Chapter 524

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Poof! Min Tongtong almost vomited.

The dead foreigner doesn't speak very well in Chinese, but the obscene words and sentences are so smooth that there is no one else!

"Let go of your dirty hands!" Min Tongtong slaps Joseph's salty pig hand.

She wanted to get out of bed and leave, but no matter how hard she tried, it didn't help. She wriggled dryly, feeling her reason polished a little bit. Waves of heat radiated from her body, which made her want to tear off her clothes immediately.

However, she stubbornly bit her lips, pinching her arms and thighs with both hands, trying to wake up.

Joseph didn't stop him. He held his chest in his hands to watch her toss and toss in his spare time? Do you find that you have no strength? And it's getting hotter and hotter? "

Min Tong's red eyes glared at him, "you Have you drugged me? "

"Smart!" Joseph also does not deny, generous admit a way, "in the room lit aphrodisiac, you have been recruited. If you don't get detoxified, you'll burn yourself to death. So, just follow me, I'll make you happy

As he spoke, Joseph had stripped off his upper body and showed his strong chest.

Min Tongtong saw a large black chest hair on the man's chest, and her brain exploded.

It's over! She was really drugged.

However, if she wants to lose herself to such a beast, she would rather die, "if you dare to touch my hair, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself!"

"Oh? Is that right? " Joseph pinched her little chin. "Bite! Do you have the strength to bite off your tongue? "

In a fit of anger, Min Tong grabbed Joseph's hand and bit it down.

Joseph's expression was calm and easy. He didn't even frown, but his smile grew bigger and bigger.

Min Tongtong didn't believe it. She let go of her mouth and looked down. Joseph's hands were clean, not to mention blood. She didn't even have teeth marks.

Min Tongtong's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Oh, my God! Can't she even die now?

"Come on, stop it! If you are wise, take off your clothes, or don't blame me for being rude Joseph had lost his patience and began to show his evil face.

"I don't know! If you insist, I'll sue you, and you'll have to go to jail! " Min Tongtong protects her chest. Even if she can't die, she has to fight until the last moment!

Joseph said with a sneer, "I said that if I can sleep with you, what is prison? What's more, you sent it to the door automatically. How can you prove that I have used it? And for a while, when the drug is completely attacked, who can use it! Do you think the police will believe you if they see your performance in bed? "

When she heard that this shameless animal even had to take a video, min Tongtong was almost mad, "if you dare to hurt me, my boyfriend will not let you go!"

After hearing this, Joseph laughed more freely, "boyfriend? Ha ha ha Do you think your boyfriend will want you after you lose yourself? Even if he is open-minded and doesn't mind if you have sex with other men, I don't believe it. He will be with you after watching the video. "

Min Tong was stunned.

If today she is really unfortunate to be stained, even if Bo Yanchen forget the past, she probably has no face to be with him again.

He is such an arrogant man, how can he tolerate his girlfriend being punished

However, if she really lost Bo Yanchen, she probably didn't even have the courage to live.

Just as he thought in despair, he only heard a stab. The hem of Min Tongtong's dress was torn open by Joseph, and her two long white legs showed up immediately.

She screamed, trying to cover her with her hand. Joseph had come up and pressed her under her.

"Help! Help Min Tongtong wants to call for help, but finds that the voice she can make is extremely weak.

Her body is boiling hot, and the cold fingertips of men touch her thighs, which makes her feel deeply comfortable.

She understood that the event was not good, the drug had begun to attack, and she was about to fall.

With all her strength, she tried to push away the man who was pressing on her. She didn't move.

Joseph began to pull the cloth on her chest, min Tongtong heart alarm, she instinctively waved her hands, suddenly fished the bedside table on the phone.

Bang, Joseph's head was hit, although not very hard, but also really hurt him.

In a rage, Joseph raised his hand and slapped min Tongtong in the face. He hit her with stars in the eyes and the smell of blood in her mouth.

"Bitch! Don't be shameless

With another hiss and a chill on her chest, min Tongtong retreats to the corner of the bed, pulls the sheet over her body, but is dragged by Joseph.

With a slap, she also got a slap on her other cheek, which was more forceful than just now. Min Tongtong felt that her whole head was buzzing, her consciousness was gradually blurred, and she fell down on the bed without any movement.The girl lay motionless on the bed, her snow-white jade back in front of Joseph's eyes. The strong visual impact made her whole body stunned. Her Adam's apple rolled up and down, and two flames suddenly rose in her eyes.

Just as he was about to jump on the prey, the doorbell rang.

Joseph low curse a, this time will be which not open an eye guy? He didn't want to open the door, but the doorbell rang one after another, more and more quickly, accompanied by a strong knock.

Fearing that he would attract the tenants next door, Joseph put on his trousers and went to open the door.

"Who is it?" Joseph did not open the door directly, but asked warily at the door.

"Room service."

Joseph remembered that he had just called for two bottles of red wine.

As soon as the door handle turned, a powerful force knocked the door open. When he saw the person coming in, the whole person was stunned, "how are you? What are you doing here? "

Isn't it room service? How did Bo Yanchen come from? Isn't he busy with the guests? How did you get here?

Bo Yanchen sees min Tongtong lying on the bed at a glance, and he is furious. With a bang, Joseph got a heavy blow in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"Tong Tong!" Bo Yanchen almost fell on the edge of the bed, looking at the unconscious, disheveled little woman, his heart is dripping blood.

He quickly looked at the little girl's body, in addition to the swelling wound on her face, there were no obvious scars in other places, so she should not have been poisoned.

However, her body was very hot and showed abnormal flush.

Suddenly, Bo Yanchen smelled a strong fragrance, he judged that the girl should be in the aphrodisiac. , the fastest update of the webnovel!