Chapter 484

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong a Leng: "is not the result of the trial officially announced tomorrow?" Moreover, as the chief examiner, it seems inappropriate to discuss the inconclusive results with candidates in private.

However, in the second half of the sentence, she did not say it.

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it doesn't matter." Joseph touched his chin. "The important thing is, I can decide the final result."

Min Tong Tong slightly a Zheng, but immediately figured out what, light way, "Oh."

Joseph didn't expect her reaction to be so cool. "Don't you want to know who the final winner is? Or don't you want to fight for it again? "

Min Tongtong narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a scanning attitude.

Joseph laughed. "Simply put, as long as you accept my invitation and have dinner with me, how about making sure you win this quota? Is that right? "

Ha ha! It's more than a loss?

They can eat for free and get the only place to go abroad. It's a good thing that pie falls from the sky!

However, how can min Tongtong not know that this is actually a big trap.

Eating is just a cover. How many secrets are hidden behind the meal? She can guess it just by guessing.

She smile: "after dinner, what activities?"

Joseph was overjoyed. Yeah! Bing Xueming, a smart girl, is really a child to teach!

He boldly took min Tongtong's hand and said, "go to dinner first, and then we'll find a quiet club, drink coffee and have a chat."

Oh! It's not as simple as eating, this shameless old rascal! She just tried a little and the fox's tail came out immediately.

"Excuse me, Mr. Joseph!" Min Tongtong shakes off his hand, "drinking coffee at night, I can't sleep."

"Yes! You Chinese like tea! Let's stop drinking coffee and have tea instead. " Joseph put his arm around her waist and pinched her maliciously.

"Let go!" Min Tong Tong angry, force to break open that salty pig hand, "please respect the point!"

Min Tongtong's resistance aroused Joseph's great curiosity.

Foreigner's stature is very big, looks like the eagle catches the chicken to rush toward, a hugs her in the bosom, opened the vehicle door to plug in.

The door was locked by the central control, min Tongtong beat the window desperately, "what do you want? Let go of me! Let go of me! Help

Her cry for help soon caught the attention of passers-by.

"Sorry everyone, I had a fight with my girlfriend." Joseph explained to passers-by in stiff Chinese.

Joseph looks like a well-dressed, gentle scum, and drives a luxury car, successfully fooling a group of people who eat melons.

Since it's a quarrel between lovers, we've seen it for a while and then it's gone.

"You bastard! What do you want? " Min Tongtong grabbed everything she could throw and smashed it at Joseph. "This is in China. Your behavior is against the law! Let me off at once! Or I'll call the police! "

"Don't be so excited, girl!" While avoiding the attack of Min Tongtong, Joseph showed an obscene smile, "if you want to get the quota of studying abroad, please be obedient to me."

"I don't want this quota!" Min Tongtong does not fake thinking about cableway, "who's going to give it to who! Hum! Who is rare! Your company has such scum as you. Sooner or later, it will go bankrupt! "

Then he grabbed a baseball and smashed it.

With a thump, Joseph's head was solidly hit, and his forehead was immediately red.

He suddenly flew into a rage. He grabbed min Tongtong's two hands and fixed them. The other hand pinched her jaw and said: "smelly bitch! Don't toast, don't drink! I want to sleep with you. It's your luck! If you don't listen, you'll feel better later! "

Just then, just listening to a loud bang, min Tongtong obviously felt her body shocked. In retrospect, Joseph's luxury car was rear ended by an unlicensed farm vehicle.

"Lying trough!" Joseph scolded a, distressed underground car to see.

Seeing that the whole butt of the car was almost smashed, Joseph was furious, "you don't have eyes! You can hit my car when it's parked! Lose money He pointed at the car owner in English and cursed fiercely, regardless of whether people understand him or not.

The door of the farm truck opened, and the man who came down was Qin Shaoqian!

Min Tongtong was both surprised and happy. She quickly unfastened her seat belt and jumped out of the car. She ran over like a savior, but was stopped by Joseph.

"Get back in the car and stay! Ouch Before he spoke, Joseph got a heavy blow on his head, which made him stagger to the ground.

"Run Qin Shaoqian took the opportunity to take min Tongtong's hand and ran to the front.

They ran to a secluded path and stopped.

"You Why did you suddenly show up? " Min Tongtong is out of breath.

"I didn't show up all of a sudden. I went to school specially to find you!" Qin Shaoqian said."What are you looking for?" Min Tong doesn't understand.

"You have returned home without a word, and I don't know your phone number. I can't help it, so I have to go to a school to inquire, and finally let me find you! " Qin Shaoqian didn't explain why he was looking for her. Instead, he told her in detail. As if it was a matter of course to look for her.

"Thank you today." Min Tongtong said, "if it weren't for you, maybe I would have let the villain take away!"

"You said that Joseph?" Qin Shaoqian sneered, "I know this man. He is the vice president of Stephen group. He is famous for his love affairs! As soon as I see a beautiful woman, my eyes shine. I want to go to bed immediately! The women who have been forced by him these years are not without them. "

"What? It turns out that this man is so abnormal! " Min Tongtong sighed, "he's breaking the law like this, so nobody cares?"

"You also know the public security situation of M country. With his wealth and power, it's not difficult to bribe a policeman. Those women who were forced by him must have been appeased by him with money. " Qin Shaoqian said, "but he's good-looking and has a lot of money. Many gold worshiping girls are willing to follow her. He was generous, and everyone got what they needed. It's said that he can change women faster than he can change clothes! "

"Oh! How disgusting Min Tongtong about to listen to vomit, "those women are too shameless! All such rubbish men want it! It's too heavy! "

"It's disgusting." Qin Shaoqian also agreed, "by the way, I said, how could you be so unlucky to let that guy stare at you?"

"Don't mention it. I probably won the lottery." Min Tongtong said the course of the matter again, "offended him, the trial competition probably did not play. Ah! forget it! It doesn't matter if you don't get that quota. "

Although min Tongtong said free and easy, but the expression of disappointment betrayed her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!