Chapter 507

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Sympathize with her, but she won't run out foolishly and invite Bo Yanchen into the room.

If he did, he would not know what it would be like!

Hum! She can't be soft hearted easily. She must let this man know that although she is young, she is not a stupid woman who is still rubbed flat and round by her.

Thinking, min Tongtong fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, she was awakened by a burst of urine. Without the light on, I fell asleep.

When I opened the door and walked through the living room, I suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground.

Why? What's soft? Mintongtong subconsciously reached out to touch, even touched a heat source, scared her immediately what sleepy wake up.

"Ah Min Tongtong screamed and jumped away like an electric shock.

"What's your name? I didn't even cry out for pain Bo Yanchen spoke coldly.

"You How do you sleep here? " Min Tongtong looks at the man lying on the floor by the dim street lights in the community.

"I want to sleep in bed, too, but only if I have some!" Bo Yanchen said pitifully.

Min Tongtong is not moved, "but How can you sleep in the middle of the road like this? It's dark in the middle of the night. It almost killed me

Bo Yanchen smiles to embrace her, "have me this human flesh cushion in, how can fall you?" As he said, he pulled the girl's face to kiss like a rogue. "Tong Tong, the floor of the living room is cold and hard. I will catch cold when I sleep. Let me go in and sleep, even if I sleep on the floor. "

"I don't care about you!" Min Tongtong doesn't want to be cheated by his sweet words. She pushes him away and runs to the bathroom.

Xu is afraid of being entangled by a director. After coming out of the bathroom, min Tongtong runs into the bedroom and locks the door.

Just climbed into bed, suddenly was a person to hold, dragged into the arms.

"Ah!" Min Tongtong is scared out of her wits and screams.

"Don't yell! Who else is here besides me? " Bo Yanchen's voice came from his ear.

Min Tongtong's rigid body instantly relaxed, but she was annoyed.

Can this man not face any more? I ran in without her permission. Not to mention that, she climbed into her bed in a dignified way.

Hum! Who just said, "if you can come in, you can sleep on the floor."

You're fooling her again!! liar! A complete liar!

"Who allowed you to come in?" Min Tong pushes him away and asks in a loud voice.

"Tong Tong, I'm not feeling well..." Bo Yanchen's voice seemed weak.

"It doesn't work to pretend to be pathetic. Get out

Looking at the man lying still, min Tongtong simply pushed him out of bed.

Min Tongtong tossed for a while and felt that something was wrong. If put in peacetime, the man already resisted, perhaps already grasped her hand and foot to press her under the body.

But today, he did not move, still kicking by her.

Is it hard to be self-conscious? Dare not resist?

No! Bo Yanchen such belly black man, how can obediently bully by her?

Min Tongtong thought more and more strange, so she stopped, got up and turned on the bedside lamp.

When she turned to see the man in bed, she was startled.

Bo Yanchen lay there, his face pale, his brow frowning, his forehead showing blue veins and sweating.

"What's the matter with you?" Min Tongtong leaned over, reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "my God! It's so hot! You have a fever

So it's true that he just said he was uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, it's me! I shouldn't let you sleep on the floor! " Min Tongtong blamed herself to the point that she couldn't, "can you get up? I'll take you to the hospital. "

"No!" Bo Yanchen took her hand and said, "it has nothing to do with you. I I have a fever caused by gastroenteritis. Take some medicine and you'll be OK "

min Tongtong's face turned black immediately. She remembers that he was admitted to the hospital because of gastroenteritis a few days ago. Didn't heal, still hard support, really when he is a robot?

"Get up! Go to the hospital Min Tongtong didn't complain much about him, so she got out of bed directly.

"No, it's almost dawn. It's time for you to go to school." Bo Yanchen endure abdominal pain, toward min Tongtong squeeze out a reluctant smile, "otherwise, I first take some medicine, if not, go to the hospital later."

Min Tongtong frowned: "if taking medicine works, how can you still be like this? Don't be brave, be obedient, I'll take you to the hospital! "

The little girl is determined to take the tone of cajoling, just like the parents treat the children of dingniu.

Bo Yanchen Lengshen Kung Fu, min Tongtong has got up and walked out.

When she came back, she had already changed her clothes, holding Bo Yanchen's clothes in her hand, "come on, change your clothes."

Bo Yanchen looked at her one eye, but didn't get up, "I don't have the strength to get up, you help me change."Min Tongtong Wasn't it pretty powerful just now? How come you look like a plague chicken now, and you don't have the strength to wear clothes?

However, min Tongtong has no time to study the authenticity, and quickly takes off his clothes.

The man showed his strong body. Regardless of her shyness, she quickly helped him put on the clothes. Bo Yanchen is like a disabled person in the whole process. He is only responsible for his clothes.

Due to the little girl's shame, when changing pants, Bo Yanchen miraculously recovers her action ability and puts on her pants by herself.

After going to the hospital for examination, the doctor diagnosed chronic gastritis caused by acute gastroenteritis, and had mild symptoms of gastric ulcer, which required hospitalization.

At Min Tongtong's insistence, Bo Yanchen agreed to stay in hospital for one day.

"Tong Tong, I'm fine. Go to school quickly." Bo Yanchen lies on the hospital bed, looking at the little girl who is busy taking care of him, soft voice way.

"You are all like this. How can I be in the mood to go to school? Anyway, today's class is not very important. It doesn't matter if you are absent for one day. " Min Tongtong said.

thought of the doctor that sleep on the floor last night was also one of the main causes of Bo Yanchen's relapse. She was annoyed and blamed herself for not doing so. "Are you better now? If you don't feel comfortable, please tell me right away. Don't try not to say it. Do you know? "

Listen to the little girl's nagging, Bo Yanchen feel very sweet, "you quickly sit down, don't busy."

But min Tongtong did not, "the doctor said that your stomach disease is caused by irregular diet. You! Sometimes when I'm busy, I can't take care of my meal all day. Otherwise, I can't help but have a stomach disease. Stomach disease should be taken care of slowly. Oh, by the way, what would you like to eat? I'll buy it for you. "

Bo Yanchen looked at her tenderly and shook his head. "I'm not hungry. Just sit next to me and let me look at you. "

Min Tongtong What do you mean? She's gorgeous? , the fastest update of the webnovel!