Chapter 508

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tong Tong just walked to the bedside, the person hasn't sat down, the hand was pulled by Bo Yanchen, pull, her whole person almost fell to him.

"Lie down well, ill and not honest." Min Tongtong is angry and strange.

"Tong Tong, it's nice to have you here!" Bo Yanchen clenched her little hand and rubbed it on her cheek.

For a long time, he lived alone. If it's really serious, even if you go to the hospital, you will come back the same day.

It's not that he avoids medical treatment, but that he hates the feeling of lying alone in a hospital bed, like a wretch abandoned by the whole world.

Now with min Tongtong around, he feels that hospitalization is not something unbearable.

Looking at her around the hospital bed, he suddenly felt warm and happy.

It's something he's never felt before.

Xu was taken care of by his beloved woman, and maybe Bo Yanchen was strong. In the afternoon, he became lively. All the examination indexes tended to be normal, and the speed of recovery made the doctors dumbfounded.

Feel good, Bo Yanchen will quarrel to leave hospital, but min Tongtong resolutely do not agree, must he live a full day.

Bo Yanchen couldn't compete with him and agreed to stay on condition that she had to go to school in the afternoon.

Absolutely not because of his illness and delay the little girl's schoolwork.

Two people each step back, min Tongtong like parents told Bo Yanchen a lot of attention, in the afternoon will go back to school.

School classroom discipline is very strict, mobile phones must be turned off, min Tongtong mind Bo Yanchen, and can not ask the illness. In class, I lost my mind several times.

Finally, after school in the afternoon, she immediately turned on her mobile phone and dialed a call.

Bo Yanchen is almost second to pick up, "Tong Tong, after class?"

"Well, how are you? Does the stomach still ache? " Min Tongtong's tone is very urgent.

"It doesn't hurt to hear your voice!"

Min Tongtong's heart clapped for a while, "are you in pain again? How could that be? What did the doctor say? "

"Don't worry, Tong Tong! I'm fine. It really doesn't hurt. I was just joking with you

Mintongtong Leng for a while, listen to Bo Yanchen's voice, peace often no different, know oneself cheated, gas to: "Bo Yanchen! You villain! Who makes fun of his body? Hum! I don't care about you! "

"Don't Tongtong, I'm wrong! " Bo Yanchen immediately begged for mercy, "don't ignore me! I'll come and apologize to you right away, OK? "

Min Tongtong almost vomited blood: "are you crazy? Don't fool around

"Unless you forgive me!"

Min Tongtong This is the threat of chiguoguo!

However, she knew that with Bo Yanchen's character, she could definitely do such a thing.

"Come on! Can't I forgive you? " Min Tongtong compromise way, "you give me obediently lie down, I come right away."

Bo Yanchen just laughs happily, "I know Tong Tong loves me most! Tong Tong, it's very kind of you

Min Tongtong She really wanted to shoot him over the phone!

Hang up the phone, she went to the school canteen to eat, by the way bought some light porridge, plan to take to the hospital for Bo Yanchen to eat.

As soon as I got to the school gate, I heard her name called. Looking back, it turned out to be Qin Shaoqian.

Seeing him, min Tongtong was quite surprised, "Shaoqian, how did you come?"

"I'm here for you, of course! Why don't you tell me in advance when you come to study in M country? " Qin Shaoqian reproached, "if I didn't go to your house to find you, your grandmother said you had gone to m country, I didn't know!"

Min Tongtong was stunned. She's only been in M country for three days. So he came to m country specially? "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, you are alone in M country. I don't trust you. I've come here to have a look." Qin Shaoqian said of course, but min Tongtong felt uncomfortable. They are just friends at best. What's he not going to do?

Even out of the concern of friends, just make a phone call. There's no need to come all the way to see her for more than ten hours.

"Thank you for your concern. Everything is fine here." Min Tongtong said politely.

"By the way, I have good news for you!" Qin Shaoqian looked at her with a smile, "I have applied to study in M country, and the procedures are going through. If it goes well, we can become alumni in two months!"

The corner of Min Tongtong's mouth smoked. What kind of good news is that?

"Ha ha! Is that right? " She said with a dry smile, "why so suddenly? Last time I saw you, I didn't hear from you. "

"Oh, it was a sudden decision." Qin Shaoqian suddenly grabbed her hand, "Tong Tong, I applied for this university for you!"

Min Tongtong was stunned, immediately took back his hand like an electric shock, "Shaoqian, please don't make fun of me, OK?""I'm not kidding, I'm serious!" Qin Shaoqian's expression is quite serious, "I like you! I want to be with you

Min Tongtong's temple is jumping abruptly, for a long time, cold face way, "Shaoqian, last time I have made it clear with you that it is impossible between us."

"Because of Bo Yanchen?" Qin Shaoqian asked.

"This has nothing to do with a Chen. Even without him, I would not like you! Because I don't feel that way about you. " Min explained.

"Ah Chen? ha-ha! It's very kind. Are you together? " Qin Shaoqian's delicious tone.

His tone of questioning let min Tongtong very unhappy, but not good, immediately burst out, "yes! I love Chen, and he loves me. We're together. He's my boyfriend now. "

Qin Shaoqian couldn't believe his ears. "Are you kidding? You've only been in M country for a few days. Why are you with him? "

"We love each other, but we have never had a chance to explain it. Now the opportunity comes, and it's natural. " Min Tongtong said, "so please don't waste your time on me. If you apply to study abroad to pursue me, I advise you not to do so. After all, school is not a place for romance. "

Qin Shaoqian's heart was seriously hit, but his face was relaxed, "you're just in love, and you're not married. I still have the right to pursue you. I can compete with him fairly. "

Min Tongtong How can this man be so stubborn? She felt that she had refused very simply!

Fair play? ha-ha! She wants to say that she has already lived with Bo Yanchen. How can she get a fair chance?

"Tongtong, you use it again, I won't give up on you!" Qin Shaoqian continued to talk to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!