Chapter 523

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong went back to the banquet hall and chatted with her colleagues for a while, feeling a little bored. In the brain recall noon and Bo Yanchen occurrence of that not happy, mood suddenly some low.

At noon, after Bo Yanchen slammed the door and left, she immediately changed her clothes and came out. She wanted to explain to him, but found that the office was empty.

Asked the company front desk, said Bo Yanchen has left the company, but where to do not know.

He called, but it showed that he was not in the service area.

Wipe! Play missing! Is that too much?

When she got along with Bo Yanchen, she quarreled occasionally, but she never had a cold war. Although he didn't say much, he was very fond of her, and even couldn't bear to say a serious word.

But today, he not only severely accused her of being a virgin whore, but also went missing.

His kindness was cold violence Bo Yanchen, min Tongtong is not submissive little sheep character, immediately black face.

During the dinner party, she deliberately sat far away from Bo Yanchen and had a good chat with a group of female colleagues. She didn't even look in the direction of Bo Yanchen.

Since he wants to play the cold war, she will die to accompany the gentleman! Who cares?

However, as time went on, her mood became more and more depressed.

In my mind are the sweet time Bo Yanchen and her get along with, and the love and kindness to her.

She traveled thousands of miles from Xicheng to m country. Didn't she just want to be with him?

Why fight a cold war for irrelevant people?

How does it end now?

Take the initiative to apologize? It seems that I can't bear it.

But Bo Yanchen such good face man, let him active reconciliation seems more impossible?

Think about it carefully, Jing Haoran has reminded her that Bo Yanchen's taboo topic is Bo Laozi.

She just didn't believe it. She not only mentioned it again and again, but also tried to persuade it. It is because of this, just touched the bottom line of Bo Yanchen thoroughly.

Bo Yanchen is right. She is too smart!

Min Tongtong stands up suddenly, Alice is frightened by her, "Tongtong, what are you doing?"

Min Tong Tong's line of sight toward the direction of the rostrum, but did not find Bo Yanchen's figure, "eh? What about the chairman? "

"Oh, he seems to have gone out to see off the guests. He just left." Alice replied.

"I'll go out for a minute!"

Alice looked at Min Tongtong's back as she left in a hurry and chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Asked the female colleague sitting next to Alice, puzzled.

"I laugh at Madame! I've been holding on all night, but I can't help it? " Alice was laughing badly.

"You mean the landlady went to the boss?" Asked the lesbian.

"Isn't that bullshit?" Alice said speechless, "or she would run so fast? You see, for a while, they will come in hand in hand. "

"Do you mean that the boss wants to disclose the rhythm of love to the media?"

Alice said with a smile: "I see, even if it's not public, the media should be able to see it."

A quarter of an hour later, Bo Yanchen returned to the banquet hall.

"Look, Alice, the boss came in alone. Where's the landlady? Didn't you say they would come back hand in hand? " A female colleague asked.

Alice looked up and saw that Bo Yanchen came in alone. She couldn't help frowning: "eh? Where is Tong Tong? "

"You don't think they're fighting?"

"No. The boss is so painful, I don't think so! "

"And where has she been?"

"Who knows?" Alice shrugged her shoulders.

The discussion was not very loud, but it reached Bo Yanchen's ears, who had a good hearing. His steps stopped and he turned to Alice. "Where's Tong Tong?"

"She It's like I'm out looking for you. " Alice said, "didn't you meet her?"

Looking for him? Bo Yanchen frowned: "how long has she been away?"

Alice thought, "well. About a quarter of an hour. "

Bo Yanchen takes out his mobile phone and dials min Tongtong.

Prompt to shut down!

Min Tongtong doesn't have the habit of turning off the phone, and he remembers that at noon, her mobile phone had just been charged, so it can't be out of power so soon.

Was it an accident? A bad feeling suddenly appeared in his mind.



Min Tongtong was awakened by the heat. She slowly opened her eyes and found that she was lying on a bed.

The surrounding air is filled with a strong fragrance smell, probably the point of essential oil or incense, room furnishings like hotel rooms.

Why? She remembers that she went out to find Bo Yanchen just now! Why are you here?

She slapped her head hard, remembering what had happened.

After coming out of the banquet hall, she planned to take the elevator to the first floor to find Bo Yanchen, but the elevator seemed to be broken, and she had to take the stairs.Just walked a layer, suddenly heard behind the rapid foot step sound, haven't wait for her back, after the neck was heavily patted, then don't know anything.

Was she kidnapped?

She tried to get out of bed, only to find that there was no strength in her body, and her legs couldn't stand at all, so she fell back into bed.

She felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, her breath was becoming short, her forehead was covered with sweat, and the scenery in front of her began to shake.

What's going on? Was she drugged? It's impossible! She didn't drink anything strange.

Is it

Just as she thought, the door opened with a click. By the dim light of the room, she saw a tall and burly figure coming in.

"Baby, are you awake?"

What a familiar and obscene voice!

Min Tongtong rubs her eyes hard, and finally sees that the person is Joseph!!

"You How did you get in? Get out of here! " It was a scolding tone, but I don't know why, but the voice was very soft and sweet, even she felt disgusted.

"This room is wrapped by me. Of course I can come in!" Joseph came up to her as he spoke, and began to undress.

"You What are you doing? I warn you not to mess about Min Tongtong watched him warily and stepped back. "I'll shout. It's you who will be embarrassed at that time!"

Joseph burst out laughing. "Baby, I don't think you know what's going on, do you? A beautiful woman came to my bed in the middle of the night and threw herself in my arms. How can I refuse? "

"Bah!" Min Tongtong spat at him fiercely, "it's clear that you asked someone to tie me here, and you dare to talk big here! Let me go, or I'll call the police right away! "

"Ha ha! I'm so scared! " Joseph deliberately pretended to be afraid, but a pair of salty pig hands had caressed her little face, "but I'd like to sleep with you, even if I'm in prison! It's romantic to be a ghost under the peony flower , the fastest update of the webnovel!