately became restless, and he snapped, "who gives you the power?"

"I..." Bo Yanchen's whole body is shrouded in anger, which makes Alice excited. "I think it's going to be off work anyway, and the situation is special."

"Listen to me! It's basic for me to commute on time! No one can be late and leave early without my permission Bo Yanchen coldly dropped this sentence and went straight back to his office, slamming the door.

Alice: -- He had never seen his boss get so angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!