Chapter 485

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In fact, you don't have to be so pessimistic! You are a walk through student, how many people envy! In fact, it's the same where you go to college! The quality of education in China is also very good. You are a talented person. If you want to go abroad for further study, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. "

Min Tongtong pulled to pull lip Cape, but don't know such comfort not only didn't let her feel better, but more depressed.

If I can't go to m country, the possibility of Meeting Bo Yanchen is even more remote.

Is the fate between them really so shallow?

The girl's clear eyes darkened little by little, and the whole person seemed lost and decadent.

Of course, Qin Shaoqian knew what she was thinking and said, "where do you live? I'll see you off! "

"No, I'll go back myself."

"Aren't you afraid to meet that big sex wolf again?"

Mention Joseph, Min Tong Tong a burst of chills, suddenly, she thought of something like, "by the way, your car is still parked on the road! What shall we do? "

"That's not my car!" Qin Shaoqian smiles with pride, "just now I saw that dead foreigner pull you into the car, so I borrowed a farm car that didn't turn off on the side of the road and hit it on purpose."

"Ah?" Min Tongtong corner of the mouth twitches fiercely, "isn't the owner of that agricultural vehicle going to pay for bankruptcy?"

"No!" Qin Shaoqian said, "I don't think that turtle grandson dares to call the police. It was he who tried to insult you. If he called the police, he couldn't tell. It doesn't matter if he calls the police in case of a fever. I have already reached an agreement with the car owner. If the police ask, they will ask three questions. He said that his car was parked on the side of the road and I don't know who drove it away. "

Min Tongtong looked at him admiringly, "this is OK! You How wonderful

"It's rare to be praised by you. I think I can't sleep happily tonight!" Qin Shaoqian's eyes suddenly became tender and affectionate, "Tongtong..."

Min Tongtong realized what he would say next, and immediately coughed, trying to dispel some ambiguous air around him, "that Didn't you say you were going to take me home? let's go! It's getting late. My grandmother will be worried if she comes home late! "

Qin Shaoqian sighed helplessly, "OK, let's go!"

When he got downstairs, Qin Shaoqian insisted on going upstairs. Before min Tongtong refused, he heard someone calling her upstairs, "Tongtong, how can you come back now?"

Min Tongtong clatters, it's grandma's voice. Looking up, I saw that grandma was leaning out of the window and waving to her.

"Hello, grandma! I'm Tong Tong's good friend, Qin Shaoqian. " Qin Shaoqian came and waved to Xia Shufen.

Min Tongtong c'mon! Don't be so kind!

As a result, Qin Shaoqian was naturally invited into the house by Xia Shufen.

Qin Shaoqian is a good-looking man with good manners. The most important thing is that he will please the old people. Xia Shufen has a very good impression of this young man.

He not only warmly entertained Qin Shaoqian for dinner, but also took him to chat for several hours.

Min Tongtong was forced by Xia Shufen to chat with her on the sofa for several hours.

Seeing off Qin Shaoqian, Xia Shufen immediately pulls min Tongtong to him and interrogates him, "Tongtong, be honest. Are you in love with Qin Shaoqian? "

"Grandma! What are you talking about? " Min Tongtong simply speechless, "I'm only 18 years old, still a high school student, what kind of love?"

"Eighteen is not young. I'm going to college soon. Grandma is very open-minded. If you meet a good young man and want to fall in love, I won't stop him. " Xia Shufen said, "I think the young man Qin Shaoqian is very good, and I think he likes you very much. You might as well think about it. "

"Think about what?" Min Tongtong some irritable frown, "I care if he likes me? I don't like him at all anyway! Even if I want to fall in love, the object will never be him! "

Min Tongtong is not happy in the heart, the tone of speaking naturally will not be good, Xia Shufen some strange to see her one eye: "you this child, how to return a responsibility?"? Talk to you well. What's your attitude? Grandma cares about you! Your mother died early, and grandma is old. In case she's gone, I hope a good man can take care of you for me! "

When Xia Shufen talked about her daughter, she began to feel down again.

Min Tongtong pursed her lips with some guilt, "sorry, grandma, I had a bad attitude just now! I apologize to you! Grandma, your health is still so good, at least you can live to 100 years old! I grew up and didn't need to be taken care of. I will always be with you! Take care of you

Xia Shufen is gratified and moved. She puts min Tongtong in her arms and says, "you girl, you will coax me! What happened to you today? Grandma can see that you are in a bad mood. "

"When I was interviewing today, I didn't play very well. I was worried that I couldn't pass the exam." Min Tongtong certainly won't say that she was almost insulted by Joseph.

"It's for this?" Xia Shufen touched her head, "it doesn't matter if I can't pass the exam. The number of people who can walk is still there. Not afraid

"Well!" Min Tongtong nods with a bitter smile, but she wants to cry.----

Qin Shaoqian came home whistling, opened the door, and was almost fumigated by a strong smell of smoke.

After coughing for a long time, I looked up and saw the man sitting on the sofa in the living room. I was surprised: "Dad! Why are you here so late? "

The man's action was natural and unrestrained to flick the cigarette ash, "I am your father, when to come, need to report to you?"

"I didn't mean that!" It can be seen that Qin Shaoqian was very awed by his father, "didn't you say that there was no big deal, so you tried to avoid meeting me?"

"I have something important to do with you." Qin's father never smiles at his son: "what's the situation with that girl named min Tongtong?"

"Oh, she's back in the West. However, she recently participated in the selection competition of Stephen group. Originally, she had a great chance to get it, but she seems to have offended Joseph, and the public quota for studying abroad may be in vain. " When Qin Shaoqian said this, he couldn't hide his excitement.

Qin's father had a gloomy face. "Why are you so happy? I warned you last time not to have Min Tong's idea. Keep this girl. I'm of great use! "

Last time, his father occasionally learned from his mouth that Bo Yanchen had taken in Min Tongtong. He seemed to have a strong interest in their relationship.

Not only sent people to inquire about min Tongtong's situation, but also asked the police to help her find her stolen passport and ID card.

Qin Shaoqian knows that his father has been dealing with the Bo family secretly, but he can't figure out that Bo Yanchen is just an illegitimate son that the old man doesn't like to see. Why should he trip him all the time.

Walk around Bo Yanchen's peach news, stir up Bo Yanchen's investment

What he doesn't understand is that this matter has nothing to do with min Tongtong. Why does my father pay so much attention to min Tongtong?

"Dad! What are you going to do? Tell me, will you? " Qin Shaoqian boldly asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!